Biden Says He's Following Doctors Orders.....No Campaigning For Now...Or Maybe Ever

As much as I despise trump I'm not sitting here wishing for his illness or death. But in truth he's not as healthy as you make it seem; he's obese, has bad dietary habits, doesn't get enough exercise and is on a high dose of statins.

Trump's only flaw is he didn't run as a Democrat otherwise you'd love him.

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Afraid not. My candidate has to have a good grasp of the Constitution and the workings of government. And if my candidate doesn't know something he or she has to be willing to learn and have some good advisors that he actually listens to. My candidate has to have the knowledge to recognize bad actors in the world, and the character not to suck up to dictators and strong men. My candidate would never publicly criticize US intelligence just to curry favor with connivers like Putin.

Need more?
I'm of the other mind. I think the debates ought to be EXTENDED so Hiden Biden has to PROVE he isn't demented and feeble.
I assure you the DNC will never allow that to happen.
If I were Donald, I'd hold six debates. The ones that Biden doesn't show up for, the moderators and Trump can ask questions of an empty podium, with six seconds dead air pause each time.

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My candidate has to have a good grasp of the Constitution and the workings of government.
Then why doesn't Biden know its against the law to consort with foreign powers like China and Ukraine for personal profit? It's not a GOOD thing to know the corrupt inner workings of government for 50 years!

Trump puts honesty with the American people ahead of politics. When's Joe going to be honest with us?

trump's not down in the crowd mixing with people, either.
So you DIDN'T watch the 4th celebration yesterday! Who was he mixing with, antelope? You're such a bad liar.

People in Delaware must wear masks, and gatherings are limited to a max of 250 people. Biden is doing the sensible thing
Then he doesn't want to be president. He CAN'T be president. You can't run for office without ever going out to the 50 states, meeting people and letting them see who you are then letting your opponent put you to the test. Biden's just not up to it. You better find somebody capable, your bullshit's not going to fly with us.

Is this what you mean about trump mixing with the crowd? And by that I don't mean the handpicked few who were chosen to appear with him on the stage.

There are four months until the election. Save your Biden travel predictions for November when they'll really mean something. Biden's leading trump in the polls even without travelling and his speeches are resonating with people even though they're not in his physical presence.
You mean COVID-19 which your skidmark is responsible? I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
You know the Democrats will cancel the debates .... don't you?

You are simply deflecting and everyone knows it.

Biden is not capable of debating ..... and the Democrat Party of Marx will use the Wuhan Virus as an excuse to cancel the debates.
What on earth makes you think the debates will be cancelled? The first one is still on schedule but the Univ. of Michigan withdrew from hosting the 2nd one and so far no replacement's been announced. The third is still on schedule for October 22.

For the same reason Hiden Biden's handlers wont let him speak in public unless it's under tightly controlled environments.
Strawman. Hunter Biden is not running for president.
trump's not down in the crowd mixing with people, either.
So you DIDN'T watch the 4th celebration yesterday! Who was he mixing with, antelope? You're such a bad liar.

People in Delaware must wear masks, and gatherings are limited to a max of 250 people. Biden is doing the sensible thing
Then he doesn't want to be presiudent. He CAN'T be president. You can't run for office without ever going out to the 50 states, meeting people and letting them see who you are then letting your opponent put you to the test. Biden's just not up to it. You better find somebody capable, you're bullshit's not going to fly with us.

I hate it when noobs come along and try the same old tricks forgetting that all his buddies have the same talking points that we've already dealt with.
I'm not a "noob", I've been a member since 2011.
You mean COVID-19 which your skidmark is responsible? I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
You know the Democrats will cancel the debates .... don't you?

You are simply deflecting and everyone knows it.

Biden is not capable of debating ..... and the Democrat Party of Marx will use the Wuhan Virus as an excuse to cancel the debates.
What on earth makes you think the debates will be cancelled? The first one is still on schedule but the Univ. of Michigan withdrew from hosting the 2nd one and so far no replacement's been announced. The third is still on schedule for October 22.

For the same reason Hiden Biden's handlers wont let him speak in public unless it's under tightly controlled environments.
Strawman. Hunter Biden is not running for president.

Who said anything about Hunter?
What on earth makes you think the debates will be cancelled? The first one is still on schedule but the Univ. of Michigan withdrew from hosting the 2nd one and so far no replacement's been announced. The third is still on schedule for October 22.
Joe Biden's dementia is too far advanced at this point for him to debate.

The debates will be cancelled.
I deal in facts, not predictions.
trump's not down in the crowd mixing with people, either.
So you DIDN'T watch the 4th celebration yesterday! Who was he mixing with, antelope? You're such a bad liar.

People in Delaware must wear masks, and gatherings are limited to a max of 250 people. Biden is doing the sensible thing
Then he doesn't want to be presiudent. He CAN'T be president. You can't run for office without ever going out to the 50 states, meeting people and letting them see who you are then letting your opponent put you to the test. Biden's just not up to it. You better find somebody capable, you're bullshit's not going to fly with us.

I hate it when noobs come along and try the same old tricks forgetting that all his buddies have the same talking points that we've already dealt with.
I'm not a "noob", I've been a member since 2011.

You're a noob.
What on earth makes you think the debates will be cancelled? The first one is still on schedule but the Univ. of Michigan withdrew from hosting the 2nd one and so far no replacement's been announced. The third is still on schedule for October 22.
Joe Biden's dementia is too far advanced at this point for him to debate.

The debates will be cancelled.
I'm of the other mind. I think the debates ought to be EXTENDED so Hiden Biden has to PROVE he isn't demented and feeble.

Trumps campaign wanted six debates....dems flat out refused.
Gee I wonder why.
I wonder why trump wanted six debates, especially after he said this:

"The problem is that the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates is stacked with Trump Haters & Never Trumpers," he wrote. "As President, the debates are me, and there are many options, including doing them directly & avoiding the nasty politics of this very biased Commission. I will make a decision at an appropriate time but in the meantime, the Commission on Presidential Debates is NOT authorized to speak for me (or R’s)!"

When you are 77, fragile and in rapid cognitive decline of course you are going to try and hide. I can't believe the Democrats are sticking with him. We'll see how many people actually cast their vote for Biden the meat puppet.
Let's be honest, if Biden's cognitive test results show he's not impaired, RWNJs would call it fake news.
to this day a sizable chunk of the trumptards are birfers.
Biden is probably really over due to inappropriately grope and sniff young girls and women.
by releasing this statement (he already explained it in a coherent reasonable press conference) he is actually campaigning. nice contrast to your irresponsible manchild trying to be president.
That's it! Good ol' Joe, sane, coherent, reasonable. He's no pony soldier. When Joe tweets hiding from his laundry room, he's campaigning. When Trump tweets, he's an irresponsible manchild.

JOE BiDEN: PRESIDENT OF THE USA. First president that no one ever actually met, questioned or answer any questions too sick to even leave his house.

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Meantime, POTUS holds a 4th celebration with seating for 7500 people.

125,000 sign up for tickets.

Out in the middle of nowhere in South Dakota.

Where nobody lives. :71:
you have obviously not seen the 30 minute press conference. stay in your bubble. if you leave it, wear a mask. pretend that it helps you getting hit by reality. and learn how to calculate percentages. should keep you occupied and prevent you from spreading all this bullshit. retard.
What, no shift key to capitalize? Or just stupid and lazy. Percentages. Oh, yeah.

TRUMP: 88% chance of winning.

BIDEN: 12% chance of winning.

3% chance if he actually campaigns and gets on the stage and debates Trump face to face.
^ reduced the queefing about my writing style. then off to lalaland.
My candidate has to have a good grasp of the Constitution and the workings of government.
Then why doesn't Biden know its against the law to consort with foreign powers like China and Ukraine for personal profit? It's not a GOOD thing to know the corrupt inner workings of government for 50 years!

Trump puts honesty with the American people ahead of politics. When's Joe going to be honest with us?

View attachment 359229
This is one of the most hilarious talking points RWs repeat. The entire trump family benefits from their dealings with China, as in patents and manufacturing. And to quote from a recent article:

So it is okay for Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump to do business all over the world and okay for Ivanka Trump to have international copyrights while President Trump is president and, while Joe Biden was vice president, his son shouldn’t be able to do business dealings?”
Biden's leading trump in the polls even without travelling and his speeches are resonating with people even though they're not in his physical presence.
Polls don't mean shit. And as soon as Biden gets OUT THERE and gets tested, his numbers will fall and you know that. The man can't do the job.
you twats need to watch Biden's press conference. then you might understand his comment. if not, then there is something wrong with your brain function.
You mean COVID-19 which your skidmark is responsible? I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
You know the Democrats will cancel the debates .... don't you?

You are simply deflecting and everyone knows it.

Biden is not capable of debating ..... and the Democrat Party of Marx will use the Wuhan Virus as an excuse to cancel the debates.
What on earth makes you think the debates will be cancelled? The first one is still on schedule but the Univ. of Michigan withdrew from hosting the 2nd one and so far no replacement's been announced. The third is still on schedule for October 22.

For the same reason Hiden Biden's handlers wont let him speak in public unless it's under tightly controlled environments.
Strawman. Hunter Biden is not running for president.
My bad, I was looking at the picture in #84.
My candidate has to have a good grasp of the Constitution and the workings of government.
Then why doesn't Biden know its against the law to consort with foreign powers like China and Ukraine for personal profit? It's not a GOOD thing to know the corrupt inner workings of government for 50 years!

Trump puts honesty with the American people ahead of politics. When's Joe going to be honest with us?

View attachment 359229
This is one of the most hilarious talking points RWs repeat. The entire trump family benefits from their dealings with China, as in patents and manufacturing. And to quote from a recent article:

So it is okay for Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump to do business all over the world and okay for Ivanka Trump to have international copyrights while President Trump is president and, while Joe Biden was vice president, his son shouldn’t be able to do business dealings?”
They're business people, you clueless fuck! They're SUPPOSED to do business. It's not "business" when you're VP and you got your son making $80,000 a month in a job in a country owing to you that he doesn't even know the first thing about and YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN IT.

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