Biden schedule for 3/23: ONE item............a hospital tour.

Nothing on the crisis at the border he created. Not a single thing to deal with his policy of spreading infected illegals throughout the US.

Then all day Nap Time.
Laziest President in American History. Also the dumbest, and most incontinent, and just plain corrupt, senile, and Xi's biggest puppet.
Like I have stated repeatedly - Dementia Joe is little more than a show horse until the fascist left are ready to get rid of his worthless ass and install Comrade Kamala. I (honestly) expect to see this happen early next year. They are chomping at the bit.
He is pacing himself.

Libs voted for this dipshit.

Hey, lib asshole Biden this proper use of a mask?

Firstly, Senator Ron Johnson has clearly labeled the January 6 insurgency as not an Antifa or BLM event, but in fact a Republican sanctioned event that he himself personally felt comfortable to be around. A wonderful day it was for celebrants, Nostra poster, Jimmy_Chitwood poster, and The Original Tree poster. See how Public it was, on anyone's calendar!

Secondly, the famous illiteracy of the named and like-named(?) posters is shown in the OP. Anyone sees the concept, "Public Schedule," firstly. Anyone sees the dozen or so public events--way more than one, secondly. A lot of time is spent in transit. The clearly illiterate have no concept of how anyone gets from Washington, D. C., to anywhere on the border! Public transportation is known to happen all over, even(?).

Red State lazy does in fact extend to Baby Abandonment, being that brand. The lazy tend to lie--one of them, Trumped-Up: With more than 30,000 of them on record in only 48 months. If 12 is one, then the named illiterate posers are of the brand. The Red State Baby Abandonment support is another one of those, "Public Events and Records!"

See the prayers widely famous of the Red State oblivious! Cast into Outer Darkness, Weeping as the Predatory gnash their teeth on all the genitalia, babies included. The Times were Imperial Roman. The alleged morality exists in a backdrop. "No Lives Matter," was famously Roman and Imperial. The games were played that killed people off for sport!

See the posters concept, in that paragraph: Of the "Public Events and Records" they cherish--even now in statutes!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think! Matt 25: 14-30 is actually what you get--now starting remedy, in process!)
Libs prove they do not believe masks work by not calling out Biden for improper mask usage.


Is this how one uses a mask?
Firstly, Senator Ron Johnson has clearly labeled the January 6 insurgency as not an Antifa or BLM event, but in fact a Republican sanctioned event that he himself personally felt comfortable to be around. A wonderful day it was for celebrants, Nostra poster, Jimmy_Chitwood poster, and The Original Tree poster. See how Public it was, on anyone's calendar!

Secondly, the famous illiteracy of the named and like-named(?) posters is shown in the OP. Anyone sees the concept, "Public Schedule," firstly. Anyone sees the dozen or so public events--way more than one, secondly. A lot of time is spent in transit. The clearly illiterate have no concept of how anyone gets from Washington, D. C., to anywhere on the border! Public transportation is known to happen all over, even(?).

Red State lazy does in fact extend to Baby Abandonment, being that brand. The lazy tend to lie--one of them, Trumped-Up: With more than 30,000 of them on record in only 48 months. If 12 is one, then the named illiterate posers are of the brand. The Red State Baby Abandonment support is another one of those, "Public Events and Records!"

See the prayers widely famous of the Red State oblivious! Cast into Outer Darkness, Weeping as the Predatory gnash their teeth on all the genitalia, babies included. The Times were Imperial Roman. The alleged morality exists in a backdrop. "No Lives Matter," was famously Roman and Imperial. The games were played that killed people off for sport!

See the posters concept, in that paragraph: Of the "Public Events and Records" they cherish--even now in statutes!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think! Matt 25: 14-30 is actually what you get--now starting remedy, in process!)
I am well educated. I read....a lot. I run a business. I understand the tax code....federal and several states.

But for the life of me....after reading your post 3 times....I cant get a fucking grip on what you are trying to say.
Firstly, Senator Ron Johnson has clearly labeled the January 6 insurgency as not an Antifa or BLM event, but in fact a Republican sanctioned event that he himself personally felt comfortable to be around. A wonderful day it was for celebrants, Nostra poster, Jimmy_Chitwood poster, and The Original Tree poster. See how Public it was, on anyone's calendar!

Secondly, the famous illiteracy of the named and like-named(?) posters is shown in the OP. Anyone sees the concept, "Public Schedule," firstly. Anyone sees the dozen or so public events--way more than one, secondly. A lot of time is spent in transit. The clearly illiterate have no concept of how anyone gets from Washington, D. C., to anywhere on the border! Public transportation is known to happen all over, even(?).

Red State lazy does in fact extend to Baby Abandonment, being that brand. The lazy tend to lie--one of them, Trumped-Up: With more than 30,000 of them on record in only 48 months. If 12 is one, then the named illiterate posers are of the brand. The Red State Baby Abandonment support is another one of those, "Public Events and Records!"

See the prayers widely famous of the Red State oblivious! Cast into Outer Darkness, Weeping as the Predatory gnash their teeth on all the genitalia, babies included. The Times were Imperial Roman. The alleged morality exists in a backdrop. "No Lives Matter," was famously Roman and Imperial. The games were played that killed people off for sport!

See the posters concept, in that paragraph: Of the "Public Events and Records" they cherish--even now in statutes!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think! Matt 25: 14-30 is actually what you get--now starting remedy, in process!)
I am well educated. I read....a lot. I run a business. I understand the tax code....federal and several states.

But for the life of me....after reading your post 3 times....I cant get a fucking grip on what you are trying to say.
This is what happens when Xi's puppet posters try to translate Chinese in to EnGRISH.

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