Biden Sending U.S. General and Staff to Kiev To Provide “Long-Term Advice” To The Vietkrainian Army!


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Sending U.S. General and Staff to Kiev To Provide “Long-Term Advice” To The Vietkrainian Army!
12 Dec 2023 ~~

The Obamunists are in a hole, they really don’t know what to do next. So they will continue to double down on failure.
The Ukrainian Army is fading, losing ground in the field, and there are obvious internal squabbles going on, amid rampant corruption.
So Lyndon Johnson, err… I mean… Biden, is sending an Offial U.S. Mission including staff to take over… err… I mean… “Directly Advise” the Vietnamese Army. Err… I mean… Ukrainian Army.

They cannot admit failure, especially now with elections looming.
I warned of this when they started immediately after stealing the election, that “The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight” was in charge again.
They thought that all they had to do was cut Russia off from SWIFT, and it would just roll over and die.
See also Believe It or Not, This 1993 Speech by Then-Senator Joe Biden Is Sounding Very Prophetic [VIDEO]

The consequences of doing that are boomeranging on us, hard, by the destruction of the value of the dollars, as all of those Petrodollars no longer being used for zinternational Trade are coming back home, creating inflation and the destruction of Middle Class Wealth.

Going Insane Over Ukraine.
“We can do for you guys what we did for Afghanistan! and Vietnam”
We are entering the “rebuilding” phase of the grift. It is certain to be even more lucrative that the “war” phase.
It’s clear what this is. We are trying to push for a cease fire. The minute they get that, they intent is to flood Ukraine with weapons, jets, trainers, advisors, etc. Then conclude some kind of NATO-lite defense pact.
There of course is no intent for Ukraine to stop it’s bizarre effort to gram Crimea or the Donbass, or for any of the west’s sanctions to be ended. There will be no rebuilding and restarting of the pipelines. Does anyone imagine the SBU would stop it’s waves of assassinations and bombings?
Last, it was admitted that Minsk II was a ruse to allow a Ukrainian force build up.
So in short, there is no reason for the Russians to agree to a cease fire just because the Ukes are losing and the West is tired. What’s in it for them?
Meanwhile Germany say's they've only hot two days supply of ammunition for their troops.
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Biden Sending U.S. General and Staff to Kiev To Provide “Long-Term Advice” To The Vietkrainian Army!
12 Dec 2023 ~~

The Obamunists are in a hole, they really don’t know what to do next. So they will continue to double down on failure.
The Ukrainian Army is fading, losing ground in the field, and there are obvious internal squabbles going on, amid rampant corruption.
So Lyndon Johnson, err… I mean… Biden, is sending an Offial U.S. Mission including staff to take over… err… I mean… “Directly Advise” the Vietnamese Army. Err… I mean… Ukrainian Army.

They cannot admit failure, especially now with elections looming.
I warned of this when they started immediately after stealing the election, that “The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight” was in charge again.
They thought that all they had to do was cut Russia off from SWIFT, and it would just roll over and die.
See also Believe It or Not, This 1993 Speech by Then-Senator Joe Biden Is Sounding Very Prophetic [VIDEO]

The consequences of doing that are boomeranging on us, hard, by the destruction of the value of the dollars, as all of those Petrodollars no longer being used for zinternational Trade are coming back home, creating inflation and the destruction of Middle Class Wealth.

Going Insane Over Ukraine.
“We can do for you guys what we did for Afghanistan! and Vietnam”
We are entering the “rebuilding” phase of the grift. It is certain to be even more lucrative that the “war” phase.
It’s clear what this is. We are trying to push for a cease fire. The minute they get that, they intent is to flood Ukraine with weapons, jets, trainers, advisors, etc. Then conclude some kind of NATO-lite defense pact.
There of course is no intent for Ukraine to stop it’s bizarre effort to gram Crimea or the Donbass, or for any of the west’s sanctions to be ended. There will be no rebuilding and restarting of the pipelines. Does anyone imagine the SBU would stop it’s waves of assassinations and bombings?
Last, it was admitted that Minsk II was a ruse to allow a Ukrainian force build up.
So in short, there is no reason for the Russians to agree to a cease fire just because the Ukes are losing and the West is tired. What’s in it for them?
Meanwhile Germany say's they've only hot two days supply of ammunition for their troops.

why do they need our advice? long cold winter in moscow. anything can happen

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