Biden just fell off his bike

I watched the slo-mo video. In Biden’s defense (savor it because it will probably never happen again) his toes appear to be caught in the toe clip, and, unable to remove them quickly enough because of lack of familiarity, he falls because he can’t use his foot to stop the fall.
It's like riding a bike...well no Biden even fails at that. :auiqs.jpg:

I thought riding a bike is something you never forget! But apparently Joe never learned to even put his feet down after stopping.

Oh Dear, the handler responsible for putting training wheels on Joe's bike will be looking for a job now.
Oh and a further comment I have to say about this is thankfully I was wearing my helmet because I landed straight down on my head. One little bump and I couldn't control my handlebars in time before I fell. I could have very easily had a concussion so I do believe that my helmet saved my life. :)
Me too....I jumped a Humvee with a dirtbike and the only thing that saved my life was my K Pot.
That twenty yard photo op didn’t work out so well. Wonder if they knew he wouldn’t make it.

I think the secret service who is supposed to tell Joe when he is no longer moving forward must have been distracted.

Oh no! Here comes Joe arriving at his G20 Summit!

See the source image
This guy is supposedly running the country right, but the thing is, I can only see one thing he does nearly well, which is selling his supporters into embracing victim roles.

They reported that Joe is OK but perfectly fine after his bicycle spill, falling off AFTER he had come to a stop. You know, it's HARD to fall off a bike which is standing perfectly still!

Obviously, Joe's knees might be OK, but it's the control center upstairs that we are really worried about; that damage isn't quite as obvious.

See the source image
This guy is supposedly running the country right, but the thing is, I can only see one thing he does nearly well, which is selling his supporters into embracing victim roles.

What has Biden done well as POTUS?

/——/ Remember when GW Bush fell off of his mountain bike? Lib media had a field day, then AlBore fell off of his bike and the media went crickets.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe just isn't the same man he used to be... indeed, if he ever WAS the man he used to be.

Then again, when was the last time the Orange Baboon-God even TRIED to ride a bike out in public?

That soft pampered fat slob probably couldn't even ride one upright without actual training wheels, never mind falling off of one.


Old Joe got the job for two reasons...

1. to remove a burgeoning autocrat from consolidating power

2. to act as a Placeholder President until something better comes along

His status is already "Mission Accomplished" for Reason No. 1.

His status is "Mission Underway" for reason No. 2.


Very few people expect anything more from him.

He has, indeed, inflicted much damage upon the American economy... that's on him... and the Idiot Democrats.

Next time around... 2022... and 2024... give us (anyone not in the Trump camp) a candidate other than Trump, interested in advancing the Trump agenda.

That way, you might actually win the White House back again, rather than playing the Right Message, Wrong Messenger gambit a second time.
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