The West will have to make peace with Russia

We used to think Russia had a 1st class modern military.
In trying to use it, Putin proved otherwise

Paper tiger.

There were MAGA morons on this forum prior to the invasion of Ukraine saying that very thing. That the US military wouldn't stand a chance against the Russian military.


Ignorance Putin has always counted on. And still does.
Intelligent people understand what Ronald Reagan understood. Russia is a paper tiger.

Reagan ramped up our defense spending knowing the USSR would implode trying to keep up.

The Soviets tried for over a decade to conquer Afghanistan and finally had to leave.

Putin has already lost far more men than the Soviets did during the entire Afghan war.

The combined economic might of the US and Europe is more than the dictator can handle.

All Putin has in his favor are the useful idiots in the MAGA camp who swallow his propaganda like it's Kool-Aid.
The Cold War ended a long time ago. Sadly you folks haven't realized that.

Europe alone has more people, more money, and yet they can't keep their own backyard in order without our help. What possible good are they to us? Those clowns couldn't handle Kosovo without us.

Countering a dictator by creating a clownish new dictator really isn't an effective message to support 'democracy'.

The only threat Russia poses to the US is their ICBMs and sub launched weapons. Whether Russia picks up a few new territories or not doesn't change that reality. It's not our problem and we have plenty of our own.
Russia and Ukraine are now involved in trench warfare. As in World War I.

The lines are moving by yards instead of miles.

With more armaments, Ukraine can once again take the offense.

More cheerleading. More armaments didn't break the WWI deadlock, new armaments did, and new ones these days like drones don't have the punch tanks did back when they were first introduced.

Germany was also starving and running out of men. Russia may be depleted, but so was Ukraine.

Are you advocating for NATO to return Ukraine to its 2014 borders?
Are you advocating for NATO to return Ukraine to its 2014 borders?
Of course!

Ukraine is a sovereign country that has been invaded. They have the right to every last inch of their land being returned to them.
Does Putin have a magical armaments factory that isn't beholden to the same limitations?


No, they have 60 decades worth of stored hardware and shells, that even if obsolete, is still a deeper pool that Ukraine has.

Unless as I stated before, we want to arm and train 5-10 divisions of armored and mech infantry troops.
Of course!

Ukraine is a sovereign country that has been invaded. They have the right to every last inch of their land being returned to them.

So you want World War III just to spite Trump.

That is insane.
And yet after almost two years no one has managed to do that.

You are falling victim to the cheerleader mentality, and willfully ignore the objective conditions being seen in the area of operations.
Took 20 years for the Taliban to kick us out of Afghanistan
Biden (amazingly) was about the only, and certainly the first, to say Putin was going to invade. And I don't for a second think Biden thought Ukraine could hold out, but when the Ruskies stalled, the West sent aid.

I'm cynical and think Biden knew (personally) of Ukraine's corruption, and our aim was simply to use Ukrainians to kill Russians, because Ukraine is not Putin's goal.

As much as it would suck for Ukranine and the thousands maimed by Putin's aggression, but if Ukraine ends up with just what is west of the Dnieper River, and in Nato .... that's better than what Putin had in store for them.

The Cold War ended a long time ago.
We're in a new one now. Wakey wakey!

Sadly you folks haven't realized that.

Putin is trying to reconstitute the Soviet Union. He will not stop with Ukraine.

Of the 110 statues of Joseph Stalin in Russia, Putin has erected 95.

Wake up and smell the commie, boys and girls.

Don't you hate commies?

How did you come to being a useful idiot to one?
Took 20 years for the Taliban to kick us out of Afghanistan

We left voluntarily, I doubt the Russians will do that.

We didn't think Afghanistan belonged to us, The Russians think all of Ukraine belongs to them.

The biggest worry is if they win in Ukraine they go for the Baltic States next.
They seem to be winning the time battle now.

Ukraine occupies no Russian territory, but Russia occupies plenty of Ukrainian territory.
Ukraine has no intention of occupying Russian territory.

However, we are considering providing Ukraine with weapons which can strike deep into Russia so the Russian people get a taste of what if feels like to have your homeland attacked and to be without electricity.

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