Biden Said....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Rioters Killed Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick
- Even after the coroner's report stated Sicknick did not suffer any blunt force trauma and was NOT killed by rioters, Biden still repeated this lie.

The Economy Was Tanking Before I Arrived At The White House
- As the Wall Street Journal reported, “Biden uttered these words eight days after his own Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that U.S. real gross domestic product ‘increased at an annual rate of 6.4 percent in the first quarter of 2021.'”

An increase in GDP is a 'tanking economy' to Joe?

Joe belongs in a retirement home somewhere.
C'mon Nancy, where's that 25th Amendment thing you were working on?
'The Capitol Riot on 1/6 was the worst attack since the Civil War'
- Ummm.....9/11, the bombing in the Capitol,

The Republicans claim that Democrats support 'Defund The Police' is a LIE.
- Omar, Tlaib, AOC, & other Democrats literally called for the defunding of the Police as Biden declared this.

President Trump is responsible for spurring the crisis at the border.
  • The Guatemalan Pres Says Biden Did
  • The Mexican President Says Biden Did
  • Illegals coming to US said Biden did

The $1.8 Trillion American Families Plan Won’t Add to Deficit

- According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, however, the plan “includes $1.5 trillion of offsets, resulting in a $300 billion net deficit impact over a decade.”
Xiden also lied about how HIS OWN FAMILY was killed, all for political appearances. He'd sell his soul for power and often has.

There's your sign Demonicrats.

Know why Xiden's son is so perverted and high on cocaine? Take a guess.
Biden's Amtrack Story

“When I became vice president, one of the Capitol Hill newspapers estimated that I had taken more than 7,000 round trips on Amtrak over my career. I think that’s an exaggeration. I’m going to rely on those two conductors. … One of them was a guy named Angelo Negri. My mom was sick, and I used to try to come home almost every weekend as vice president to see her. I got on the train and Angelo Negri came up and he goes, ‘Joey, baby,’ and he grabbed my cheek like he always did. … He said, ‘Joey, what’s the big deal?"

Biden said Negri estimated Biden had traveled 1.5 million miles on Amtrak trains around his fourth or fifth year as vice president, which would have been in 2013 or 2014.

- An obituary for Negri says the conductor retired in 1993, decades before Biden’s supposed story took place, while he was still a senator from Delaware. Biden’s mother died in 2010.
Joe belongs in a retirement home somewhere.
C'mon Nancy, where's that 25th Amendment thing you were working on?
The problem with that is Kamala is not and never will be ready to be President. She can’t even do the assignments Joe has given her.

The dems are hoping and praying Joe can do a full term. I suspect they are trying some experimental drugs on Joe to see if anything helps.
"Assault Weapons’ Reduced Gun Violence and Mass Shootings"

- A 2004 University of Pennsylvania Center of Criminology study funded by the Department of Justice found that the “ban cannot be credited with a decrease in violence carried out with firearms.”

You can have your own OPINIONS, but you can't have your own FACTS.

The COVID Spending Bill Was Bipartisan Effort

- No Republicans, however, voted for the bill, which was jammed through the Democrat-controlled Congress using budget reconciliation
Whatever - When a man drops dead shortly after hours of hand to hand medieval combat and then two other cap cops commit suicide within days .. It MIGHT be fair to suggest that Rump's violent insurrection was responsible.
Russian bounties for the deaths of American soldiers justifies sanctions on Russia.

- New reports state that U.S. intelligence had “low to moderate” confidence in the story – the story was never confirmed.

'Gun Show gun sales do not require background checks.'

- While private firearm sellers in some states may complete gun show transactions without a background check, what many Democrats often label as the “gun show loophole,” any gun dealers with a federal firearms license are required to run background checks on customers investing in a weapon.

When confronted with a fact-check on Biden’s comments, the White House denied the president’s words just minutes after he stated them.
Whatever - When a man drops dead shortly after hours of hand to hand medieval combat and then two other cap cops commit suicide within days .. It MIGHT be fair to suggest that Rump's violent insurrection was responsible.
No, it would not. The coroner stated the events at the capitol did not cause the officer's death. Stop attempting to make the lie true.
The Ga election Law is about voter suppression and gives voters less time to vote.

- Biden continues to lie about Ga’s election law that provides more time to vote than Biden’s home state of Delaware

“83 percent of the money from President Trump's tax cut went to the top 1 percent”

- Trump’s tax plan not only benefitted Americans across the working, middle, and upper classes, but it also contributed to a large decrease in unemployment and underemployment. The 83 percent figure often touted by Biden, fact-checkers determined as early as 2018, is “true for 2027 but only because most of the individual income tax changes expire by then,” but not other years.
Research and development investments have consistently fallen since the 1960s.

- Research and development spending, however, is at its highest point and accounted for more than 3 percent of the real GDP before the COVID-19 economic shutdown

'Top Corporations Don’t ‘Pay a Cent in Taxes’

- The Committee on Ways and Means, however, said that the claims Biden made relied on information that “continually confused the difference between taxable income and financial statements

(Biden 'confused' - go figure. :p )
The Majority of Migrant Families that Cross Border Are Sent Back

- According to Customs and Border Protection data, however, a fraction of the 20,000 family units apprehended have been sent back

The Trump Administration Didn’t Address Communist China’s Human Rights Abuses

- The Trump administration, however, did directly condemn China’s actions against the minority Muslim population located in the Xinjiang province as a genocide before leaving office. Following investigations into the CCP’s use of mass imprisonment of more than 1 million people, forced labor, forced sterilization, torture, and limits on religious freedom, freedom of expression, and freedom of movement, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that the United States has definitively evaluated and labeled these actions by the CCP as “crimes against humanity.” The Trump administration previously issued sanctions against China shortly after Trump signed the “Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020” into law in June of 2020.
Migrants coming across the border are not coming because of my policies. The Border Is Closed'.

- Illegals were literally interviewed after crossing the border and they declared Biden and his policies are why they are coming, specifically mentioning his campaign comment of hos kids make it across the border they can stay.

COVID-19 death totals exceeds 3 wars (WWI, WWII, Viet Nam) and 9/11.

- While Biden is correct in saying that at least 527,726 Americans have reportedly died from coronavirus, the nation’s death toll does not exceed the fatalities that resulted from the three wars and one terrorist attack he mentioned in his speech. Even without 9/11 included, more than 580,000 people died fighting in the aforementioned wars. “World War I: 116,516 deaths, World War II: 405,399, Vietnam: 58,220”, and 3,000 Americans died on 9/11.
COVID-19 garnered bi-partisan support.

- Despite Biden’s rhetoric pretending that the legislation received support from people on both sides of the political aisle, every Republican senator voted against passing the massive bill.

We are not opening new migrant centers.

Border agents opened up a new facility in Donna, Texas, three weeks ago, according to the Washington Post, while creating new camps in Del Rio, Texas, and Arizona to handle the unprecedented surge of illegals.
Pay attention to this one, snowflakes....

President Trump told Americans to inject themselves with bleach.
“I think there’s a growing awareness that injecting bleach into your system doesn’t do it for you,”

- Trump, however, said no such thing, as Biden also asserted last summer. Instead, Trump was speaking on the role of disinfectants help in preventing serious infection with viruses such as the novel Wuhan coronavirus.

COVID-19 vaccines did not exist before I became President.

- Ummmm...the entire world watched Biden get both vaccines before taking the oath of office.

"C'mon, man!" :p
There Is ‘Overwhelming Consensus’ to Pass More COVID Spending

- A column in the Wall Street Journal published in January disproves Biden’s erroneous assertion by highlighting remarks from several of Biden’s own political allies on the left who refute the idea of passing a gargantuan package.

Another article in the New Yorker published days before Biden’s CNN appearance cited warnings over Biden’s $1.9 trillion relief package by prominent economists.

“The 1.9 trillion program could overheat the economy so badly as to be counterproductive,” Olivier Blanchard, a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, tweeted

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