Biden LIES about Jobs

Red Storm Rising

Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Listen friends, there is no way on this planet that this new jobs report is true. NO WAY!!!

Trump gave us the lowest unemployment in 50 years thanks to common sense pro growth policies and competitive tax rates

May 3, 2019 - from NPR

Of course, after that came Covid, then came insane Democrat shutdowns that destroyed the economy.

There is no way in heck that Marxist Biden and his destructive polices have achieved this new headline today::

Yahoo Finance: Weekly jobless claims total 199,000, reaching the lowest since 1969

NO! No how, no way, in no reality is this possible
This is the winning issue for the GOP and the Left is manufacturing a LIE because they know they are going to be destroyed in the midterms.

This is a lie on the scale of Russia Collusion.

Robert Frick, corporate economist at Navy Federal Credit Union, says:

"The drastic drop in weekly jobless claims reeks of seasonal adjustment noise, especially considering the unadjusted number rose by 18,000.
Especially with COVID-19 cases rising, a drop seven times the recent average seems highly unlikely."
Listen friends, there is no way on this planet that this new jobs report is true. NO WAY!!!

Trump gave us the lowest unemployment in 50 years thanks to common sense pro growth policies and competitive tax rates

May 3, 2019 - from NPR

Of course, after that came Covid, then came insane Democrat shutdowns that destroyed the economy.

There is no way in heck that Marxist Biden and his destructive polices have achieved this new headline today::

Yahoo Finance: Weekly jobless claims total 199,000, reaching the lowest since 1969

NO! No how, no way, in no reality is this possible
This is the winning issue for the GOP and the Left is manufacturing a LIE because they know they are going to be destroyed in the midterms.

This is a lie on the scale of Russia Collusion.

Robert Frick, corporate economist at Navy Federal Credit Union, says:

"The drastic drop in weekly jobless claims reeks of seasonal adjustment noise, especially considering the unadjusted number rose by 18,000.
Especially with COVID-19 cases rising, a drop seven times the recent average seems highly unlikely."

Uncle Joe lies about everything.
Listen friends, there is no way on this planet that this new jobs report is true. NO WAY!!!

Trump gave us the lowest unemployment in 50 years thanks to common sense pro growth policies and competitive tax rates

May 3, 2019 - from NPR

Of course, after that came Covid, then came insane Democrat shutdowns that destroyed the economy.

There is no way in heck that Marxist Biden and his destructive polices have achieved this new headline today::

Yahoo Finance: Weekly jobless claims total 199,000, reaching the lowest since 1969

NO! No how, no way, in no reality is this possible
This is the winning issue for the GOP and the Left is manufacturing a LIE because they know they are going to be destroyed in the midterms.

This is a lie on the scale of Russia Collusion.

Robert Frick, corporate economist at Navy Federal Credit Union, says:

"The drastic drop in weekly jobless claims reeks of seasonal adjustment noise, especially considering the unadjusted number rose by 18,000.
Especially with COVID-19 cases rising, a drop seven times the recent average seems highly unlikely."

Do you morons even think? I mean on one hand you bitch and moan about all the jobs that are available and all the people that refuse to work. Yet here you are, screaming that low unemployment numbers are a lie when the fact is, if there are lots of unfilled jobs and few people willing to work, then of course unemployment will be low. I mean I swear, critical thinking is a lost skill.
Democrats want to blame Trump, but we should be blaming the Democrats. Just ask Josh Bernstein. He describes how Democrats worked with China to bring the virus to America.

Excellent point. Trump gave us the lowest unemployment since LBJ , and if the Dems are to blame for the China virus screwing that up that would be the end of the Dems if the nation could be made to understand it
Well since "Russian Collusion" wasn't a lie or a hoax, what you're saying is this is 100% bone fide true!!!!

And since Trump's "Greatest economy ever" really was a lie, and a continuation of the economy that Obama and Biden built with the low unemployment numbers, you really shouldn't be surprised that Joe Biden had learned from his past experience is really is building back better. Joe Biden is the guy who got the economy back on track the last time Republicans crashed it into a tree. He knows what worked last time, and what didn't. Even more so, he didn't have a Congress that was going to block the stimulus.

Think how happy the American public is going to be by the mid-terms, with money in their pockets from the Child Tax Credits, good paying jobs in infrastructure repair and replacement, cleaner air, clean water, and prices getting back to normal, affordable insulin and other life-savings drugs. The list goes on and on.

Donald Trump will be a cold distant memory that NOBODY wants to go back to. A guy who spent his whole Presidency trying to put his enemies and jail and doing NOTHING for working Americans.
Do you morons even think? I mean on one hand you bitch and moan about all the jobs that are available and all the people that refuse to work. Yet here you are, screaming that low unemployment numbers are a lie when the fact is, if there are lots of unfilled jobs and few people willing to work, then of course unemployment will be low. I mean I swear, critical thinking is a lost skill.
That's the alternate universe.
Well since "Russian Collusion" wasn't a lie or a hoax, what you're saying is this is 100% bone fide true!!!!

And since Trump's "Greatest economy ever" really was a lie, and a continuation of the economy that Obama and Biden built with the low unemployment numbers, you really shouldn't be surprised that Joe Biden had learned from his past experience is really is building back better. Joe Biden is the guy who got the economy back on track the last time Republicans crashed it into a tree. He knows what worked last time, and what didn't. Even more so, he didn't have a Congress that was going to block the stimulus.

Think how happy the American public is going to be by the mid-terms, with money in their pockets from the Child Tax Credits, good paying jobs in infrastructure repair and replacement, cleaner air, clean water, and prices getting back to normal, affordable insulin and other life-savings drugs. The list goes on and on.

Donald Trump will be a cold distant memory that NOBODY wants to go back to. A guy who spent his whole Presidency trying to put his enemies and jail and doing NOTHING for working Americans.

Well since "Russian Collusion" wasn't a lie or a hoax, what you're saying is this is 100% bone fide true!!!!

Wow, you really are an idiot.
Listen friends, there is no way on this planet that this new jobs report is true. NO WAY!!!

Trump gave us the lowest unemployment in 50 years thanks to common sense pro growth policies and competitive tax rates

May 3, 2019 - from NPR

Of course, after that came Covid, then came insane Democrat shutdowns that destroyed the economy.

There is no way in heck that Marxist Biden and his destructive polices have achieved this new headline today::

Yahoo Finance: Weekly jobless claims total 199,000, reaching the lowest since 1969

NO! No how, no way, in no reality is this possible
This is the winning issue for the GOP and the Left is manufacturing a LIE because they know they are going to be destroyed in the midterms.

This is a lie on the scale of Russia Collusion.

Robert Frick, corporate economist at Navy Federal Credit Union, says:

"The drastic drop in weekly jobless claims reeks of seasonal adjustment noise, especially considering the unadjusted number rose by 18,000.
Especially with COVID-19 cases rising, a drop seven times the recent average seems highly unlikely."

The unemployment rate is based on those out of work seeking employment. Three percent of the population has left the work force since COVID and are not seeking employment or drawing unemployment and therefore are not counted in the official numbers.
Well since "Russian Collusion" wasn't a lie or a hoax, what you're saying is this is 100% bone fide true!!!!

Wow, you really are an idiot.

Read the Mueller Report moron. Not the Barr Synopsis of the Mueller Report. Mueller said there was "insufficient evidence of a conspiracy to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt". Not "no evidence" or "no conspiracy", but "insufficient evidence of a conspiracy". His conclusion was that the Russians were very wary of the level of incompetence and chaos on the Trump Campaign, they feared exposure.

The grand jury indicted dozens of Russian nationals and corporations for their part in the "Hoax". Paul Manafort plead guilty in court to handing over the Republican Party voter data base to a known Russian agent and to numerous charges of providing information on the campaign to Russian agents.

So just stop with the name calling, the lies and the bullshit. You fools haven't got a leg to stand on there, FuckBoi.,
Trump was elected on third base and convinced the rubes he hit a triple.

Well since "Russian Collusion" wasn't a lie or a hoax, what you're saying is this is 100% bone fide true!!!!

And since Trump's "Greatest economy ever" really was a lie, and a continuation of the economy that Obama and Biden built with the low unemployment numbers, you really shouldn't be surprised that Joe Biden had learned from his past experience is really is building back better. Joe Biden is the guy who got the economy back on track the last time Republicans crashed it into a tree. He knows what worked last time, and what didn't. Even more so, he didn't have a Congress that was going to block the stimulus.

Think how happy the American public is going to be by the mid-terms, with money in their pockets from the Child Tax Credits, good paying jobs in infrastructure repair and replacement, cleaner air, clean water, and prices getting back to normal, affordable insulin and other life-savings drugs. The list goes on and on.

Donald Trump will be a cold distant memory that NOBODY wants to go back to. A guy who spent his whole Presidency trying to put his enemies and jail and doing NOTHING for working Americans.

You're late for the party lady, it's a known fact the Russia business was a lie, and in fact, everything the left has said about Trump over the last 5 years has been a fabrication.

Here's some data for you. Say something else dumb about the economy & Demonicrats and I'll post it again. Add the following information lady:

When Obama left office the USA's real GDP performed 44th of 55 countries and subsets of countries.

When Trump left office the USA's real GDP performed 20th of 55 countries and subsets of countries. Yes, even in 2020. We were 21st and 22nd the two previous years.

Currently the USA's real GDP is performing 44th of 55 countries and subsets of countries again.

Misery Rate
1975FordDemDem8.4812.35.30%-0.21%15.10%9.05%9.14%533.2 B
1976FordDemDem7.7011.85.29%5.39%12.70%8.87%5.74%620.4 B
1977CarterDemDem7.0511.65.08%4.62%13.10%8.85%6.50%699.8 B
1978CarterDemDem6.0711.45.14%5.54%15.00%9.64%7.63%771.5 B
1979CarterDemDem5.8511.75.57%3.17%19.30%11.20%11.25%826.5 B
1980CarterDemDem7.18135.95%-0.26%19.70%13.74%13.55%907.7 B
1981ReaganRepDem7.62145.86%2.54%12.19%16.63%10.33%997.9 B
1982ReaganRepDem9.71155.60%-1.80%12.19%16.04%6.13%1.14 T
1983ReaganRepDem9.6015.25.18%4.58%12.19%13.24%3.21%1.38 T
1984ReaganRepDem7.5114.45.03%7.24%12.19%13.88%4.30%1.57 T
1985ReaganRepDem7.19145.21%4.17%12.19%12.43%3.55%1.82 T
1986ReaganRepDem7.0013.65.50%3.46%12.19%10.19%1.90%2.13 T
1987ReaganDemDem6.1813.45.58%3.46%12.19%10.21%3.66%2.35 T
1988ReaganDemDem5.49135.66%4.18%12.19%10.34%4.08%2.60 T
1989BushDemDem5.2612.85.74%3.68%10.68%10.32%4.83%2.86 T
1990BushDemDem5.6213.55.82%-1.79%10.68%10.13%5.40%3.23 T
1991BushDemDem6.8514.25.90%-1.99%10.68%9.25%4.24%3.67 T
1992BushDemDem7.4914.85.66%3.52%10.68%8.39%3.03%4.06 T
1993ClintonDemDem6.9115.15.48%2.75%9.20%7.31%2.95%4.41 T
1994ClintonDemDem6.1014.55.37%4.03%8.20%8.38%2.61%4.70 T
1995ClintonRepRep5.5913.85.28%2.68%8.10%7.93%2.81%4.98 T
1996ClintonRepRep5.4113.75.09%3.77%8.70%7.81%2.93%5.22 T
1997ClintonRepRep4.9413.34.93%4.45%6.40%7.60%2.34%5.41 T
1998ClintonRepRep4.5012.74.62%4.48%6.00%6.94%1.55%5.53 T
1999ClintonRepRep4.2211.94.27%4.75%6.70%7.44%2.19%5.66 T
2000ClintonRepRep3.9711.34.12%-0.63%7.30%8.05%3.38%5.67 T
2001BushDemRep4.7411.74.16%-3.13%7.30%6.97%2.83%5.80 T
2002BushDemRep5.7812.14.13%1.74%8.40%6.54%1.59%6.23 T
2003BushRepRep5.9912.54.07%2.86%7.60%5.83%2.27%6.78 T
2004BushRepRep5.5412.73.98%3.80%8.70%5.84%2.68%7.38 T
2005BushRepRep5.0812.63.90%3.51%8.30%5.87%3.39%7.93 T
2006BushRepRep4.6112.33.81%2.86%6.90%6.41%3.23%8.50 T
2007BushDemDem4.6212.53.73%1.88%9.10%6.34%2.85%9.07 T
2008BushDemDem5.8013.23.67%-0.14%7.40%6.03%3.84%10.02 T
2009ObamaDemDem9.2814.33.51%-2.54%12.60%5.04%-0.36%11.90 T
2010ObamaDemDem9.6115.13.35%2.56%10.80%4.69%1.64%13.56 T
2011ObamaDemRep8.93153.29%1.55%11.50%4.45%3.16%14.79 T
2012ObamaDemRep8.08153.26%2.25%9.60%3.66%2.07%16.06 T
2013ObamaDemRep7.3614.83.11%1.84%8.20%3.98%1.46%16.74 T
2014ObamaDemRep6.1614.82.95%2.53%6.40%4.17%1.62%17.82 T
2015ObamaRepRep5.2813.52.89%2.91%5.70%3.85%0.12%18.15 T
2016ObamaRepRep4.8812.72.85%1.64%6.80%3.65%1.26%19.57 T
2017TrumpRepRep4.3512.32.76%2.37%6.30%3.99%2.13%20.24 T
2018TrumpRepRep3.8911.82.59%2.93%5.80%4.54%2.44%21.52 T
2019TrumpRepDem3.6810.52.49%2.16%5.80%3.94%1.81%22.71 T
2020TrumpRepDem6.7011.7-3.30%6.63.11%1.25%26.95 T
1st Qtr.
10.823.13%6.20%29 T
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Yes a lot of fools are trying to make a big deal out of the unemployment rate dropping but there is a big difference between unemployment and employment numbers.
a lot of people are no longer allowed unemployment or emergency unemployment. So those people do not show up on the unemployment data. They are not employed so that is why the job participation numbers are at Historic lows. They can no longer get unemployment benefits so they do not show up on the unemployment numbers which looks good only to those that do not understand.

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