Poll: majority now believe that Joe Biden is kind of an idiot

that it is highly likely that a conspiracy or twisted unity could have developed
Conspiracy theory….you guys are full of it. You have no fking idea so you just make up shit.
How about Chem Trails ? Got one on those ?

how many funds did he give the industrial cleaner outfit ?
Trump is an ignoramus. BTW, how do you guys get off trying to give credit to Trump for a vaccine you don’t believe in ? Really, your believability is zero. .

I’ve never heard of such BS. I take that back, Tuckershit is on Fix news nightly.
Who said we don’t believe in the Vaccine, Moron?

how many funds did he give the industrial cleaner outfit ?
Trump is an ignoramus. BTW, how do you guys get off trying to give credit to Trump for a vaccine you don’t believe in ? Really, your believability is zero. .

I’ve never heard of such BS. I take that back, Tuckershit is on Fix news nightly.
Pffft, you must be asking that of your master's Biden and Harris. They are the one's that didn't believe in the vaccines because they thought that Trump would get the credit for them. But then they thought, crap we better take these shot's if we're going to show him. Yeah they showed him they did. lol
So, you believe in an apartheid gov right ? Because just a few of you white guys know what’s good for everyone else, Trump and you want to follow stupid people. Wow, the deep state is composed of educated people , right ? So much for your cell phone and fixing your car. You are really naive.

But Trump loves you guys, as long as you stay dumb and worship the wizard.
You are the one that is naive, and everyone knows that it if they've got any sense at all.
Conspiracy theory….you guys are full of it. You have no fking idea so you just make up shit.
How about Chem Trails ? Got one on those ?
You are the one trying to cover, because everyone knows the reality of this bull crap you keep twisting and spinning, but you gotta keep going because you are a shill for the Democrat's. No matter how rational the topic that exposes the Democrat's idiocy, you have to swing into action in hopes to save the day. ROTFLMBO. It's not working, and you know it, but you have to keep trying.
Anyone else notice the left doesn’t defend Biden, they switch the subject to Trump? Why is that?

Maybe they realize the truth about Biden however they have to find excuses why they voted for him in the first place?

That is why they have deflected this thread to Trump?
They have done this since the days of the campaign, and will continue doing it until Quid Pro has to leave office. They can't defend or promote Quid Pro on his own merits.
Ask the Ass H..E where he got his “ info” and there will be no response
Don't need to, he's just flailing and spouting off the usual 3rd grade level insults. Truth doesn't matter, he just wants to say the worst things he can imagine and pretend he's making a point of some kind.
You are the one trying to cover, because everyone knows the reality of this bull crap you keep twisting and spinning, but you gotta keep going because you are a shill for the Democrat's. No matter how rational the topic that exposes the Democrat's idiocy, you have to swing into action in hopes to save the day. ROTFLMBO. It's not working, and you know it, but you have to keep trying.
So all 50 federal courts conspired to not grant Trump lawyers a stay on election results. Is that what you’re claiming ?
Pffft, you must be asking that of your master's Biden and Harris. They are the one's that didn't believe in the vaccines because they thought that Trump would get the credit for them. But then they thought, crap we better take these shot's if we're going to show him. Yeah they showed him they did. lol
Pffft, you must be asking that of your master's Biden and Harris. They are the one's that didn't believe in the vaccines because they thought that Trump would get the credit for them. But then they thought, crap we better take these shot's if we're going to show him. Yeah they showed him they did. lol
You get your material from Tucker or just making up shit as you go along ?
He deserves for you to lie about him? That's a new one.
Ha ha
No one lies more about anyone else then a-hole trump. What, you live in a cocoon ?
I really don’t give a shit what you think he deserves.

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