Biden officially makes the coronavirus political


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Of course most of us knew the democrats would attempt to use the coronavirus to the utmost of their ability to attack Trump.

Lest we forget:
In October 2009 Barack Obama declared the H1N1 a national emergency.

But this was not before millions of Americans were infected and 1,000 Americans were dead from the viral infection.

Obama waited MONTHS before declaring the H1N1 a national emergency.

Biden launches opening salvo of general election and attacks Trump on coronavirus

About 80 percent of coronavirus cases are mild, and the overall mortality rate is around one percent, according to the latest estimate provided by Fauci to Congress on Wednesday.

At the low end of the projection this would mean about 700,000 deaths. At the high end it would mean 1.5 million deaths.
The latest projection on the corona virus as of now.....................

Israeli scientists: 'In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine'

Uri gellar reveals inside info on conrona virus:

Uri Geller, Israel’s veteran illusionist/psychic/television personality, known for bending spoons with his mind, posted on his Instagram account on Sunday night what he called “inside information” about coronavirus. He says that it was manufactured by China’s Ministry of State Security, which is responsible for counterintelligence, and that a person became infected accidentally while the virus was being delivered to Iran, which planned to use it for bacteriological warfare: “I wrote this to a group of scientists in the US,” he said, adding “...there is still controversy among American scientists whether the actual virus is derived from bats, snakes or created in a lab.”
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Biden’s an asshole, but so is Trump. Not much of a choice.
Well, Uri Geller is a zionist fraud, so he has a vested interest in Iran being a threat so that the Neocons will demand the US military take action so the zionists can sit back and watch.

Uri Geller's "illusion" exposed!

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Thanks for the Fake News talking points..."Katrina"...So the virus targets Blacks? :p By the way, President Trump, in a reversal of the Kenyan and his VP Sleepy Joe's policy, encouraged medical companies over a year ago to manufacture stuff like vaccines here in the USA, not overseas!

I notice Tom Hanks has updated his Chinese Flu down under! He apparently has no symptoms except that of a minor cold. Wait a sec, it is not even as bad as a cold to a funny looking, rich, Hollywood douchebag? Holla if ya hear meh!

The sad thing is democrat controlled state and local governments shutting things down because of this Chinese Flu while they encourage illegal aliens with serious diseases like leprosy to enter the USA.
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Of course most of us knew the democrats would attempt to use the coronavirus to the utmost of their ability to attack Trump.

Lest we forget:
In October 2009 Barack Obama declared the H1N1 a national emergency.

But this was not before millions of Americans were infected and 1,000 Americans were dead from the viral infection.

Obama waited MONTHS before declaring the H1N1 a national emergency.

Biden launches opening salvo of general election and attacks Trump on coronavirus

About 80 percent of coronavirus cases are mild, and the overall mortality rate is around one percent, according to the latest estimate provided by Fauci to Congress on Wednesday.

At the low end of the projection this would mean about 700,000 deaths. At the high end it would mean 1.5 million deaths.
The latest projection on the corona virus as of now.....................

Israeli scientists: 'In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine'

Uri gellar reveals inside info on conrona virus:

Uri Geller, Israel’s veteran illusionist/psychic/television personality, known for bending spoons with his mind, posted on his Instagram account on Sunday night what he called “inside information” about coronavirus. He says that it was manufactured by China’s Ministry of State Security, which is responsible for counterintelligence, and that a person became infected accidentally while the virus was being delivered to Iran, which planned to use it for bacteriological warfare: “I wrote this to a group of scientists in the US,” he said, adding “...there is still controversy among American scientists whether the actual virus is derived from bats, snakes or created in a lab.”
Too late, diaper donnie made it political weeks ago.
Only Quid Pro Joe would use a pandemic as a political fundraiser.
What a dickhead!
Confused Angry Joe is very pro Communist China. They have filled his family's pockets with money and that comes at the price of obedience.

A significant portion of anti-Trumpism is because of his wise stance on reducing our dependence on China. A very crowded nation, with these wet markets where they eat anything, never was a wise choice. Until Bill The Zipper had his campaign financed by the Chi-Coms, Most Favored Nation Status for Free Trade was always reserved for the Free People of the Democracies.

We should probably return to that.

President Trump signs bill to help rural carriers replace Huawei gear.

This being Endgaget, no story is complete without an anti-Trump angle: “This comes despite a lack of public evidence of spying.”

The whole point of China having an electronics and communications Communist front corporation is to avoid any public evidence of spying.

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