Biden nailed to the masthead, caught in brazen lie!

With 20 something days left this is huge he has two major questions he has to answer a why did you lie about talking to Burismia and B will you stack the court
Wow. Cant wait to hear the lying democrats lie and call this a conspiracy theory. Lock them up now.
Don't know what Dem's will say, but nothing in the link claims or indicates an actual meeting ever occurred, making yet another trumpoholic thread and OP based on a falsehood, lie, misinformation. Read the link. A discussion of a possible meeting some unknown time in the future does not equate to an actual meeting.
You see you actually need to be informed, there is reason why I post in the "current events" sub-forum, clearly you lack clarity, this is due to either extremely short attention span, or total lack of information courtesy of media machine actively suppressing this information. What is my point you ask, do you see photo I have posted you, checkmate!
I believe the response should have been that the OP is BS.
Classical conspiracy theory. The story is laced with falsehoods, even a long-debunked photo of Joe and Hunter playing golf with old friends and claiming they are Ukrainians.
Wow. Cant wait to hear the lying democrats lie and call this a conspiracy theory. Lock them up now.
Don't know what Dem's will say, but nothing in the link claims or indicates an actual meeting ever occurred, making yet another trumpoholic thread and OP based on a falsehood, lie, misinformation. Read the link. A discussion of a possible meeting some unknown time in the future does not equate to an actual meeting.
You see you actually need to be informed, there is reason why I post in the "current events" sub-forum, clearly you lack clarity, this is due to either extremely short attention span, or total lack of information courtesy of media machine actively suppressing this information. What is my point you ask, do you see photo I have posted you, checkmate!
I believe the response should have been that the OP is BS.
Classical conspiracy theory. The story is laced with falsehoods, even a long-debunked photo of Joe and Hunter playing golf with old friends and claiming they are Ukrainians.
This is huge Biden told America he never Met with his sons boss is a baristThis is huge Biden told America he never Met with his sons boss is a bursimia, second he still hasn’t answered the question whether he will pack the court.. This is going to hound him and make them look very unpresidential
Wow. Cant wait to hear the lying democrats lie and call this a conspiracy theory. Lock them up now.
Don't know what Dem's will say, but nothing in the link claims or indicates an actual meeting ever occurred, making yet another trumpoholic thread and OP based on a falsehood, lie, misinformation. Read the link. A discussion of a possible meeting some unknown time in the future does not equate to an actual meeting.
You see you actually need to be informed, there is reason why I post in the "current events" sub-forum, clearly you lack clarity, this is due to either extremely short attention span, or total lack of information courtesy of media machine actively suppressing this information. What is my point you ask, do you see photo I have posted you, checkmate!
I believe the response should have been that the OP is BS.
Classical conspiracy theory. The story is laced with falsehoods, even a long-debunked photo of Joe and Hunter playing golf with old friends and claiming they are Ukrainians.
Spoon fed crap from Gooliani's pie-hole.
Wow. Cant wait to hear the lying democrats lie and call this a conspiracy theory. Lock them up now.
Don't know what Dem's will say, but nothing in the link claims or indicates an actual meeting ever occurred, making yet another trumpoholic thread and OP based on a falsehood, lie, misinformation. Read the link. A discussion of a possible meeting some unknown time in the future does not equate to an actual meeting.
You see you actually need to be informed, there is reason why I post in the "current events" sub-forum, clearly you lack clarity, this is due to either extremely short attention span, or total lack of information courtesy of media machine actively suppressing this information. What is my point you ask, do you see photo I have posted you, checkmate!
I believe the response should have been that the OP is BS.
Classical conspiracy theory. The story is laced with falsehoods, even a long-debunked photo of Joe and Hunter playing golf with old friends and claiming they are Ukrainians.
Spoon fed crap from Gooliani's pie-hole.
An old regurgitated debunked lie and conspiracy theory.
Wow. Cant wait to hear the lying democrats lie and call this a conspiracy theory. Lock them up now.
Don't know what Dem's will say, but nothing in the link claims or indicates an actual meeting ever occurred, making yet another trumpoholic thread and OP based on a falsehood, lie, misinformation. Read the link. A discussion of a possible meeting some unknown time in the future does not equate to an actual meeting.
You see you actually need to be informed, there is reason why I post in the "current events" sub-forum, clearly you lack clarity, this is due to either extremely short attention span, or total lack of information courtesy of media machine actively suppressing this information. What is my point you ask, do you see photo I have posted you, checkmate!
Vadym Pozharski, the subject of the story is not in the photo you provide. Go ahead and find a real phot of Pozharski with Biden from a reliable source. You have been duped again.
YOU might demand this ridiculous requirement of a picture, but no one else will.

Troll, you stare in the face of irrefutable evidence that your man is a spectacular liar, and totally corrupt political criminal, such is in your fucking face and you still bleat out ludicrous denials, whilst speaking for others whose minds you do not know, let alone hope to know! This man, along with Obama, and the Clinton's, is a naked traitor to the United States, one who has routinely lied about his obvious corruption, and associations with his bag-man son Hunter's partners, again this is totally irrefutable, the evidence of this is in your stupid fucking face! I could painstakingly demonstrate the physics & process of boiling water to you, yet you would not hesitate to deny it, and for no greater purpose than just to be an asshole!

Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
You will note that the trolls will call Trump liar, and criminal, though not one of them can cite a single crime he has ever committed, then we have Biden, a pathological lying sociopath, caught dead to fucking rights in the absolute highest order corruption, this is indisputable, Biden gets elected and China immediately wins across the full spectrum, I might add for the edification of our twisted trolls, there is only one reason and one reason only why Biden would have so nakedly lied about this, do you even care???? :wink:

I'm thinking China is trying to steal the election.

What say you?

And is there enough consensus for impeachment in the GOP, aside from Romney, that is?
Mark this. Should Biden manage to squeak out a win, all of a sudden foreign influence in our elections will cease to be an issue. The talking heads that shrieked incessantly for years about "Russia Russia Russia" will fall silent. The nattering nabobs of negativity in Congress will find something very interesting to look at on the ceiling should the topic ever come up.
And the media will go to sleep again for another 4 years, or until they see their shadow, whichever comes first
Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
The email being discussed does not confirm a meeting took place. There is no photo evidence. Show us your alleged photo evidence.
Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
The email being discussed does not confirm a meeting took place. There is no photo evidence. Show us your alleged photo evidence.

The email is prima facie evidence that the meeting took place. Look up the definition on your own you feckless moron.
Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
The email being discussed does not confirm a meeting took place. There is no photo evidence. Show us your alleged photo evidence.

The email is prima facie evidence that the meeting took place. Look up the definition on your own you feckless moron.
Nope, only a businessman justifying an expensive expense paid trip with word misdirection. How many times has this nonsense been investigated by Republicans with no results? You guys are desperate.
Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
The email being discussed does not confirm a meeting took place. There is no photo evidence. Show us your alleged photo evidence.

The email is prima facie evidence that the meeting took place. Look up the definition on your own you feckless moron.
Their denials, and obfuscations carry zero credibility, they are just trolling on behalf of the "one party," as I said, I could patiently explain, and demonstrate process of boiling water to them and they would deny that the water is hot! Such pathetic creatures feed upon the lies and the lying, its what defines them.....
Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
The email being discussed does not confirm a meeting took place. There is no photo evidence. Show us your alleged photo evidence.

The email is prima facie evidence that the meeting took place. Look up the definition on your own you feckless moron.
You are the one who needs instructions on prima facie evidence. The only evidence provided in the email is that a meeting of some sort was allegedly arranged. No evidence is provided indicating a meeting ever occurred. No schedules, no documents, no logs, no memos or letters, no photos, no witnesses. Nothing but an email justifying a long expensive first-class all-expense streak and lobster luxury to America trip from a business executive claiming a meeting had been arranged.
Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
The email being discussed does not confirm a meeting took place. There is no photo evidence. Show us your alleged photo evidence.

The email is prima facie evidence that the meeting took place. Look up the definition on your own you feckless moron.
You are the one who needs instructions on prima facie evidence. The only evidence provided in the email is that a meeting of some sort was allegedly arranged. No evidence is provided indicating a meeting ever occurred. No schedules, no documents, no logs, no memos or letters, no photos, no witnesses. Nothing but an email justifying a long expensive first-class all-expense streak and lobster luxury to America trip from a business executive claiming a meeting had been arranged.

Wrong, moron. THANKING hunter for arranging the meeting IS the evidence. Not for setting up a possible meeting, not for justifying a hypothetical meeting, which he wouldn't need to do because he's the OWNER.

No, he thanked for arranging the meeting which had ALREADY happened.

Now scurry back to your hole.
You will note that the trolls will call Trump liar, and criminal, though not one of them can cite a single crime he has ever committed, then we have Biden, a pathological lying sociopath, caught dead to fucking rights in the absolute highest order corruption, this is indisputable, Biden gets elected and China immediately wins across the full spectrum, I might add for the edification of our twisted trolls, there is only one reason and one reason only why Biden would have so nakedly lied about this, do you even care???? :wink:

A. Probably not, you tRumplings are just desperate.
B. Eve if he did tell a whopper, why would you care? Cheeto Jesus tells one every five minutes on average and that doesn't bother you.

C. Here's a list from the last rally. Fact check: Trump continues dishonesty bombardment at Pennsylvania rally
Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
The email being discussed does not confirm a meeting took place. There is no photo evidence. Show us your alleged photo evidence.

The email is prima facie evidence that the meeting took place. Look up the definition on your own you feckless moron.
You are the one who needs instructions on prima facie evidence. The only evidence provided in the email is that a meeting of some sort was allegedly arranged. No evidence is provided indicating a meeting ever occurred. No schedules, no documents, no logs, no memos or letters, no photos, no witnesses. Nothing but an email justifying a long expensive first-class all-expense streak and lobster luxury to America trip from a business executive claiming a meeting had been arranged.

Wrong, moron. THANKING hunter for arranging the meeting IS the evidence. Not for setting up a possible meeting, not for justifying a hypothetical meeting, which he wouldn't need to do because he's the OWNER.

No, he thanked for arranging the meeting which had ALREADY happened.

Now scurry back to your hole.
Speculation is not fact no matter how much you envy and worship yourself.
All of this nonsense comes from the crazy buffoon Rudy who claims no one dies anymore from COVID-19. America's wackiest nutjob Trump private lawyer.
You will note that the trolls will call Trump liar, and criminal, though not one of them can cite a single crime he has ever committed, then we have Biden, a pathological lying sociopath, caught dead to fucking rights in the absolute highest order corruption, this is indisputable, Biden gets elected and China immediately wins across the full spectrum, I might add for the edification of our twisted trolls, there is only one reason and one reason only why Biden would have so nakedly lied about this, do you even care???? :wink:

A. Probably not, you tRumplings are just desperate.
B. Eve if he did tell a whopper, why would you care? Cheeto Jesus tells one every five minutes on average and that doesn't bother you.

C. Here's a list from the last rally. Fact check: Trump continues dishonesty bombardment at Pennsylvania rally
Why should you care? Because Biden is a proven criminal, any legitimate criminal probe of him done by a serious, apolitical LE entity, would result in his permanent incarceration, or execution! Biden, has had son Hunter acting as his international bagman, collecting payoffs from nefarious foreign actors and governments including the nations most serious foreign threat, communist China, for close access to the United States federal government, and its technology!

I'm not going to re-litigate Bidens many many corruption exposures for you, you are not worthy of the energy spent, if you, and you are, still deny them at this stage, then you are simply unwilling to accept irrefutable truth no matter what! I'll add this, its extraordinarily offensive to listen as you grotesque political trolls label the president a liar, and a criminal, when he is neither, whilst you simultaneously place hands over ears, stomp little tranny boy feet, and shout "na na na na, na na na na, I can't hear you, I can't hear you" as real truth is presented! :fu:
You will note that the trolls will call Trump liar, and criminal, though not one of them can cite a single crime he has ever committed, then we have Biden, a pathological lying sociopath, caught dead to fucking rights in the absolute highest order corruption, this is indisputable, Biden gets elected and China immediately wins across the full spectrum, I might add for the edification of our twisted trolls, there is only one reason and one reason only why Biden would have so nakedly lied about this, do you even care???? :wink:

I'm thinking China is trying to steal the election.

What say you?

And is there enough consensus for impeachment in the GOP, aside from Romney, that is?

They found a boat load of driver's license freshly printed up in China and sent to the states giving several dem operatives driver's licenses from multiple states---can't help but think that they are voting purposes or should I say multi-voting purposes.
Photo, emails, and Bidens own bragging sociopathic mouth have proven beyond all doubt that he met with his sons partners, socialized with those partners, and directly intervened on behalf of those partners and his own personal interests, its irrefutable and in your fucking face! Check-fucking-mate dumb ass! :banana:
The email being discussed does not confirm a meeting took place. There is no photo evidence. Show us your alleged photo evidence.

The email is prima facie evidence that the meeting took place. Look up the definition on your own you feckless moron.
You are the one who needs instructions on prima facie evidence. The only evidence provided in the email is that a meeting of some sort was allegedly arranged. No evidence is provided indicating a meeting ever occurred. No schedules, no documents, no logs, no memos or letters, no photos, no witnesses. Nothing but an email justifying a long expensive first-class all-expense streak and lobster luxury to America trip from a business executive claiming a meeting had been arranged.

Wrong, moron. THANKING hunter for arranging the meeting IS the evidence. Not for setting up a possible meeting, not for justifying a hypothetical meeting, which he wouldn't need to do because he's the OWNER.

No, he thanked for arranging the meeting which had ALREADY happened.

Now scurry back to your hole.
Speculation is not fact no matter how much you envy and worship yourself.

That's the point, moron. it is NOT speculation. The Burisma boss doesn't thank someone for setting up a meeting that he attended, "hypothetically". Your lies notwithstanding, biden is well known as a liar. It is a part of him. He lies even more than trump. I know, who would of thunk it. Your defense and attempt to deny facts is amusing, but ultimately fails every smell test there is.
You will note that the trolls will call Trump liar, and criminal, though not one of them can cite a single crime he has ever committed, then we have Biden, a pathological lying sociopath, caught dead to fucking rights in the absolute highest order corruption, this is indisputable, Biden gets elected and China immediately wins across the full spectrum, I might add for the edification of our twisted trolls, there is only one reason and one reason only why Biden would have so nakedly lied about this, do you even care???? :wink:

A. Probably not, you tRumplings are just desperate.
B. Eve if he did tell a whopper, why would you care? Cheeto Jesus tells one every five minutes on average and that doesn't bother you.

C. Here's a list from the last rally. Fact check: Trump continues dishonesty bombardment at Pennsylvania rally
Why should you care? Because Biden is a proven criminal, any legitimate criminal probe of him done by a serious, apolitical LE entity, would result in his permanent incarceration, or execution! Biden, has had son Hunter acting as his international bagman, collecting payoffs from nefarious foreign actors and governments including the nations most serious foreign threat, communist China, for close access to the United States federal government, and its technology!

I'm not going to re-litigate Bidens many many corruption exposures for you, you are not worthy of the energy spent, if you, and you are, still deny them at this stage, then you are simply unwilling to accept irrefutable truth no matter what! I'll add this, its extraordinarily offensive to listen as you grotesque political trolls label the president a liar, and a criminal, when he is neither, whilst you simultaneously place hands over ears, stomp little tranny boy feet, and shout "na na na na, na na na na, I can't hear you, I can't hear you" as real truth is presented! :fu:
Lol, you've really fallen for it, haven't you.


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