Biden regime sends condolences for death of "Butcher Of Tehran".


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
WTF? He is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. He is one of the worst to ever walk the planet, but apparently Biden loved him and is sad he is dead.

Iran condemned 9-11 and sent their condolences.

WTF? He is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. He is one of the worst to ever walk the planet, but apparently Biden loved him and is sad he is dead.

Pro forma diplomatic message sent in all such instances. It doesn’t mean anything else.

Any comment on your Pedo Messiah loving the Butcher of Tehran?
Good for President Biden for sending condolence over the tragic death of their leader.

As far and the Neo-GOP and their predilection for pedophiles, I have no comment on your filth.
Months later, after he could look at the political landscape to see that he wouldnt get blowback? Nah, too little too late.
That was the date of the CNN interview.

Iranian president Mohammad Khatami[84][85][86][87] and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei condemned and denounced the attacks and the terrorists who carried them out. Iranians who gathered for a soccer match in Tehran two days after the 9/11 attacks observed a moment of silence. There was also a candlelight vigil. Huge crowds attended candlelit vigils in Iran, and 60,000 spectators observed a minute's silence at Tehran's soccer stadium

After 500 million votes are tallied FBJ will be declared the winner.
I don't think the dims can pull that off again.

Too many are paying attention and too many are DOING something about it.. Lara Trump and the RNC are poll watching. They are looking for people to do that.. not sure if they have all the people they want yet?

Please volunteer, all you reading this (not dims.. they favor papering over windows and sending watchers home so they can pull suitcases of ballots out from under the table and count the phony things, all for Biden of course
In the grown-up world, it's far better to feign sympathy than to be honest.

However, that's begging the question on whether we're talking about grownups or angry children who have lost sight of the need to pretend to be sorry.
I don't think the dims can pull that off again.

Too many are paying attention and too many are DOING something about it.. Lara Trump and the RNC are poll watching. They are looking for people to do that.. not sure if they have all the people they want yet?

Please volunteer, all you reading this (not dims.. they favor papering over windows and sending watchers home so they can pull suitcases of ballots out from under the table and count the phony things, all for Biden of course
Democrats are training people as we speak on how to evict/remove licensed poll-watchers from the counting rooms.

We need QRF teams of at least 100 pipe-welding mofos in each battleground state to go into Fulton County or any other heavy Democrat district and make sure they aren't allowed to re-scan Biden ballots over and over,

It's going to be a war, because these folks aren't going down without a fight.
They already got away with it once, bank on it happening again 2x. We are talking about Dems a party corrupt to it's core.
I know that. But things are being done... that's all I know

only God knows what can happen... and frankly, I don't think He gets involved with a lot of dumbass human activity, and most of it is dumbass these days

Wow... Who is going to vote for this (values-skewed) candidate?


"We regret any loss of life"?

I really don't... Atheists should be saying


Did you not read or watch the video in your link? The SOB died in a helicopter crash, not a plane. And good riddance.


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