New Ukrainian Law on Mobilization voted in

The German authorities expelled seven Ukrainian soldiers who were training under the Bundeswehr program because of their use of right-wing extremist symbols.

Ukrainian geniuses could not even temporarily curb their Nazi impulses
The German authorities expelled seven Ukrainian soldiers who were training under the Bundeswehr program because of their use of right-wing extremist symbols.

Ukrainian geniuses could not even temporarily curb their Nazi impulses
Got a link?

Well from tomorrow Zelensky could find himself on the wrong end of those goon squads his Term as Ukrainian President runs out, so he could end up drafted as a civilian, he has been dressed for the part for ages, i expect Biden and the other criminals to still say he is President.
Well from tomorrow Zelensky could find himself on the wrong end of those goon squads his Term as Ukrainian President runs out, so he could end up drafted as a civilian, he has been dressed for the part for ages, i expect Biden and the other criminals to still say he is President.
Why is there not even an attempt of civil protest in Ukraine now? Do Ukrainians like everything? Obviously not. The fact is that all the parties that could have organized resistance to the regime have been dispersed, and the media that could have conveyed the truth about what is happening have been closed or blocked.
Why is there not even an attempt of civil protest in Ukraine now? Do Ukrainians like everything? Obviously not. The fact is that all the parties that could have organized resistance to the regime have been dispersed, and the media that could have conveyed the truth about what is happening have been closed or blocked.
I actually think there has been sabotage by partisans, but as in Nazi Germany many people are terrified of their friendly neighbourhood Gestapo officer or informer, they need to find the guts to rise up before they have no Country left, i forgot to say there was a huge protest by Ukrainian truckers against the new draft law, they blocked highwys for mile with their trucks, so there are probably things going on that are not reported in the west.
Still no link. Anyway, this thread is about the mobilization law.
Well i am sure i can find one when i have time, as for mobilisation Zelensky could find himself on the front line anytime because he is now a civilian, not that it will make much difference to him and his handlers, his term as President ran out yesterday.
Well i am sure i can find one when i have time, as for mobilisation Zelensky could find himself on the front line anytime because he is now a civilian, not that it will make much difference to him and his handlers, his term as President ran out yesterday.
As far as I know there cannot be elections according to the constitution because it is war.
"Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated May 16, 2024 No. 560.

Delivery of summonses, passage of the Military Medical Commission and other nuances: what does the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers change in mobilization"

Most notable:
"organize the deployment of control points for mobilization measures, notification stations (headquarters), collection points for persons liable for military service; organize and monitor the course of notification, collection and supply of reservists and persons liable for military service to manning troops in the amounts determined by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;"

As far as I know there cannot be elections according to the constitution because it is war.
There was a decision of the Ukrainian constitutional court that the powers of the president cannot exceed five years. After five years, the president either calls elections or surrenders his powers to the speaker of the Rada, I don't remember to whom. The Cabinet resigns, and the Rada appoints another Cabinet. And so on.

Then the deal was for deposed President Yanukovych. So he couldn't come back.
And now it hit Zelensky.
So no matter how you look at it, Zelensky is not the president from today.
there cannot be elections according to the constitution because it is war
There is a ban on parliamentary elections written in the Constitution. Exactly parliamentary.
There are no prohibitions on holding presidential or any other elections.
Because according to the Constitution, Ukraine is a parliamentary-presidential republic, the parliament and its decisions must be above the decrees of the president.

But this is all in theory. Whoever grandpa Biden petted is legitimate.
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There was a decision of the Ukrainian constitutional court that the powers of the president cannot exceed five years. After five years, the president either calls elections or surrenders his powers to the speaker of the Rada, I don't remember to whom. The Cabinet resigns, and the Rada appoints another Cabinet. And so on.

Then the deal was for deposed President Yanukovych. So he couldn't come back.
And now it hit Zelensky.
So no matter how you look at it, Zelensky is not the president from today.

There is a ban on parliamentary elections written in the Constitution. Exactly parliamentary.
There are no prohibitions on holding presidential or any other elections.
Because according to the Constitution, Ukraine is a parliamentary-presidential republic, the parliament and its decisions must be above the decrees of the president.

But this is all in theory. Whoever grandpa Biden petted is legitimate.
I looked it up:

Article 64
Constitutional human and citizen’s rights and freedoms shall not be restricted,
except in cases envisaged by the Constitution of Ukraine.
Under conditions of martial law or a state of emergency, specific restrictions on
rights and freedoms may be established with the indication of the period of effect
of these restrictions. The rights and freedoms envisaged in Articles 24, 25, 2 7, 28,
29, 40, 47, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63 of this Constitution shall
not be restricted.

However, Article 70, which is about the right to vote, is not excluded:

Article 70
Citizens of Ukraine who have attained the age of eighteen on the day elections and
referendums are held, have the right to vote at the elections and referendums.
Citizens deemed by a court to be legally incompetent do not have the right to vote.

This means Ukraine can hold elections during wartimes or not, both is constitutional.

But according to the constitution, the President will never again be a regular citizen:

Article 105
The President of Ukraine enjoys the right of immunity during the term of authority.
Persons guilty of offending the honour and dignity of the President of Ukraine are
brought to responsibility on the basis of the law.
The title of President of Ukraine is protected by law and is reserved for the
President for life
, unless the President of Ukraine has been removed from office by
the procedure of impeachment.

This means Zelensky will be President forever.

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