Biden Proposes Largest Tax Hike Since Lyndon Johnson's Reign In 1968

Oh puuulllleeezzeee FAGAT

Dems have been in control 3 years now and this nation is in the worst economical shape it's been in since the 70s

You know the 70s right? When you weren't even a twinkle in your daddy's eye at a Leif Garrett concert

You literally stand up for corporations, big tech, big pharma and propaganda from the MSM so stfu clown shoes LOL
First off, MAGAT, it's "FAGGOT"
I'd think given your time in restrooms you'd know that but, stupid is.
I'm certainly old enough to be your Dado asswipe.
And certainly smarter than you'd ever hope to be.
Which is CLEARLY demonstrated by that obviously drunk last sentence.


Folks, this is what being owned by the Dado looks like.
Apparently, you were tutored by Kamala Harris. "Time is a long time as long as time is long but to shorten the time the long time must be shortened so time is to be timed by the length of time it takes time to be timed." The end.
I see words confuse you. Let me help you with your portrait.
Biden lives in the White House....your blob lives in Florida. So's true.

Any proof otherwise?

Please present it.
There's probably a roach or rat living somewhere in your home. So what?
Republicans always leave out the "on the rich" part.
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You poor, ignorant fool. If you had read the link.

Biden’s proposed tax hike could amount to as much as a $2 trillion tax increase, the largest increase since 1968, when President Lyndon Johnson’s administration imposed a 10% surtax on business profits and high-income individuals.

The year after those tax hikes, the U.S. economy entered a recession, and personal savings decreased significantly. Had the tax increase been permanent, it could have lowered the gross domestic product by eight times more than the increased revenue.

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