Biden sending Billions to Iran so they can arm Russia to fight Ukraine, who Biden is sending billions to fight Russia.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Can anyone explain the Biden policy if funding both sides in a war?
Sure. You're just making stupid shit up.

I mean, you neglected to mention how Biden is "sending billions" to Iran. Your link certainly said no such thing.

Did you even read your own link? Apparently not.

And you do understand that Russia _pays_ Iran for their drones, right? That's why Iran builds them, to make a profit. Iran building drones is unrelated to the Iran nuclear deal.
You must not realize how important and extraordinary the agreement was. Trump was so ignorant to wreck that one.
You should start a thread on that topic, Troll.
You must not realize how important and extraordinary the agreement was. Trump was so ignorant to wreck that one.

You sure do post a lot for being a 107 year old woman who was educated in the very finest Madrassas and was the world's only female oil mogul back in 1950.
You must not realize how important and extraordinary the agreement was. Trump was so ignorant to wreck that one.
Yes, but there's more to it than just that, as the reasons why America needed to keep Iran as an enemy.

But it's come back to bite America in that Iran has joined the opposing alliance against American hegemony.

Iran is one of the highly significant forces to oppose America and it's worth mentioning too that America cleared Iraq out of Iran's way.

America may have lost the entire ME!
Can anyone explain the Biden policy if funding both sides in a war?

Kickbacks is the only logical explanation I can see.

Learn to read, Imbecile

while simultaneously allowing Tehran to rebuild its energy exports

Seriously, you're a moron.
Yes, but there's more to it than just that, as the reasons why America needed to keep Iran as an enemy.

But it's come back to bite America in that Iran has joined the opposing alliance against American hegemony.

Iran is one of the highly significant forces to oppose America and it's worth mentioning too that America cleared Iraq out of Iran's way.

America may have lost the entire ME!
This is how it works...

Some dumbass illiterate stoat sounds a false alarm, and the entire colony chimes in with their home cooked stupid.
Iran has been hit by US sanctions since 2005. Yeah they were lifted briefly but were imposed again and their are multiple sanctions. Trump lifted them.

The last
June 6, 2023

The United States sanctioned six companies and seven people in Iran, China, and Hong Kong that procured technology and parts for the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile and military programs. The network was linked to Iran’s Defense Ministry and four affiliated organizations. Three firms and all the designated people were based in China. The move reflected increasing concern over Tehran’s missile capabilities and security ties with Beijing. The sanctions were imposed on the same day that Iran unveiled a new hypersonic missile, called the Fattah, that Tehran claimed could evade conventional air defense systems.

This is nothing more than Cruz running for president and pointing out his accomplishment as one Senator with one vote he cast in various things that he mentions in his speech. Also attacking Biden as any good Politian running for president is going to do.

Biden has supported continued sanctions against Iran. Generally that Iran should not have a nuclear capability, support for human rights in Iran. He has made comments on Iran human abuse violations.

Whereas Trump as the republican president wanted to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. Trump vetoed a war powers resolution in 2020.

So Cruz comments really apply to Trump policies but he does not attack Trump but goes after Biden. Hey maybe Cruz is looking at that VP slot.

Ted Cruz brought it up

Somehow, getting Iran to give up its nukes is the same thing as supporting Putin
Yet not long ago Biden personally went to the floor of the house. The first president to do that and pleaded with congress to lift the sanctions on putin and Nordstrom. Sounds like Biden giving Putin some loving. Oh and that's after Hunter got 3 million from russia.
Yet not long ago Biden personally went to the floor of the house. The first president to do that and pleaded with congress to lift the sanctions on putin and Nordstrom. Sounds like Biden giving Putin some loving. Oh and that's after Hunter got 3 million from russia.
Another steaming pile of dung.
Yet not long ago Biden personally went to the floor of the house. The first president to do that and pleaded with congress to lift the sanctions on putin and Nordstrom. Sounds like Biden giving Putin some loving. Oh and that's after Hunter got 3 million from russia.
I don’t remember that
Is there a link?

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