Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

The point is that even frackers are planning to cut back on production. The entire oil industry, which includes domestic and foreign companies, want to limit production to keep prices high. It doesn't matter who is President. Even if Trump was President in 2024, you will still see high gas prices.

I don't think so. They knew Trump would react to any cut they made, and that is working with oil industry for us to replace the lost oil by increasing our production. That's why they are pulling this shit on Dementia and never did it to Trump.

When you have an anti-energy President like Biden, they know they have control because we won't do a damn thing about their production cuts but beg them not to.
There is not enough pork to make a dent in the deficit. The $1.7 trillion provided money for federal law enforcement, air traffic control, meat inspections, and other vital federal operations.

Every dollar not spent is a dollar we don't have to borrow and pay interest on forever. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing deal. it has to be an intentional goal to keep cutting any unnecessary spending. If we don't absolutely have to have it, scratch it off. Now that Democrats are out of power that ends the vote buying and pandering to their base that cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. And if Dementia can't get his college loan bribe through, that's nearly another half-trillion in savings right there.
Bullshit. Company financial statements tell a different story. It shows that companies are raising prices far more than they are paying in increased costs. They are then using that as a excuse to raise their prices far more than their costs have increased.

How can actual costs be an excuse? There are either additional costs that have to be passed on to consumers or there is not. It's not some hidden secret. We know diesel is still at record high prices, and trust me as a retired truck driver, that greatly increases transportation costs. We know what we are paying for our utility costs at home. Imagine how much more money it takes to heat or cool an entire company of 200 workers. We know there is a huge labor shortage and employers have to offer much higher wages to attract people to work. It's all very overt. These stories can be found all over the internet today.
Leaving Afghanistan may be the only thing Biden has done that I support.

Under Trump we lost no military personnel for 18 months. With Biden's withdrawal, we lost 13 good Americans. I have no idea how you support that. Didn't you see the videos of those poor Afghanistan people desperately trying to hold on to that military plane leaving their country? They knew they were going to be slaughtered once we left.

Terrible planning, heartless to say the least, and the cost of God knows how many lives.
Under Trump we lost no military personnel for 18 months. With Biden's withdrawal, we lost 13 good Americans. I have no idea how you support that. Didn't you see the videos of those poor Afghanistan people desperately trying to hold on to that military plane leaving their country? They knew they were going to be slaughtered once we left.

Terrible planning, heartless to say the least, and the cost of God knows how many lives.
You're right, if Trump did the same thing. These loons would impeach him again.
You are the one who is full of shit. Trump did not buy enough while Biden did.

Even CNN says you are FOS.

The Trump administration will purchase an additional 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced Wednesday.

Pfizer will deliver at least 70 million doses by June 30, and the rest will be delivered no later than July 31, according to a news release.

With this agreement, the federal government will have purchased 200 million doses of Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine for $4 billion. The vaccine is 95% effective against the coronavirus after two doses given a few weeks apart.

Even CNN says you are FOS.

The Trump administration will purchase an additional 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced Wednesday.

Pfizer will deliver at least 70 million doses by June 30, and the rest will be delivered no later than July 31, according to a news release.

With this agreement, the federal government will have purchased 200 million doses of Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine for $4 billion. The vaccine is 95% effective against the coronavirus after two doses given a few weeks apart.

Lol, after Trump's plan expired, Biden's went to shit.
Maybe we should use whips and chains. Just because someone else abuses their employees does not mean that we should.

You need to do some reading. Some of the money will go to hiring replacements for retiring workers. That will cost money as you have to recruit new people. You have to do background checks. You also have to account for any raises that will occur for the position. The others will process tax returns and refunds. The others will help taxpayers who need help. The others will conduct audits. The IRS should be expanded as the number of people have expanded.

We are seeing how little companies care about their workers. They don't mind off-loading people on government programs. We should raise the corporate tax rate to 28% and use the money to expand the earned income tax credit.

No, if these people can't make ends meet, it's up to THEM (not government) to make their labor more valuable. Well why don't they? Because better paying jobs often have drug screen programs lower paying jobs don't require. I seen this before covid was even known to people. I was told by some employees of companies I delivered to most of the applicants they do get can't pass a drug test. Instead of working on getting off the dope, they sooner work for places that pay less money.

Nobody is forced to accept a job, and nobody is targeted to work for lower paying jobs. These are all individual decisions people make for themselves.
Lol, after Trump's plan expired, Biden's went to shit.

After the commies told us they'd never take a vaccine Trump recommended they take, they afterwards wanted to take credit for all his hard work. They know the sheep will believe anything they say.

Remember all the ridicule of Trump after he said we will have a vaccine out by the end of the year? CNN and leftist politicians laughed at him. Then when it actually happened. Whoops!

You're right, if Trump did the same thing. These loons would impeach him again.

After we lost 13 good Americans and 83 billion in US military gear, the puppeteers told their puppets that we had 83 billion dollars of junk in Afghanistan, and they just believed it.

That's how brainwashing is supposed to work and why Democrats still use it today.
Ummmmmmmmmm, did we forget that Trump got operation warp speed to get the vaccines quicker? Did we forget that democrats told all Americans not to get the Trump vaccine because it was rushed?
That’s not what they said. They said they’d listen to the CDC not Mr Disinfectant Injections.

Testing kits were the argument not Covid as the lie I quoted claimed.
Ummmmmmmmmm, did we forget that Trump got operation warp speed to get the vaccines quicker? Did we forget that democrats told all Americans not to get the Trump vaccine because it was rushed?
I remember Grifty screwing up the rollout....

And no, I don't remember Democrats saying anything of the sort.

You should rely on so much assertion.
Lol, gotta love the double standard. “Biden is not responsible for the inflation because of Covid, but trump IS responsible for the bad economy because of tax cuts! Covid played no part in the economy under trump!”

yes, the pandemic cut supply because the left told everyone to stay home, then we had all that money injected into the economy, but nobody was producing anything….and there’s your inflation.

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