Poll: majority now believe that Joe Biden is kind of an idiot

People call you an idiot all the time. Does that make it true?
Letā€™s see, how many ex staffers of past presidents publicly called their ex boss idiot ? Trump is an idiot because like all good science, there is a consensus, even among Republicans.
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One of the many questions that will be asked in psychological studies of this ugly period will be how many of these people knew subconsciously that they had been conned. I guess you could ask that of any cult - didn't you know, someone deep inside?

You'll often see people say things like "There were signs, I saw them, but I just didn't pay attention to them, because I didn't want to admit it".

Well I see your florid obsession is still blossoming
Pfffft, and I guess you are going to tell us that there is no deep state right ?? Define the deep state for us ? I gotta hear this.
No one on the right has yet to explain exactly what a ā€œdeep stateā€ isā€¦..Go ahead, enlighten us. It canā€™t be democrats. Geesus, Trumps own republican judicial nominees said Trumps evidence lacking whine about election fraud was FOS. Go ahead, WTF is the deep state ? His own aids who say heā€™s an idiot after his tenure ? Who are they ? Is the Republican controlled congress during his first two years who failed to OK his building a wall ?
Anyone else notice the left doesnā€™t defend Biden, they switch the subject to Trump? Why is that?

Maybe they realize the truth about Biden however they have to find excuses why they voted for him in the first place?

That is why they have deflected this thread to Trump?
One of the many questions that will be asked in psychological studies of this ugly period will be how many of these people knew subconsciously that they had been conned. I guess you could ask that of any cult - didn't you know, someone deep inside?

You'll often see people say things like "There were signs, I saw them, but I just didn't pay attention to them, because I didn't want to admit it".
I think it comes down to stubborn pride. Internally...many of the cult know they are victims of a big con game. But it would be a pride killer to admit it.
I think it comes down to stubborn pride. Internally...many of the cult know they are victims of a big con game. But it would be a pride killer to admit it.
Yeah, I think that's a lot of it. And internally, they know they sold their soul to this guy and and were simply fooled.

That's a lot to overcome in terms of admitting it publicly.
Seriously ? Trump is not an idiot ? He has the Intellect of a mature cucumber. Biden can read, Trump ā€œwritesā€ books with pictures. While others verbalize their time in office, Trump is mr picture man. Hilarious.
But then again, his supporters need all the help they can get.

Oh, Trump wrote the captionsā€¦..see Donny waddle after shitting his pants. Maybe that picture is in there.
Another Moronic post. Biden canā€™t even read his teleprompters and has to be told where to stand . When referring to certain people he canā€™t even remember their names
I think it comes down to stubborn pride. Internally...many of the cult know they are victims of a big con game. But it would be a pride killer to admit it.
More off topic noise, go start a thread on it, why canā€™t you address the topic of the thread? Why donā€™t you defend Biden instead of crying about Trump?
Another Moronic post. Biden canā€™t even read his teleprompters and has to be told where to stand . When referring to certain people he canā€™t even remember their names
Really. Is that what Tucker or Hannity say ? Fix News is so corrupt they are losing their regular news staff. All theyā€™ll have left is Trumpā€™s pimps. So keep making up shit.
Anyone else notice the left doesnā€™t defend Biden, they switch the subject to Trump? Why is that?

Maybe they realize the truth about Biden however they have to find excuses why they voted for him in the first place?

That is why they have deflected this thread to Trump?
Is it any different the listening to Trump and his Humper lemmings for five years making up shit about Hillary and Obama. Besides, you and Trump still think heā€™s president.
LMAO.. Those of us who think trannies are weird, get called childish names for being normal. Considering that like 90% of the word thinks men in dresses is weird.
Trannies are weirdo's.
So, you took a national poll or are you just talking for the crowd you hang with.
How about men who wear lots if make up and plug their scalp and dye their hair. Is that weird ?
So, you took a national poll or are you just talking for the crowd you hang with.
How about men who wear lots if make up and plug their scalp and dye their hair. Is that weird ?

Are they trying to look more like a woman? Then yes, that's F'n weird. That's the point. Men trying to look like women. That's weird.
Men trying to look more attractive to women, not weird.

Do you understand it now? Or does it just trigger you more?
Is it any different the listening to Trump and his Humper lemmings for five years making up shit about Hillary and Obama. Besides, you and Trump still think heā€™s president.
Youā€™d be wrong, again you deflect to Trump because you canā€™t defend Biden, you proved my point, thank you.
Because Trump and you still think heā€™s president.
Trump lost over a year ago and I hope he doesnā€™t run again, nor should Biden run again they are both terrible Presidents and you prove Biden is inept because you canā€™t defend him.

To vote for either party is moronic and if you voted for Trump or Biden, you are a moron.
Really. Is that what Tucker or Hannity say ? Fix News is so corrupt they are losing their regular news staff. All theyā€™ll have left is Trumpā€™s pimps. So keep making up shit.
Apparently you are deaf šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø as well as dumb. Ever listen to Biden when he tries to speak? In the middle of a sentence he forgets what he wants to say. Referring to World šŸŒŽ Leaders or those in Govā€™t he canā€™t even remember their names Canā€™t even read the teleprompter
BTW, heā€™s also a LIAR . He had NOTHING to do with the Civil Right Movement

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