Biden says "Who does Trump think he is?"

Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.
Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.

Well, that is the Trump line, but we all know how much he lies.
The problem is Trumpist actually agree with
Biden is absolutely right. Who does the lyin‘ Orange draft dodging fraud think he is? Who the fuck is he to say those who died for our country are losers? Biden couldn’t be more right.

And how many days did Biden serve in the military, shithead?

Didn't say it, multiple NAMED sources have said they were there.

So fuck you you lying dickwad. Trumpist fucktard. There is more than enough confirmation Trump said what he said.The problem is your head is so far up Trump’s ass you can’t possibly wipe off the stink.

This was an anonymous sourced story, there is no confirmation at all. Just Mr. Goldberg's statement that it happened, was kept quiet for 2 years and popped up right before the election. These "October surprise" type stories by the media don't work.
You’re wrong. I am sick of Trumpers calling everything negative about Trump fake news, a hoax or some other lie. Just fucking admit you don’t give a shit what the hell Trump says or does.
What "Trumpers" call fake news is irrelevant. If he's wrong, who are the sources?
Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.

Well, that is the Trump line, but we all know how much he lies.
We are well aware that Biden is no longer fully aware of anything. Telling people that Edison did not invent the light bulb, he had better stop talking about his tax plan or they will shoot him.
Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.

Well, that is the Trump line, but we all know how much he lies.
We are well aware that Biden is no longer fully aware of anything. Telling people that Edison did not invent the light bulb, he had better stop talking about his tax plan or they will shoot him.

You are free to believe anything you want, no matter how stupid it is.
Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.

Well, that is the Trump line, but we all know how much he lies.
We are well aware that Biden is no longer fully aware of anything. Telling people that Edison did not invent the light bulb, he had better stop talking about his tax plan or they will shoot him.

You are free to believe anything you want, no matter how stupid it is.
This coming from a card carrying member of the cult of dementia.
Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.

Well, that is the Trump line, but we all know how much he lies.
We are well aware that Biden is no longer fully aware of anything. Telling people that Edison did not invent the light bulb, he had better stop talking about his tax plan or they will shoot him.

You are free to believe anything you want, no matter how stupid it is.
This coming from a card carrying member of the cult of dementia.

Looks to me that Biden is deteriorating with every "speech" and "press conference".

By debate time he'll be a babbling idiot, lost in space.
Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.

Well, that is the Trump line, but we all know how much he lies.
We are well aware that Biden is no longer fully aware of anything. Telling people that Edison did not invent the light bulb, he had better stop talking about his tax plan or they will shoot him.

You are free to believe anything you want, no matter how stupid it is.
This coming from a card carrying member of the cult of dementia.

Like Trump, all you have is lame insults.
Someone's getting nervous! It's no secret that the military is turning away from Trump.
They would be fools to do so. Just the modernizing/upgrading of hardware that troops use in battles and practice has saved lives. Living in military areas has improved. Of course if they don't want that....
Obviously better then Biden. The poor fellow is being led around by his people lost in a haze. I have no doubt they will continue to lie to him just to keep him in the race.

Well, that is the Trump line, but we all know how much he lies.
We are well aware that Biden is no longer fully aware of anything. Telling people that Edison did not invent the light bulb, he had better stop talking about his tax plan or they will shoot him.

You are free to believe anything you want, no matter how stupid it is.
This coming from a card carrying member of the cult of dementia.

Like Trump, all you have is lame insults.
Yeah poor baby. You started with it but now want to pretend that you are upset.
Someone's getting nervous! It's no secret that the military is turning away from Trump.
They would be fools to do so. Just the modernizing/upgrading of hardware that troops use in battles and practice has saved lives. Living in military areas has improved. Of course if they don't want that....

So Trump is only willing to fully fund the military if they support him. We already knew that.
The source is the Atlantic a magazine owned by someone who gave over a million dollars to the Biden campaign.

Oh yea thats fucking credible.
The source is the Atlantic a magazine owned by someone who gave over a million dollars to the Biden campaign. Oh yea thats fucking credible.
Of course it's credible. It's not the first time he's disrespected the military. Everyone remembers his saying he prefers people that weren't captured, as if evading capture after being shot down over enemy territory is a simple thing to do. He's also claimed that he knows more than the general's, despite having never done anything more than playing soldier at a private military academy. If there's something that isn't credible, it's just about anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.
Biden is absolutely right. Who does the lyin‘ Orange draft dodging fraud think he is? Who the fuck is he to say those who died for our country are losers? Biden couldn’t be more right.

trump said "Military people who die for the USA are losers" ? you got a citation? I DO recall that he derided John Mc Cain for having been captured---which was a GROSS BIT OF IDIOCY on his part----he demurred against criticism by saying ----something dumb like "I PREFER WINNERS"------ok and that's it------he came out with a really stupid remark THAT TIME. I was in the Navy----we had funny rules----like if a ship gets CAPTURED by the enemy THE SHIP and its crew go on the shit list until they jump thru a whole mess of hoops to get off the shit list. It is just a weird "military" way of doing things
The source is the Atlantic a magazine owned by someone who gave over a million dollars to the Biden campaign. Oh yea thats fucking credible.
Of course it's credible. It's not the first time he's disrespected the military. Everyone remembers his saying he prefers people that weren't captured, as if evading capture after being shot down over enemy territory is a simple thing to do. He's also claimed that he knows more than the general's, despite having never done anything more than playing soldier at a private military academy. If there's something that isn't credible, it's just about anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.

Anonymous unverified sources by a magazine that contributed a million dollars to the campaign of the opposing presidential candidate is credible to you?

Yea you just hate Trump so you believe anything. We call that GULLIBLE.
The source is the Atlantic a magazine owned by someone who gave over a million dollars to the Biden campaign. Oh yea thats fucking credible.
Of course it's credible. It's not the first time he's disrespected the military. Everyone remembers his saying he prefers people that weren't captured, as if evading capture after being shot down over enemy territory is a simple thing to do. He's also claimed that he knows more than the general's, despite having never done anything more than playing soldier at a private military academy. If there's something that isn't credible, it's just about anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.
Anonymous unverified sources by a magazine that contributed a million dollars to the campaign of the opposing presidential candidate is credible to you? Yea you just hate Trump so you believe anything. We call that GULLIBLE.
Anyone that believes anything coming out of his mouth has a lot of nerve calling someone else gullible. :laughing0301:
The source is the Atlantic a magazine owned by someone who gave over a million dollars to the Biden campaign. Oh yea thats fucking credible.
Of course it's credible. It's not the first time he's disrespected the military. Everyone remembers his saying he prefers people that weren't captured, as if evading capture after being shot down over enemy territory is a simple thing to do. He's also claimed that he knows more than the general's, despite having never done anything more than playing soldier at a private military academy. If there's something that isn't credible, it's just about anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.

Anonymous unverified sources by a magazine that contributed a million dollars to the campaign of the opposing presidential candidate is credible to you?

Yea you just hate Trump so you believe anything. We call that GULLIBLE.

I don't lose much sleep worrying about a dumb person calling me gullible. You forget to throw in a communist accusation this time?
The source is the Atlantic a magazine owned by someone who gave over a million dollars to the Biden campaign. Oh yea thats fucking credible.
Of course it's credible. It's not the first time he's disrespected the military. Everyone remembers his saying he prefers people that weren't captured, as if evading capture after being shot down over enemy territory is a simple thing to do. He's also claimed that he knows more than the general's, despite having never done anything more than playing soldier at a private military academy. If there's something that isn't credible, it's just about anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.

Anonymous unverified sources by a magazine that contributed a million dollars to the campaign of the opposing presidential candidate is credible to you?

Yea you just hate Trump so you believe anything. We call that GULLIBLE.

I don't lose much sleep worrying about a dumb person calling me gullible. You forget to throw in a communist accusation this time?

I never called you a communist, but I did call you fucking dickhead.

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