Biden On Pandemic: We Need ‘Economic Intercourse,’ Not ‘America First’

That’s a PG-13 way of saying he wants to fuck over American blue collar workers. Or just fuck the US economy.
And millions upon millions think THIS guy would be a good president.
They don't think that, Bluz! Had Joe never ran, NO ONE would be sitting there thinking: "Gee, I wish Joe was president!" The Left would take a bloated, dead skunk in his place. All they are thinking is they want Trump out of office.
So not only is he saying he’s going to intercourse and fuck over the economy he’s going to make sure the cure is handed out all over the world before we can have it here.
Where do you put someone after hiding him in his basement doesn’t work?
"Economic intercourse".... that needs to be mushed in the marxist's faces for a few months. LOL

Another instant classic from our lovable child molestor/rapist. I must say, watching this idiot shit the bed in his basement is very amusing!
Why do Democrats and Liberals get so worked up about “America First”? Every other nation puts themselves first. China does it. Mexico does it. Venezuela does it.

Yet when America does it, we get apologists like Obama, Biden, Kerry, Clinton wagging their finger at Americans for thinking such a thing.

Appeasement at the cost of Respect.

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