Biden made $5mil+ per year but paid only $150k in taxes.

I say do as the Democrats do. Not as they say.

Hunter likely made a lot more than daddy, but all under the table.
Sorry, but your sources do not support your assertion. Of course, I am probably the only one that notices that.

If someone starts with a $2.5 million net worth and earns $17.3 million while the markets are raging, you’d expect him to be worth more than $8 million. So what happened to Biden’s money? Well, $7 million of it covered taxes, another $1.3 million went to charity, $180,000 paid for household staff and an estimated $80,000 went toward interest on mortgages.

Thank you for the context. Darthtraitor avoids context. Facts. Truth.

While it is possible that he chose not to report some of his giving, his tax records for 2010 to 2014 reflect far less than he claimed — $735,238 in cash

Trump over 4 years, donated $0.7 million, Biden over 4 years donated $1.3 million.

Yet they posted Biden is worth $0.008 billion, and Trump $2.4 billion.

As a percentage of worth, Trump is one cheap bastard.
Dude, he is far worse than a cheap bastard.

Trump paid more in fines for misusing a charity than Biden gave to charity.

While it is possible that he chose not to report some of his giving, his tax records for 2010 to 2014 reflect far less than he claimed — $735,238 in cash

Trump over 4 years, donated $0.7 million, Biden over 4 years donated $1.3 million.

Yet they posted Biden is worth $0.008 billion, and Trump $2.4 billion.

As a percentage of worth, Trump is one cheap bastard.
Trump provided many jobs that does more for GDP as Biden has provided none but what government adds. Bidne has not worked a real job in his life. But he will give the blue collar speech to us all when he was younger. Now he is a traitor to us all. What was suspected for a half century has been proven. He is guilty of treason. And he is a murderer by design and not by accident.
I'd by a hypocrite if I bitched about this. If I had to ability to pay next to nothing compared to my annual wages I would in a heartbeat.
Trump provided many jobs that does more for GDP as Biden has provided none but what government adds. Bidne has not worked a real job in his life. But he will give the blue collar speech to us all when he was younger. Now he is a traitor to us all. What was suspected for a half century has been proven. He is guilty of treason. And he is a murderer by design and not by accident.
What real job has Trump worked?
Check out how much he gives to charity

It is like a buck fifty.............over a 20 year span.

His 2021 tax return is here:

His largest charitable contribution was to his own "charity."


He and Jill used the S-Corporation loophole to avoid paying income, social security, and medicare taxes on $62,000 in income which they treated as corporate profits, instead of income. This saved them thousands...


Trump got them to pay taxes on a lot of of money they would have otherwise excluded via his limitation on state and local income taxes deduction...

I say do as the Democrats do. Not as they say.

And to think, this guy is trying to raise taxes on himself and people just like him! That is the absolute zenith of hypocrisy!'s actually not. Well damn, there goes the thread.
His largest charitable contribution was to his own "charity."

And it bought a painting of himself that sits in his living room and he charges people $10 admission to come see it and be healed of their debilitating afflictions simply by touching it! Wait, no. That was someone else. Who did that. Think, pooh bear, think.
And it bought a painting of himself that sits in his living room and he charges people $10 admission to come see it and be healed of their debilitating afflictions simply by touching it! Wait, no. That was someone else. Who did that. Think, pooh bear, think.
Did you notice that I provided irrefutable proof for every one of my claims?

1. Biden's largest donation to charity was to his own charity.
2. Biden used the S-corporation loophole to reclassify his income as corporate profits and reduce the amount of income taxes, social security and medicare taxes he and Jill paid.
3. Trump's tax changes limited Biden's privileged SALT deduction to $10k. Trump's tax changes resulted in the wealthy Bidens paying more taxes than they otherwise would have.
1. Biden's largest donation to charity was to his own charity.

And it bought a painting of himself that sits in his living room and he charges people $10 admission to come see it and be healed of their debilitating afflictions simply by touching it! Wait, no. That was someone else.

2. Biden used the S-corporation loophole to reclassify his income as corporate profits and reduce the amount of income taxes, social security and medicare taxes he and Jill paid.

That is a very common practice for those whose circumstances may apply.

3. Trump's tax changes limited Biden's privileged SALT deduction to $10k. Trump's tax changes resulted in the wealthy Bidens paying more taxes than they otherwise would have.

And Biden's plan would mean that his own tax liability would be even more! What a corrupt son of a bitch!

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