Biden Sending $100M to Hamas

I wonder how Hawaii feels about this SLAP IN THE FACE.

700 for Hawaiian residents.

The campaign ad writes itself
Doesn't matter what form it arrives in. It's your money paying for whatever they send.
Yeah but sending them food and medicine is not like sending them money they can use to strike Israeli targets and civilians
Do Americans understand yet that the contest for speaker is the contest between Biden's prowar agenda and th small force within the R party that represents the 'antiwar' effort?

It's publicly unspeakabe to just say so and take a stand, but it's implied in far too many ways.
But it does matter. However, I'm opposed to aid no matter what the form.
It doesn't matter to taxpayers. The money is gone no matter the form it appears in over there. It has ZERO tangible effect on any of our lives. Just like all the billions sent to Ukraine and God knows how much to Iran.
I gotta ask.... what's 10% of $100 Million?..... carry the 4, wow it's $10 Million.

Holy shit, Hunted can afford the 12-year olds again..... that girls, not scotch... and Plugs can get one more opulent mansion.... everybody needs 7 of them.... right?

biden bribe sign.jpg
Wake up and mind the interests of your own house for a change, rather than the interests of the globalist opportunists who routinely orchestrate this shit all over the world to play on your emotion and to lead you around by a carrot on a stick to get you to ignore the peril of your own nation's situation and to coerce you into looking the other way and to willfully and eagerly continue to hand over what little bit you have left of the fruits of your labor that they haven't yet managed to squeeze from you at the barrel of a government gun to keep the monopoly going.

Most AMERICANS, Congress and both parties support helping Israel
Yes, but what makes this time different is in the task of convincing the rest of the world that America stands on the side of the righteous

That position was blown as the world's majority moved away from accepting that the Ukraine was the cause, and came to accepting the undeniable fact that it's America's war against Russia.

And now, the majority of the world's people are beginning to refuse to buy into the lies of the Zionist apartheid regime.
They are getting plenty
In loans at interest. :rolleyes:

". . . Businesses of all sizes and private nonprofit organizations in that region can borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory and other business assets.

The loans can also be used to make improvements to prevent future disaster damage.

“We’re committed to providing federal disaster loans swiftly and efficiently, with a customer-centric approach to help businesses and communities recover and rebuild,” said SBA administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman.

In addition, disaster loans up to $500,000 are available to homeowners to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate. And homeowners and renters are eligible for up to $100,000 to repair or replace damaged or destroyed personal property, including personal vehicles.

Interest rates can be as low as 4% for businesses, 2.375% for private nonprofit organizations and 2.5% for homeowners and renters with terms up to 30 years."
I gotta ask.... what's 10% of $100 Million?..... carry the 4, wow it's $10 Million.

Holy shit, Hunted can afford the 12-year olds again..... that girls, not scotch... and Plugs can get one more opulent mansion.... everybody needs 7 of them.... right?

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There's only one way of beating Biden and that is in America adopting an antiwar agenda with some teeth.

The corruption in America's system is too big to defeat with any other cause.

Sending hundreds of billions of dollars to victim countries has become acceptable to the American people.

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