Biden says "Who does Trump think he is?"

The source is the Atlantic a magazine owned by someone who gave over a million dollars to the Biden campaign. Oh yea thats fucking credible.
Of course it's credible. It's not the first time he's disrespected the military. Everyone remembers his saying he prefers people that weren't captured, as if evading capture after being shot down over enemy territory is a simple thing to do. He's also claimed that he knows more than the general's, despite having never done anything more than playing soldier at a private military academy. If there's something that isn't credible, it's just about anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.

Anonymous unverified sources by a magazine that contributed a million dollars to the campaign of the opposing presidential candidate is credible to you?

Yea you just hate Trump so you believe anything. We call that GULLIBLE.

I don't lose much sleep worrying about a dumb person calling me gullible. You forget to throw in a communist accusation this time?

I never called you a communist, but I did call you fucking dickhead.

The you are one of the few crazy right wingers who doesn't throw that word around as if they knew what it means. Again, I don't care what dumb people call me because -- well -- because you are dumb. Trumpist fucktard. There is more than enough confirmation Trump said what he said.The problem is your head is so far up Trump’s ass you can’t possibly EVER wipe away the stink
The only thing I smell is leftist bullshit.
1599353378103.png Trumpist fucktard. There is more than enough confirmation Trump said what he said.The problem is your head is so far up Trump’s ass you can’t possibly EVER wipe away the stink
The only thing I smell is leftist bullshit.
View attachment 384990
Then it's a good sign that leftist bullshit stinks to high heaven. The last thing I need is Wuhan Virus sidelining me when the balloon goes up. ;) Trumpist fucktard. There is more than enough confirmation Trump said what he said.The problem is your head is so far up Trump’s ass you can’t possibly EVER wipe away the stink
The only thing I smell is leftist bullshit.
View attachment 384990
Then it's a good sign that leftist bullshit stinks to high heaven. The last thing I need is Wuhan Virus sidelining me when the balloon goes up. ;)
Let me you call bullshit on this.

Veterans React to Trump Calling Fallen Soldiers 'Losers'
Biden is absolutely right. Who does the lyin‘ Orange draft dodging fraud think he is? Who the fuck is he to say those who died for our country are losers? Biden couldn’t be more right.
I'm sure they are just dying for the ROE's under Obama to come back...........sure ..........sure .........sure.....
Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.

Well, that is the Trump line, but we all know how much he lies.
We are well aware that Biden is no longer fully aware of anything. Telling people that Edison did not invent the light bulb, he had better stop talking about his tax plan or they will shoot him.

You are free to believe anything you want, no matter how stupid it is.
This coming from a card carrying member of the cult of dementia.

Like Trump, all you have is lame insults.
Ukraine asked for weapons to fight the Russians........Obama Biden gave them soup and blankets........guess to give them a last meal.........and something to cover up the dead with.........

Obama Biden.......foreign policy disaster.........and wanted Assad to go....and prolong the War there........pffft Trumpist fucktard. There is more than enough confirmation Trump said what he said.The problem is your head is so far up Trump’s ass you can’t possibly EVER wipe away the stink
The only thing I smell is leftist bullshit.
View attachment 384990
Then it's a good sign that leftist bullshit stinks to high heaven. The last thing I need is Wuhan Virus sidelining me when the balloon goes up. ;)
Let me you call bullshit on this.

Veterans React to Trump Calling Fallen Soldiers 'Losers'

No need to watch. I am a veteran. I just reacted. I'll happily react again for the cheap and in person.

It is absolute leftist bullshit lies sparked by desperation. The Atlantic? Come on. No one with two functioning brain cells is stupid enough to believe this crap...

...which also explains why leftists are eating it up like brain damaged monkeys feasting on their own excrement.
The source is the Atlantic a magazine owned by someone who gave over a million dollars to the Biden campaign. Oh yea thats fucking credible.
Of course it's credible. It's not the first time he's disrespected the military. Everyone remembers his saying he prefers people that weren't captured, as if evading capture after being shot down over enemy territory is a simple thing to do. He's also claimed that he knows more than the general's, despite having never done anything more than playing soldier at a private military academy. If there's something that isn't credible, it's just about anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.

Anonymous unverified sources by a magazine that contributed a million dollars to the campaign of the opposing presidential candidate is credible to you?

Yea you just hate Trump so you believe anything. We call that GULLIBLE.

I don't lose much sleep worrying about a dumb person calling me gullible. You forget to throw in a communist accusation this time?

I never called you a communist, but I did call you fucking dickhead.

The you are one of the few crazy right wingers who doesn't throw that word around as if they knew what it means. Again, I don't care what dumb people call me because -- well -- because you are dumb.
Biden is absolutely right. Who does the lyin‘ Orange draft dodging fraud think he is? Who the fuck is he to say those who died for our country are losers? Biden couldn’t be more right.

Biden was a draft dodger you know. Phony claim of "asthma", I wonder how much Biden's old man paid the doctor.
Funny how Joe could star on the football field but wasn't healthy enough for the draft...

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