Biden Sending $100M to Hamas

You link says nothing about giving anything to Hamas.

It talks about sending medicine, food and water into Gaza and warns Hamas to not interfere.

What are you talking about?
read the link

“If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people, and it will end as a practical matter,” Biden said. “It will stop the international community from being able to provide this aid.” America made Hamas go on a murder spree in Israel.
Basically true, even though needing an explanation on how persistent apartheid by the Zionist regime has finally achieved their desired effect.

But have they gambled wrong on getting the acceptance of the rest of the world? What does America's and the apartheid regime's track record show the world?
You are a total fucking degenerate, no doubt.
I strive to drive you immature lowbrows to distraction.
You link says nothing about giving anything to Hamas.

It talks about sending medicine, food and water into Gaza and warns Hamas to not interfere.

What are you talking about?
Fucking imbecile. You're too stupid to participate in this forum. Honestly, you are.

Hamas is the elected government of Gaza.

Go away.
Biden argued that the aid is needed because the “vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas.”

“Palestinian people are suffering greatly as well,” he said. “We mourn the loss of innocent Palestinian lives like the entire world.”

But Biden wasn’t done.

“Today, I’m also announcing $100 million in U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank,” he said.

Sounds like Biden doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to let Israel win the war
Why are we sending any money to anybody when we are $33 Trillion in debt?

That is stupid as hell, isn't it?
Didn’t he just sent $8 billion to Israel. It’s completely absurd.

many Americans are struggling to make ends meet
Sending money is fine with a majority as long as it doesn't have to include the troops for now. That needs some work.

So Biden sends them on an aircraft carrier that's understood to be relatively safe for now at least.

It could get a lot more interesting now if America's military decides to fk with Russia or China.

And 10X that if they fk with Iran! Now that's where America's rubber is going to hit the road!
many Americans are struggling to make ends meet

While that's certainly true, in case you haven't noticed, few seem to care about America any more if you flip through the bulk of the topical content over the last couple of weeks.

Rest assured that tater has the full support of the useful idiots in society to hold the rest of us up who don't agree at the barrel of a government gun to pay it off.

Looks like they wanna pass it around to the Ukraine, Israel and probably some to Taiwan.
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Basically true, even though needing an explanation on how persistent apartheid by the Zionist regime has finally achieved their desired effect.

But have they gambled wrong on getting the acceptance of the rest of the world? What does America's and the apartheid regime's track record show the world?

I strive to drive you immature lowbrows to distraction.
In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies
in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries
during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.
When did Biden appoint himself King and able to dole out millions to anyone without congressional approval?
What Congress?
The one Republicans have shut down?

Now we see how badly Republicans are screwing up the country
While that's certainly true, in case you haven't noticed, few seem to care about that any more if you flip through the bulk of the topical content over the last couple of weeks.

Rest assured that tater has the full support of the useful idiots in society to hold the rest of us up who don't agree at the barrel of a government gun to fund it.

Looks like they wanna pass it around to the Ukraine, Israel and probably some to Taiwan.

Yeah, weird how they pass out the bucks everywhere but the american citizen.
Why are we sending any money to anybody when we are $33 Trillion in debt?

That is stupid as hell, isn't it?
Just try to understand that it's money well spent. The leading countries of the Brics alliance are also pouring great resources into the fight for world domination!

I'll predict that there's no half-way war this time!
What Congress?
The one Republicans have shut down?

Now we see how badly Republicans are screwing up the country
Does not matter Biden has no power to do it. so why has he stopped at Israel and not included the Ukraine? The man is out of control
Yeah, weird how they pass out the bucks everywhere but the american citizen.

I don't necessarily agree with redistributing any of one citizens wealth to another at the barrel of a government gun.

But...point taken.

America has been last for a long time, man. But you're one of the ones who already knows that, so.

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