Biden Re-imposes Sanctions On Iran

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
You know, the sanctions Trump originally put on Iran that Biden took off because Iran was such a nice country. Now that stupid Biden has found out Iran isn't so nice after all, he re-imposes the sanctions he should have never taken off in the first place. Meanwhile, three US troops are dead and dozens are injured who didn't have to be.

Also, Trump would not send humanitarian aid to the Palestinians so they could use the money to attack Israel in the future but as soon as Biden took office he resumed aid to the Palestinians, who promptly used the money to attack Israel.

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You know, the sanctions Trump originally put on Iran that Biden took off because Iran was such a nice country. Now that stupid Biden has found out Iran isn't so nice after all, he re-imposes the sanctions he should have never taken off in the first place. Meanwhile, three US troops are dead and dozens are injured who didn't have to be.

Also, Trump would not send humanitarian aid to the Palestinians so they could use the money to attack Israel in the future but as soon as Biden took office the resumed aid to the Palestinians, who promptly used the money to attack Israel.

Not to mention the $90B that the vegetable sent to Iran so that they could use it against us. Biden and the communist, globalist democrats have to go.
Not to mention the $90B that the vegetable sent to Iran so that they could use it against us. Biden and the communist, globalist democrats have to go.
Not to mention Obama personally delivering billions of dollars in cold hard cash when he was in office.

Biden Re-imposes Sanctions On Iran​

Oh Goodie. Gridiron Joe is really showing Iran his tough side now. Didn't he do the same thing to Russia a couple years ago? And all Russia did was laugh at them.

Just one more country learning fast not to bother anymore trading in US Dollars and banks.
Not to mention Obama personally delivering billions of dollars in cold hard cash when he was in office.
No shit. This is ridiculous. The vegetable is bankrupting us. Billions left in Afghanistan, Billions to Iran, Billions to Ukraine, Sell off border wall components for pennies on the dollar, open borders, Billions to support illegal immigrants, Three wars leading up to WWIII. Is the other half of the country asleep or hypnotized? SMFH.
Anything that Joey Xi Bai Dung does in the M.E. against Iran is the "Tail Wagging the Dog".
Just as Clinton did in 1998.
In this case, Joey is too scared to bomb Iran directly and is bombing the proxies rather than directly bombing Iran. His next step will be to send a plane load of money to the Mullahs in the dark of night.

Anuthing that Joey Xi Bai Dung does in the M.E. against Iran is the dog wagging the dog.
Just as Clinton did in 1998.
In this case, Joey is too scared to bomb Iran directly and is bombing the proxies rather than directly bombing Iran. His next step will be to send a plane load of money to the Mullahs in the dark of night.

Kharg Island should be decimated. That might get Iran's attention and give them something to spend their money on rebuilding. Take away their meal ticket.
Not to mention the $90B that the vegetable sent to Iran so that they could use it against us. Biden and the communist, globalist democrats have to go.
You know as well as I do my friend that Biden doesn't have the mental capacity left to make decisions.

Place the blame squarely on the communist globalist democrats where it belongs. Or just be completely honest and say that it's America's foreign policy.

Do you think that America is getting sucked into a war that the other side intends as the way to eliminate the genocidal apartheid regime?
Anything that Joey Xi Bai Dung does in the M.E. against Iran is the "Tail Wagging the Dog".
Just as Clinton did in 1998.
In this case, Joey is too scared to bomb Iran directly and is bombing the proxies rather than directly bombing Iran. His next step will be to send a plane load of money to the Mullahs in the dark of night.

Bingo! You and my little concerned friend have it this time! Biden hate has driven you both over the edge and you're both criticizing US foreign policy!

Let's go team!
No shit. This is ridiculous. The vegetable is bankrupting us. Billions left in Afghanistan, Billions to Iran, Billions to Ukraine, Sell off border wall components for pennies on the dollar, open borders, Billions to support illegal immigrants, Three wars leading up to WWIII. Is the other half of the country asleep or hypnotized? SMFH.
Apparently money grows on trees.
Think of US sanctions on Iran as the same as Iranian Ayatollahs putting Islamic curses on the US. Not much substance there but lots of hot air.
Bingo! You and my little concerned friend have it this time! Biden hate has driven you both over the edge and you're both criticizing US foreign policy!

Let's go team!
So are you going to vote for Biden again?
So are you going to vote for Biden again?
I'm a Canadian and I can't vote.

NO! if I could.

These comments are the first real signs that the extremist right hawks are turning antiwar. They exhibit bravado against Iran but you can smell the fear.

Only the brightest will be capable of imagining the consequences of America's decisions. Obviously not Biden's!
You know, the sanctions Trump originally put on Iran that Biden took off because Iran was such a nice country. Now that stupid Biden has found out Iran isn't so nice after all, he re-imposes the sanctions he should have never taken off in the first place. Meanwhile, three US troops are dead and dozens are injured who didn't have to be.

Also, Trump would not send humanitarian aid to the Palestinians so they could use the money to attack Israel in the future but as soon as Biden took office he resumed aid to the Palestinians, who promptly used the money to attack Israel.

Ooooh the smoke must be pouring out of Obama's jug ears.
Bingo! You and my little concerned friend have it this time! Biden hate has driven you both over the edge and you're both criticizing US foreign policy!

Let's go team!
I've been critizing Joey Xi Bai Dung's and Blinken's foreign policies from the start. China had it eight when the lambasted Blinken in Alaska.

Kharg Island should be decimated. That might get Iran's attention and give them something to spend their money on rebuilding. Take away their meal ticket.
Then again along with Khaarg Island, destruction of Iran;s Navy once more may also have an impact on their minds.
However the attack, unless Iran itself is made to pay the attacks on American bases by proxies will continue.

Houthi official says Red Sea attacks will continue​

On X, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a member of the Houthi political bureau, says that the Yemeni group will continue “operations against the Zionist entity”, despite US and UK air strikes against it, the most recent of which occurred in the last hour.
“Our military operations against the Zionist entity will continue until the aggression against Gaza stops, no matter what sacrifices it costs us. We will meet escalation with escalation, and victory comes only from God,” al-Bukhaiti wrote.
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