Biden:"Not enough time prosecute gun law violators"..Joe why more laws then if you..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
aren't going to prosecute under current laws???

"In response to Mr. Baker's comments, Vice-President Biden said, "And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don't have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately."
That's right: Biden said the administration just doesn't have time to prosecute crimes (felonies punishable by up to a 10-year prison sentence) under existing laws, but is proposing a host of sweeping new laws.
NRA-ILA | Biden says Administration Doesn't Have Time to Prosecute People Who Lie on Background Checks

Despite his calls for greater gun control, including a new assault weapons ban that extends to handguns, President Obama's administration has turned away from enforcing gun laws, cutting weapons prosecutions some 40 percent since a high of about 11,000 under former President Bush.

"If you are not going to enforce the laws on the books, then don't start talking about a whole new wave of new laws," said a gun rights advocate.
Gun prosecutions under Obama down more than 45 percent |

So all you "more gun law" advocates... what good is it for MORE laws if current laws aren't prosecuted???
That's what political crooks do. They pass more laws so that can pretend they're "doing something". In the end if they've done anything it's probably wrong.

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