Biden Says The US Has Israel's Back, Make No Mistake

I didn't fail. The people running the most secure border on earth failed... or did they?
Do you not know how they got away with breaching the fence in secret? This is a "touch fence", meaning it sounds an alarm if its tampered with or a ladder is leaned up against it. Do you know how they got around that?

Maybe you are just ignorant on this subject. Did you consider that?
Not interested.

TRANSLATION: HE MEANS HE'S GOT NO ANSWER. Tards give the LEGAL answer: Take the 5th, give no answer others can hold your feet to later.
He is only saying this to save face after Blinken tweeted supporting a cease fire, then deleted the tweet promptly when it caught fire.
We certainly forgot about the 34 Americans who were murdered by IDF quickly enough.
As a matter of fact Israel was rewarded with foreign aid that year too.

Israeli lobbies have managed to extract $ Trillions (1) from naive and gullible Americans in spite of its betrayals as far back as the Lavon Affaire and up to today's relentless theft of US secrets(2) and sale of. them to hostile governments.

I certainly don't condone the attack on Israel but the Palestinians are resisting the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in history.

Brutal occupiers frequently murder those who resist them by killing a certain number of civilians for each occupier killed.
If history is any indicator, Israel's kill ratio is not 10 to one but over 20 to one.

The question now remains after decades or ruthless occupation, how much more blood will it take to sate the blood lust of Israel's criminal Right Wing occupiers?


(1). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"$3-trillion.html
By Thomas R. Stauffer

EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S.
aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "The Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets.

“No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do,” said a former congressional staffer who attended another classified briefing in late 2013, one of several in recent months given by officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department, the FBI and the National Counterintelligence Directorate.

The intelligence agencies didn’t go into specifics, the former aide said, but cited “industrial espionage—folks coming over here on trade missions or with Israeli companies working in collaboration with American companies, [or] intelligence operatives being run directly by the government, which I assume meant out of the [Israeli] Embassy.” CONTINUED

(3) “Chart: 6,407 Palestinians and 308 Israelis Killed in Violence in Last 15 Years”

EXCERPT “The deadliest year for Palestinian casualties had been 2014 when Hamas kidnapped and killed three Israeli teenagers. The seven weeks of war, which included Israeli airstrikes and Hamas rocket launches left over 2,310 Palestinians dead. The fatalities on the Israeli side were 73, which included 67 soldiers, and the rest civilians.” CONTINUED
The Palestinians are cowards. They have weapons they hide in schools and with civilians, use those weapons, and then when Israel strikes back, they claim Israel is committing war atrocities.
"This is a moment for the United States to come together and grieve with those who are mourning," Biden said, adding that "the United States has Israel's back. Make no mistake."

But, I can't help but think, what about us? We've got 14 American citizens dead and possibly around 20 taken as hostages and Biden says we have Israel's back? What about OUR back? Biden won't even say that we have OUR back? We're just going to suck up the fact that we have 14 dead and around 20 taken hostage and Biden says we are going to support Israel? When is Biden going to support the US? What are WE going to do about it? Or, are we just going to support Israel and forget about American citizens murdered and taken hostage?
I'm the last person on earth that would defend the pretender in chief. That said... Anything our guys are gonna "do"? Isn't something you broadcast to your enemy.
I know. And I ignored your sealioning. I can't be more clear.
It can't me more clear as to why you ignored it. Because it is the truth. You can't even think of one thing. Frankly, I expected you to call my bluff and list one thing anyway but you couldn't even do that.

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