Biden seeks $33 billion in additional funding for Ukraine

At least I don't flip flop like a politician.
First you (obviously) supported America invading the sovereign nations of Iraq and Afghanistan - against international law.
But now you freak out about Russia doing the SAME THING to Ukraine.

On this, you are nothing but a virtue signaling, hypocrite.
Your attempt to evade the actual point with your twisted tortured logic is a fail. And putting your simplistic argument into large bold font doesn’t help your argument avoid its fail.

Your speculation about my prior position on other war related matters is your speculation. But even if my position was diffeeernt remains irrelevant. Why? Because I am not the issue. Putin’s criminal behavior is the issue.

Yup. That’s right. The Putin waging of this war is not only the main issue, the fact that he has no acceptable or valid reason for any of it the crucial point. And nobody (certainly not you) can offer any rational excuse for his criminal behavior.

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