Biden Sending $100M to Hamas

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
No rational human believes Hamas and the Pales are one in the same, or that Hamas actually helps the Pale civilian population beyond ... not starving. Most knowledgeable observers think and IDF invasion of all of Gaza would cause thousands more casualties on both sides. But, most also think eliminating Hamas from the face of the earth would be good. And the dirty truth is Bibi has not only used Hamas but also helped it.

So, anything Biden can do to get the Arab states pushing for a release of hostages, and for Israel to be real certain what it wants for the future, isn't a bad thing.
What is burning?

For sake of convenience, I'll simply repeat what I said elsewhere on the board in one of the half dozen or so ''pick a side, wave your dicks back and forth at each other, and just disregard the actual plot'' poll threads that conveniently started popping up as soon as this event occured......

You have a majority of Americans who are being forced to make a choice between feeding their families or fueling their vehicles to go to work. Violence on the streets is out of control. Cities have been burned to the ground. Businesses are being looted almost daily. Your borders are wide open and your agents are merely taking inventory by the hundreds of thousands in the interest of the administration's human trafficking campaign. Your children are being turned into sex objects for the convenience of the perverted in society and the operation is being run from the halls of so-called academia and government in synergy. Your prosperity is being systematically pissed away by way of inflationism, a belief in deficit finance, central economic planning by a central bank and a welfare state. Your civil liberties are under constant bombardment by those in your government whom are charged with and whom take an oath to defend them. Your justice system is thoroughly corrupted. Your legislative process is thoroughly under the control of corporate lobbyists who operate via the revolving door to Washington. Your government openly refers to anyone in the electorate who disagrees with it as extremists or terrorists. Your more sane representatives are being threatened with expulsion for expressing any disagreement with the current administration's policies. As well, the next forever war appears to be against you, the American electorate, and as justification for the operation, its purveyors continue to orchestrate the narrative illusion that American democracy is under seige by its own electorate. And that's just for starters. Do the red and blue helmets ever ''come together'' to solve that problem? Hell no, they don't.

Wake up and mind the interests of your own house for a change, rather than the interests of the globalist opportunists who routinely orchestrate this shit all over the world to play on your emotion and to lead you around by a carrot on a stick to get you to ignore the peril of your own nation's situation and to coerce you into looking the other way and to willfully and eagerly continue to hand over what little bit you have left of the fruits of your labor that they haven't yet managed to squeeze from you at the barrel of a government gun to keep the monopoly going.

These assholes over there have been fighting among themselves for thousands of years. And they'll continue doing so for thousands more. And the globalist opportunists will continue to coerce it and to manipulate it for their own interests. Yet the very fabric of your own country, assuming many here are even American, which I highly doubt is the case around here these days anyway, is being strategically and systematically destroyed from within. And in broad daylight, no less.
For sake of convenience, I'll simply repeat what I said elsewhere on the board in one of the half dozen or so ''pick a side, wave your dicks back and forth at each other, and forget about the actual plot'' poll threads that conveniently started popping up as soon as this stuff happened......

You have a majority of Americans who are being forced to make a choice between feeding their families or fueling their vehicles to go to work. Violence on the streets is out of control. Cities have been burned to the ground. Businesses are being looted almost daily. Your borders are wide open and your agents are merely taking inventory by the hundreds of thousands in the interest of the administration's human trafficking campaign. Your children are being turned into sex objects for the convenience of the perverted in society and the operation is being run from the halls of so-called academia and government in synergy. Your prosperity is being systematically pissed away by way of inflationism, a belief in deficit finance, central economic planning by a central bank and a welfare state. Your civil liberties are under constant bombardment by those in your government whom are charged with and whom take an oath to defend them. Your justice system is thoroughly corrupted. Your legislative process is thoroughly under the control of corporate lobbyists who operate via the revolving door to Washington. Your government openly refers to anyone in the electorate who disagrees with it as extremists or terrorists. Your more sane representatives are being threatened with expulsion for expressing any disagreement with the current administration's policies. As well, the next forever war appears to be against you, the American electorate, and as justification for the operation, its purveyors continue to orchestrate the narrative illusion that American democracy is under seige by its own electorate. And that's just for starters. Do the red and blue helmets ever ''come together'' to solve that problem? Hell no, they don't.

Wake up and mind the interests of your own house for a change, rather than the interests of the globalist opportunists who routinely orchestrate this shit all over the world to play on your emotion and to lead you around by a carrot on a stick to get you to ignore the peril of your own nation's situation and to coerce you into looking the other way and to willfully and eagerly continue to hand over what little bit you have left of the fruits of your labor that they haven't yet managed to squeeze from you at the barrel of a government gun to keep the monopoly going.

These assholes over there have been fighting among themselves for thousands of years. And they'll continue doing so for thousands more. And the globalist opportunists will continue to coerce it and to manipulate it for their own interests. Yet the very fabric of your own country, assuming many here are even American, which I highly doubt is the case around here these days anyway, is being strategically and systematically destroyed from within. And in broad daylight, no less.
We are the wealthiest country on earth

We can do both
We are the wealthiest country on earth

We can do both
That is a troll response. 10 words in response to a well detailed post filled with informative paragraphs.

. Much of the wealth is with the billionaire who in large part provide garbage jobs ….where in the past the richest Americans provided great jobs…. people like Henry Ford. It’s not like it was in the 1950s when the middle class was much better off compared to today.

You ask your average struggling American right now how things are. And then there told that we’re giving money away to foreign countries. Yeah that’s going to infuriate them.

Everything costs so much. Food is high. Gas is high. It's really hard for me," Stinney, 40, of Goodyear, Arizona, said after a recent 14-hour workday. "I can only imagine what people with a family and kids must be going through."

As Americans look ahead to another Independence Day and a likely contentious 2024 presidential election, many are feeling fiscal pain as the prices of food, shelter, health care and transportation climb higher than their paychecks. About 52% of Americans participating in a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll said the United States is too expensive to live in. And about 7 in 10 Americans said stifling inflation and the economy are the nation's top problems today, according to a new Pew Center survey. A majority across age, gender and race told Pew that inflation is "a very big problem."

Imagine you going up to a poor American saying “we are the wealthiest country on earth. Everything is fine and be sure to support Israel a country with one of the toughest militaries on the planet, but rest assured they could use our billions of dollars”
We are the wealthiest country on earth

We can do both

We're 33 trillion dollars in debt. And that's just on paper alone. That's not even considering black budget. We're broke. The country is to the point of being so screwed that without the electorate paying taxes at the barrel of a government gun to pay off this kind of crap, it wouldn't even have a monetary system. Get real, man. You know better.

All you're doing is regurgitating what Yellen was popping off about the other day...

Janet Yellen: America can 'certainly' afford to support Israel and Ukraine

''Janet Yellen has told Sky News the United States can "certainly" afford to support wars on two fronts, as the conflict between Israel and Hamas threatens stability in the Middle East and the US continues to back Ukraine's fight against Russia.''
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Thats a very naive thinking. Hamas is always looking to validate its actions.

Let them cut off aid to their own people, let them undermine their own propaganda that they are there to fight for Palestenians.

What exactly are you afraid of? That someone in Hamas will eat that food?
That my money doesn't belong in a terrorist state or any other nation.

Pretty simple fucking concept. Do for Americans not foreigners
We are the wealthiest country on earth

We can do both
We have been giving aid to Egypt so they won't war with Israel and vice versa. Biden has been talking with Israels neighbors and is helping to make peace and to quell some of the animosity.

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