Poll: majority now believe that Joe Biden is kind of an idiot

what kind of man calls himself moonglow? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Still a Moron I see. The Vaccines were created under the Trump administration. That has nothing to do with his not even being able to read the teleprompter, ramble on forgetting what his “ point” was, or not remembering names of World Leaders or those in Our Gov’t
Certainly has nothing to do with his leaving the Borders Wide Open
Ha ha
The foundation for the vaccines for covid were created decades ago. The mapping for each
I don’t know.
What kind of a man admits he fell in love with Kim jung-un...and they share love letters.
Still a Moron I see. The Vaccines were created under the Trump administration. That has nothing to do with his not even being able to read the teleprompter, ramble on forgetting what his “ point” was, or not remembering names of World Leaders or those in Our Gov’t
Certainly has nothing to do with his leaving the Borders Wide Open
Ha ha
The drug companies which created the vaccine started the SARS based protocol decades ago under the watchful eyes of a man who worked for-every president then and now.

So, you’re now blaming Fauci for creating the vaxx ? He worked for Trump !
Btw, the government MAKES NOTHING. “Warp speed” was coined by the drug companies who developed the specific coved drug type with the cooperation of the fed CDC, not Trump.
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So, you are saying the deep state includes a conspiracy then between all the judges who ruled on the complaints lodged by Trump lawyers who said there was NO EVIDENCE presented by his lawyers of any wrong doing ? Are you saying that everyone is a member of a conspiracy ? Do YOU HAVE any evidence of that ?
So, your conspiracy by the deep state includes 50 federal courts ?
The national election committee summarized the results here. 50 plus complaints were rejected in federal courts
I'm saying in the current cultural climate created in this country, and the huge push in the media to serve specific narratives, that it is highly likely that a conspiracy or twisted unity could have developed in which caused the same bull crap concerning the whole get Trump movement, and at any cost before he derailed the leftist transformation of this country that started in the 60s, and has been running up to this very moment. You might not realize it, but yes you are a mouth piece & willing participant in their on going movement.

The courts finally came to a point where they failed. There is speak of this scenario written in our old documents.
Ha ha
The drug companies which created the vaccine started the SARS based protocol decades ago under the watchful eyes of a man who worked for-every president then and now.

So, you’re now blaming Fauci for creating the vaxx ? He worked for Trump !
Btw, the government MAKES NOTHING. “Warp speed” was coined by the drug companies who developed the specific coved drug type with the cooperation of the fed CDC, not Trump.
What's Fauci's job have to do with any change in the administration's ? Nothing.
Ha ha
The foundation for the vaccines for covid were created decades ago. The mapping for each

I don’t know.
What kind of a man admits he fell in love with Kim jung-un...and they share love letters.

Probably the kind of man that kept that nut job from nuking your ignorant ace.
How many pages on this thread and not one lefty can provide proof that Biden isn’t an idiot! They have nothing, they are just to dumb to admit they were conned by the DNC. Lol!

I know weak minded lefties have only but Trump! But Trump!
So Trump was part of the deep state ?
Btw, every Republican President and Republican Congress that voted majority in favor of a budget, did so increasing the deficit over the preceding democratic admin.and congress. So, they are all deep state progressives ?

Yes, Which is why I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And the one I did vote for, was more of a conservative, than a republican.
Ha ha
The drug companies which created the vaccine started the SARS based protocol decades ago under the watchful eyes of a man who worked for-every president then and now.

So, you’re now blaming Fauci for creating the vaxx ? He worked for Trump !
Btw, the government MAKES NOTHING. “Warp speed” was coined by the drug companies who developed the specific coved drug type with the cooperation of the fed CDC, not Trump.
Ha ha
The drug companies which created the vaccine started the SARS based protocol decades ago under the watchful eyes of a man who worked for-every president then and now.

So, you’re now blaming Fauci for creating the vaxx ? He worked for Trump !
Btw, the government MAKES NOTHING. “Warp speed” was coined by the drug companies who developed the specific coved drug type with the cooperation of the fed CDC, not Trump.

Not blaming Fauci for creating the Vax ; Dumb Ass. It was Trump who gave them the funds Drug Companies needed
You " forgot" to mention Fauci being in Bed with China
I'm kind of enjoying all this horseshit about Biden being an idiot and suffering from dementia and all that stuff.

It has to be salt in the wound for Trump to keep hearing he was beat like a drum by such a person. :lol:
no more than it was for Hillary :badgrin:

Not blaming Fauci for creating the Vax ; Dumb Ass. It was Trump who gave them the funds Drug Companies needed
You " forgot" to mention Fauci being in Bed with China
how many funds did he give the industrial cleaner outfit ?
Trump is an ignoramus. BTW, how do you guys get off trying to give credit to Trump for a vaccine you don’t believe in ? Really, your believability is zero. .

I’ve never heard of such BS. I take that back, Tuckershit is on Fix news nightly.
Oh no, so your saying that the movement in this nation to mess the children's minds up is something "WEIRD" ????
What movement is that ? Another conspiracy theory. Oh, the movement to teach kids math and science ?
The last thing you want to see is educated voters. After all, you fit in with Trumps perfect ideal supporter profile. He luvs the less educated.
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I'm saying in the current cultural climate created in this country, and the huge push in the media to serve specific narratives, that it is highly likely that a conspiracy or twisted unity could have developed in which caused the same bull crap concerning the whole get Trump movement, and at any cost before he derailed the leftist transformation of this country that started in the 60s, and has been running up to this very moment. You might not realize it, but yes you are a mouth piece & willing participant in their on going movement.

The courts finally came to a point where they failed. There is speak of this scenario written in our old documents.
So, you believe in an apartheid gov right ? Because just a few of you white guys know what’s good for everyone else, Trump and you want to follow stupid people. Wow, the deep state is composed of educated people , right ? So much for your cell phone and fixing your car. You are really naive.

But Trump loves you guys, as long as you stay dumb and worship the wizard.

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