Poll: majority now believe that Joe Biden is kind of an idiot

So all 50 federal courts conspired to not grant Trump lawyers a stay on election results. Is that what you’re claiming ?
No you are claiming 50 courts. Name them court by court, and put the link's to their denial's.
You get your material from Tucker or just making up shit as you go along ?
You know good and well that Biden and Harris weren't going to take the jab when Trump was still in power. Harris was the worst bull crapper.
No Moron . Anyone with a I.Q above 10 knows he was only kidding when he suggested we drink bleach
You’re the moron. He was not kidding when he asked those experts to look into it. If he was kidding, it would be even worse when people are dying and he’s confusing people by “kiddingly” proposing a fake cure. But, you’ve, seen the video right ? Nope, doubt you have. But keep Kissing the arse of the wizard.
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You know good and well that Biden and Harris weren't going to take the jab when Trump was still in power. Harris was the worst bull crapper.
You’re missing the point. Trump is the a-hole, not Biden, not Harris. We’ve had four years of his lying BS. Just because you fall for it doesn’t mean you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Man attempts to storm cockpit, strangles and kicks flight attendant
Republican U.S. Senator Grassley, 88, to seek re-election in Iowa
President Joe Biden’s presidency is not going as smoothly as he probably hoped it would.

This represents an 11-point drop from March, when Pew found 54% of respondents said “mentally sharp” was a fitting descriptor for the president.

On top of the border crisis, cratering approval numbers, infighting among congressional Democrats, incompetent federal health officials bumbling their way through the coronavirus pandemic, and the chaotic, disorderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, there’s also a growing consensus the president is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, according to new Pew Research Center polling data.

A majority of respondents in Pew’s most recent survey (56%) said “mentally sharp” either describes him “not at all well” or “not too well.”

As if the steep decline in public opinion of the president’s smarts was not embarrassing enough, it turns out Biden’s mental acuity specifically is where Pew found the sharpest drop in all of his polled personal characteristics.

“Positive evaluations of several of Biden’s personal traits and characteristics have shown similar decreases,” Pew reports. “Compared with March, fewer adults say Biden cares about people like them, and fewer describe him as standing up for his beliefs, honest, a good role model and mentally sharp.”

It adds, “Biden receives his least positive assessments for being mentally sharp. Currently, 43% say this describes Biden very or fairly well, an 11-point decline since March.”

Put more simply, the longer the president is in office, the dumber people think he is. And it’s likely not because of any single issue. The White House is the major leagues, as a former vice president, of all people, ought to know. His every move and action is now under scrutiny. He has to think on his feet and respond in real-time to real-life crises. The public can see now how Biden comports himself as the commander in chief. It’s not just a theoretical game anymore. He can’t just promise to do better than the last guy. He is actually expected to deliver, and to deliver competently and efficiently.

So far, the public apparently isn't impressed.

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Tags: Beltway Confidential, Opinion, Joe Biden, Pew Research Center

Original Author: Becket Adams

Original Location: Poll: majority now believe that Joe Biden is kind of an idiot
Faux Xiden is an Idiot and a corrupt one at that. This is why his handlers hid him from Public View, why he barely campaigned and why no one would turn out for his lame uninspiring canned speeches.
You’re the moron. He was not kidding when he asked those experts to look into it. If he was kidding, it would be even worse when people are dying and he’s confusing people by “kiddingly” proposing a fake cure. But, you’ve, seen the video right ? Nope, doubt you have. But keep Kissing the arse of the wizard.
You’re the ASS.OLE
You’re the moron. He was not kidding when he asked those experts to look into it. If he was kidding, it would be even worse when people are dying and he’s confusing people by “kiddingly” proposing a fake cure. But, you’ve, seen the video right ? Nope, doubt you have. But keep Kissing the arse of the wizard.
You’re A..HOLE . You really believe him when he said Drink Bleach You didn’t see the many Video’s where Harris and Sleepy Joe said they wouldn’t take the Vaccine because they didn’t trust anything made under the Trump administration?
You’re A..HOLE . You really believe him when he said Drink Bleach
Hilarious….Only an a-hole would defend him. Obviously you didn’t replay the video. Only a dufus would keep backing his idiotic statements……how about believing Putin over our own intell, nuking storms , and using UV rays internally…it goes on. He’s smarter then the scientists, got a booster shot when he said he wouldn’t. The list gives on.

oh, he was just kidding. What a dope…..he is and anyone defending him.
You’re the ASS.OLE

You’re A..HOLE . You really believe him when he said Drink Bleach You didn’t see the many Video’s where Harris and Sleepy Joe said they wouldn’t take the Vaccine because they didn’t trust anything made under the Trump administration?
I don’t think he used “ bleach” or are you clouding the issue humper.
It's a dumb one.
Nope…according one article in “ heavy“

Trump Allowed Illegal Drugs at the Parties — But No Cigarettes​

Trump loathed the idea of smoking and banned cigarettes from the parties, but did allow a variety of illegal substances, including cocaine, that were given by men at the parties to the women and girls in attendance.

“It was guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top-shelf liquor,” but no cigarettes allowed, the unnamed photographer told Gross.

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