Biden Slips up During Interview, Admits Real Reason Illegals Are Flooding U.S.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Yep, and what we all knew it was about.

Dems hate America, love power, and will do anything to have power.

It is like 1857 all over again.

Joe Biden veered off-script during an interview with a Spanish-language radio station, appearing to admit the real reason he is allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter the United States.

Since Biden took office, an estimated 11 million illegal aliens, the majority of whom are military-age males, have entered the U.S.

Is that incompetence? Well, if you look at who benefits, it becomes clear that the border crisis is a strategic effort to get Democrats more voters.

Biden admitted this during the interview.

“It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters! Err, Hispanic citizens,” Biden said.



As we reported last month, the Oversight Project revealed that flyers distributed by a non-governmental organization (NGO) encouraging illegals to vote for Joe Biden.

The flyers read: (translated from Spanish)

“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open.”


Wow. That is going to make some attack ads.

China is going to win anyways. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they have the inferior system but the superior focus and commitment to winning. Their century of humiliation is driving them while Western corporations do as they did with the Germans in the 1930s, they continue to fuel their machine.
Yep, and what we all knew it was about.

Dems hate America, love power, and will do anything to have power.

It is like 1857 all over again.

Joe Biden veered off-script during an interview with a Spanish-language radio station, appearing to admit the real reason he is allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter the United States.
Since Biden took office, an estimated 11 million illegal aliens, the majority of whom are military-age males, have entered the U.S.
Is that incompetence? Well, if you look at who benefits, it becomes clear that the border crisis is a strategic effort to get Democrats more voters.
Biden admitted this during the interview.
“It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters! Err, Hispanic citizens,” Biden said.

As we reported last month, the Oversight Project revealed that flyers distributed by a non-governmental organization (NGO) encouraging illegals to vote for Joe Biden.
The flyers read: (translated from Spanish)
“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open.”


Deport the politicians encouraging the Invasion followed by the Invaders
The real reason Biden is allowing so many illegals in is because so many American motel chains need their lawns mowed and toilets cleaned daily.
I th
The real reason Biden is allowing so many illegals in is because so many American motel chains need their lawns mowed and toilets cleaned daily.
I Thought it was to harvest Strawberries and work in meat packer Facilities ?
I do like some things about Joe, but unfortunately his rinse repeat of the Obama open border policy is not one of those things!
He is also campaigning on stopping the "crisis" that he created if we are stupid enough to re elect him. What a guy! What does this say about our electorate and the country's mental health?
Democrats own this crisis. They want replacement bodies to convert to votes at all costs that they are willing to compromise the safety and sovereignty of the United States by opening borders to accept criminals, rapists, murderers, drug and sex traffickers from countries that are run like shit holes.
Since 1965 and Teddy Boi Kennedy (the Hero of Chappaquiddick) was the poster boy for the Immigration and Nationality Act we have been constantly fed "they are doing jobs Americans won't do". The law included some future restraints, but were never implemented. Well guess what? Once they are "Americans" they won't want to do it either, you know equal protection and all that. So they will vote for more people to be imported so THEY will do it. We will cheer it on and feel good about it until you can't find a potato, but it will be too late, and the government will have to "fix" that too. The food industry and energy grid is already under assault. The Machine is playing the long game, decades ahead while we are responding to the 6 o'clock news and then forget it.
I Thought it was to harvest Strawberries and work in meat packer Facilities ?
And you just have to look at the Senate bill that came to the floor in March, that would have required census takers to only count American citizens.
Not one single Dim Senator voted for it.

This tells you all you need to know.
Don't allow non-citizens to be counted in the census, problem solved. Will Reps have any balls to pass a piece of legislation stating that? No, they won't, cause they're just as much in on it as the left, they don't care about winning, they only care about their cushy lifestyles being funded. They're all corrupt pieces of shit on the take.
And you just have to look at the Senate bill that came to the floor in March, that would have required census takers to only count American citizens.
Not one single Dim Senator voted for it.

This tells you all you need to know.

Hadn't read your post prior to posting mine, but spot on, that's ALL this is about. I didn't even know there had been a bill introduced for that.
Hadn't read your post prior to posting mine, but spot on, that's ALL this is about. I didn't even know there had been a bill introduced for that.

"Senate Democrats have unanimously defeated Sen. Bill Hagerty’s (R-Tenn.) proposal to bar illegal immigrants from being counted in the national census, warning that their numbers go toward informing the apportioning of House seats and the Electoral College."


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