Biden just fell off his bike

You must have been watching a different event, because it's pretty clear that his right foot gets caught in the stirrup.

His foot doesn't look very caught. I don't think the bike was the problem, it was the operator. PS: that's a shadow across his foot in the first picture.

Screen Shot 2022-06-18 at 2.59.15 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-06-18 at 2.59.35 PM.png
Oh...ok...I didn't catch that.
Makes sense

Yeah but he took his left foot out and was standing/leaning on the left foot, so even if Joe's right toe got hung up for a second, it shouldn't have mattered. You are balanced on your left until the right is free. Further, I have a $4,000 Trek mountain bike with 24 speeds that I've gone 35 mph on and I don't use those straps. Those straps are for competition racing or for people who can't keep their feet on the peddles going 10 mph for a photo op in front of a crowd.

Obviously, they were more afraid of Joe's foot slipping off the peddles. Bet you dollars to donuts this is the last time you ever see Joe on a bike, or if so, the straps will be gone.
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Notice that at least a dozen people were right there who could have reached right out and caught Joe along with his secret service and saved him, but everyone just stood back. :71:
maybe they didn't anticipate it fast enough? are you suggesting the Secret Service want Kamala as president?
He can't walk without tripping upstairs.
He can't enter a door when told, he just walks around until......whenever.
He can't hold his shit in.
He can't make a connective sentence.
And he can't fucking ride a bike.

I'd say, shove him in a food grinder for dog food, but the dogs would go on a hunger strike then.
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That soft pampered fat slob probably couldn't even ride one upright without actual training wheels, never mind falling off of one.
Rather than speculate on something your TDS guesses Trump couldn't do, let's consider instead the actual world leader Joe put himself up against in a war RIGHT NOW, who rides his pet brown russian bear with no protective gear on just for kicks and hasn't fallen off yet:


Old Joe got the job for two reasons...
1. to remove a burgeoning autocrat from consolidating power
So that Joe's autocratic backstage unelected handlers could consolidate far more power to the detriment of the nation.

2. to act as a Placeholder President until something better comes along
Unfortunately, something far better had already come along before until the deep state stole his reelection so they could continue to consolidate their power.

His status is already "Mission Accomplished" for Reason No. 1. His status is "Mission Underway" for reason No. 2.
The only status Joe has is:
  1. Failing.
  2. Failing miserably. And---
  3. TOTAL failure.
What's Joe place-holding for, another sinking of the Titanic?

Very few people expect anything more from him.
Bet you didn't expect any of the things you ACTUALLY got! :laughing0301:

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