Biden Says He's Following Doctors Orders.....No Campaigning For Now...Or Maybe Ever

I think the Democrats will try and weasel poor Joe out of the debates somehow. This is major concern and it should be. He is so weak and fragile, he might stroke out right on stage.
They will blame the Wuhan Virus.

There is no way the debates will be held.
You mean COVID-19 which your skidmark is responsible? I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Really so Trump is responsible for the pandemic and China is blameless? Take a walk outside that Libtardian bubble every once in awhile to try and clear your head.
Your skidmark IS responsible for doing nothing after the January 10th update. Four bipartisan MOC's sold just under $7M in stock. I told you (right here on the USMB) to sell when the market was at 29.
Joe Biden is a joke, the man is senile and suffering from some form of Alzheimer's or dementia. I do believe the threat of ballot fraud is real, and I wouldn't put it past some prog/libs to creatively acquire thousands of invalid ballots (dead people, cartoon characters, etc.) in key states. Scruples will be ignored when it comes to dumping Trump, and if the Dems have to cheat then so be it. And you can bet that the evidence will be immediately destroyed, they're good at that. Practice, you know.

Bottom line, this election is in doubt. both in outcome and integrity. And if Biden wins then we'll get the gov't we deserve, for not having the balls to stand up against the progressive agenda before it got into power. Cuz if that happens it could become very difficult to reverse course and go back to the way things were. Granted, things aren't that great now, but under the prog/libs it's gonna get a whole lot worse.
Exactly right, and when you say go back to the way things were, it means lowest unemployment numbers in history, 401k's soaring, job's, job's, job's, no time for unrest due to activism, activist judges replaced, order being restored, and industries being saved from the lying leftist etc.

The weakness the left has caused, has since given power unto those whom think that the weakness has opened the door to them being able to force change in this nation against the majority will, and they should be held accountable for it big time. They have the blood of innocent Patriots on their hands now, and that blood must be lawfully avenged.
Whatcha gonna do when Biden whoops Trump's ass in November?
Hope you can take disappointment well. But then, I think you're pretty used to that, not being even in charge of your own life.

Bottom line here is Biden looks and sounds Presidential. Trump sounds like a bar drunk at closing time.

Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 1.40.22 PM.png

Yeah, you keep running with that one, poopeye.
Trumps campaign wanted six debates....dems flat out refused.
Gee I wonder why.

Because Trump demanded he get to handpick the moderators. That's obviously a no-go. It does show how Trump is scared to debate with neutral moderators.

That's how Trump has set his excuses in place to chicken out. He'll be crying that the mods are so unfair, so he won't show up. Obviously, all his followers here will then be telling us how brave Trump is for chickening out.
Trumps campaign wanted six debates....dems flat out refused.
Gee I wonder why.

Because Trump demanded he get to handpick the moderators. That's obviously a no-go. It does show how Trump is scared to debate with neutral moderators.

That's how Trump has set his excuses in place to chicken out. He'll be crying that the mods are so unfair, so he won't show up. Obviously, all his followers here will then be telling us how brave Trump is for chickening out.
Oh really, after what we saw during the Democrat debates ????? Rotflmbo.
Oh really, after what we saw during the Democrat debates ????? Rotflmbo.

You don't see any Democrat anywhere worrying about Biden. Only those brainwashed by Trump cult propaganda are trying to project Trump's obvious senility and dementia on to Biden.
Your skidmark IS responsible for doing nothing after the January 10th update. Four bipartisan MOC's sold just under $7M in stock. I told you (right here on the USMB) to sell when the market was at 29.
How many normal thinking Americans bought into your psycho shit in 2016?

How many normal thinking Americans do you think are going to but into your psycho shit in November?

The REALITY is no normal thinking Americans are buying into your psychosis ..

There is medication for your disorder .....
What on earth makes you think the debates will be cancelled? The first one is still on schedule but the Univ. of Michigan withdrew from hosting the 2nd one and so far no replacement's been announced. The third is still on schedule for October 22.
Joe Biden's dementia is too far advanced at this point for him to debate.

The debates will be cancelled.
I'm of the other mind. I think the debates ought to be EXTENDED so Hiden Biden has to PROVE he isn't demented and feeble.

Trumps campaign wanted six debates....dems flat out refused.
Gee I wonder why.

Maybe because the typical number is 3.

That's the number of debates Trump and Clinton had. Is that a problem?
Joe Biden's handlers have decided that maybe they can keep him hidden away till the election. Maybe they can keep him riding on his fake poll numbers and perhaps steal the election thru election fraud. They do not under any circumstances want him being exposed to the public.

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lol He's not holding rallies because he knows no one will come.
Joe Biden's handlers have decided that maybe they can keep him hidden away till the election. Maybe they can keep him riding on his fake poll numbers and perhaps steal the election thru election fraud. They do not under any circumstances want him being exposed to the public.

View attachment 359178

lol He's not holding rallies because he knows no one will come.
Either that or he's not well, and his handler's know it.
Yo! L.K.Eder,

Why do you suppose that every Trombie is able to totally ignore the obvious cognitive and physical decline that Trump has exhibited during his term in office?

Is it a defense mechanism?
Seems to be working. That and the fact that just letting his opponent shoot himself in the foot does the job too. :)

Yes you love a weak man, who is terrified of being exposed as a man who is obviously losing his awareness, one who says the silly things children would be making and likes to be in the faces of children and women.

When the debates rolls around....... :flameth: Biden will be smashed.

Here is something else he appears to be hiding:

The Federalist

Biden Campaign Refuses To Release Cognitive Test Results

JULY 3, 2020 By Jonah Gottschalk


Its been three days now since former Vice President Joe Biden told reporters that he’s been “tested and am constantly tested” for cognitive decline. The media has, unsurprisingly, swept this story under the rug, but the candidate’s claim still raises a lot of questions.
Who’s been doing these assessments? Why are we only hearing about these “constant” tests after the cognitive question has plagued the campaign for well over a year? And most importantly, Biden never actually said what any of the results were. So what were they?


He is better off hiding in the basement, doesn't want to be exposed....
If you listened to trump's Sermon on the Mount yesterday, you should cringe at his slurring and mispronunciation.

I notice a tinge of desperation in your words, you just tried a deflection from the articles to bash some one not named Joseph Biden. The topic is about Joseph Biden, and his mental health, which I commented on when I posted my article about Cognitive testing, on top of doctors orders not to campaign.

It is clear you have NOTHING to defend Biden with......

During their latest Biden Derangement Syndrome campaign, Biden's lead over Trump has jumped from about +4 to +10.

Why? Biden is presidential. Trump and his followers are hysterical. People like calm and presidential.

That won't matter to the Trump cult. They'll keep turning up the BDS, sending even more votes to the Democrats.
The problem is .... Biden is not mentally capable of debating Trump.

What will the DNC do?

Your big lie campaign blew up in your face.

A sensible person would shut it down.

You won't. You're too emotionally invested in it. Meaning more votes for the Democrats.
Your big lie campaign blew up in your face.

A sensible person would shut it down.

You won't. You're too emotionally invested in it. Meaning more votes for the Democrats.
I am gonna assume somewhere in that nonsense you posted that you are trying to say you think Ol' Handsy will actually make it to the debates.

I simply disagree.

The DNC will cancel the debates and make excuses accordingly.

My bet is on the Wuhan Virus.
by releasing this statement (he already explained it in a coherent reasonable press conference) he is actually campaigning. nice contrast to your irresponsible manchild trying to be president.

The man child Obama accomplished nothing in 8 years. His signature Obamacare is a catastrophe. Slowest economic recovery since at least World War 2.

Trump, an adult, has accomplished vastly more in less than 4 years.
A 258% rise in the DOW was doing nothing? How about ending the 745,000 jobs lost per month under Gomer Bush?
Trump being caught red handed trying to extort a foreign leader isn`t an accomplishment and neither is being fined $2 million for robbing is own Foundation that`s been shut down.
Yo! L.K.Eder,

Why do you suppose that every Trombie is able to totally ignore the obvious cognitive and physical decline that Trump has exhibited during his term in office?

Is it a defense mechanism?
Not really. The MAGAs know for a fact that George Washington took control of the airports at Valley Forge. It`s the Clorox they`re sipping.
by releasing this statement (he already explained it in a coherent reasonable press conference) he is actually campaigning. nice contrast to your irresponsible manchild trying to be president.
I not campaigning Groppin' Joe actually is campaigning. :rolleyes:

That makes much sense... in a Bizzaro sort of way. So Joe would love to get out and mix it up but his "doctors" just won't let him. I suppose they won't let him debate either.

And if American should do the unthinkable and elect a man to the highest office in the land who will not
actually run for office will he be allowed to actually be president?

It's not Biden's feeble mindedness I am worried is the idiocy of his backers.
I am gonna assume somewhere in that nonsense you posted that you are trying to say you think Ol' Handsy will actually make it to the debates.

Would you like make a wager on it? Think up something creative. If Biden shows, you lose. If he doesn't, you win.

Alternately, think up a creative way to run now. After all, we all know you're just trolling.

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