Biden Starts Dropping Iran Sanctions

Rest of the world is supporting it
Of course they are. They will be the primary beneficiaries when the cash begins to flow out of Tehran again. They'll also sputter and fuss for a few days when the mullahs announce their nuke but some will even approve of THAT because "fairness".

Israel has a new hard-Left leaning government but they also just bombed Iranian targets in Syria a day or two ago. Iran is on a path to set the planet on fire because of its religious insanity. Those who are helping them are traitors to this nation.
Countries that just want oil to flow are being stupid and shortsighted
Israel has a new hard-Left leaning government but they also just bombed Iranian targets in Syria a day or two ago. Iran is on a path to set the planet on fire because of its religious insanity. Those who are helping them are traitors to this nation.

Well, the left, including American Marxists, want to build back better. So, we would need to destroy a whole lot first, before building back. Quite 1789 in fact.
Traitor Joe©™, making the world safe for terrorism. And Biden voters be like, we okay with it.

The Biden administration on Friday lifted sanctions against three former Iranian officials and two companies that did business in Iran with its oil companies.
Administration officials insisted the sanctions relief was routine and merited by a “verified change in behavior or status on the part of the sanctioned parties,” but the action was widely interpreted by the media as a signal to Tehran that Biden is ready to make further concessions to reverse President Donald Trump’s exit from the nuclear deal.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) at the U.S. Treasury Department announced Thursday it had lifted sanctions from National Iranian Oil Company managing director Ahmad Ghalebani, Hong Kong Intertrade Company managing director Farzad Bazargan, and Naftiran Intertrade Company Sarl commercial director Mohammad Moinie.
It also partially lifted sanctions on the Sea Charming Shipping Company Ltd. and Aoxing Ship Management Shanghai Ltd.
The Obama administration listed Ghalebani and Bazargan for sanctions in 2013 when it took action against 20 individuals and entities for “their involvement in Iran’s nuclear and missile proliferation networks and Iran’s continued attempts to circumvent sanctions.” The Hong Kong Intertrade Company was also part of that May 2013 action.
The Naftiran Intertrade Company was hit with secondary sanctions in January 2020 for “engaging in transactions involving Iran’s petroleum sector.” The Treasury Department said those transactions helped to “finance Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Qods Force (IRGC-QF) and its terrorist proxies.”
The IRGC is a designated terrorist organization. The Qods Force is the IRGC’s dirty tricks squad for spreading Iran’s malevolent influence beyond its borders, through activities such as arming and training terrorist groups such as the Shiite militias of Iraq. The Qods Force was headed by Gen. Qassem Soleimani until he was killed while operating on Iraqi soil by a U.S. airstrike in January 2020.
Mohammed Moinie, the Switzerland-based commercial director for Naftiran Intertrade Company Sarl, was placed under sanctions in September 2013 for helping the Iranian government evade oil sanctions.
State Department spokesman Ned Price was asked about the sanctions relief at a press conference Thursday, with reporters noting the abrupt removal of Obama-era sanctions came as a surprise.

Little difference between Joe and Don. Just as there was little difference between the two war criminals W and O. Yet Americans caught up in the belief of the duopoly, are blind to the truth.
Traitor Joe©™, making the world safe for terrorism. And Biden voters be like, we okay with it.

Actually, I'm perfectly fine with it. Iran isn't our enemy. They might be the enemy of the Zionist Entity, but that's their problem, not mine.

We've been trying the hard tack with Iran for 40 years now, what has it gotten us, exactly? If anything, the Iranian people are more loyal to the Ayatollahs, because they can always blame the US for their woes.

If we want to really get rid of the Ayatollahs, here's how you do it. Drop the sanctions, drop the hostility, don't get involved in their arguments with the Zionists, actually admit we fucked up by putting the Shah in power.

Then when the Ayatollahs fail to fix Iran's problems, their people will hold them to account
countires that actively engage in terrorism should have sanctions against them

One man's terrorists is another man's freedom fighter.

Just ask Ronnie Reagan.

Traitor Joe©™, making the world safe for terrorism. And Biden voters be like, we okay with it.

The Biden administration on Friday lifted sanctions against three former Iranian officials and two companies that did business in Iran with its oil companies.
Administration officials insisted the sanctions relief was routine and merited by a “verified change in behavior or status on the part of the sanctioned parties,” but the action was widely interpreted by the media as a signal to Tehran that Biden is ready to make further concessions to reverse President Donald Trump’s exit from the nuclear deal.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) at the U.S. Treasury Department announced Thursday it had lifted sanctions from National Iranian Oil Company managing director Ahmad Ghalebani, Hong Kong Intertrade Company managing director Farzad Bazargan, and Naftiran Intertrade Company Sarl commercial director Mohammad Moinie.
It also partially lifted sanctions on the Sea Charming Shipping Company Ltd. and Aoxing Ship Management Shanghai Ltd.
The Obama administration listed Ghalebani and Bazargan for sanctions in 2013 when it took action against 20 individuals and entities for “their involvement in Iran’s nuclear and missile proliferation networks and Iran’s continued attempts to circumvent sanctions.” The Hong Kong Intertrade Company was also part of that May 2013 action.
The Naftiran Intertrade Company was hit with secondary sanctions in January 2020 for “engaging in transactions involving Iran’s petroleum sector.” The Treasury Department said those transactions helped to “finance Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Qods Force (IRGC-QF) and its terrorist proxies.”
The IRGC is a designated terrorist organization. The Qods Force is the IRGC’s dirty tricks squad for spreading Iran’s malevolent influence beyond its borders, through activities such as arming and training terrorist groups such as the Shiite militias of Iraq. The Qods Force was headed by Gen. Qassem Soleimani until he was killed while operating on Iraqi soil by a U.S. airstrike in January 2020.
Mohammed Moinie, the Switzerland-based commercial director for Naftiran Intertrade Company Sarl, was placed under sanctions in September 2013 for helping the Iranian government evade oil sanctions.
State Department spokesman Ned Price was asked about the sanctions relief at a press conference Thursday, with reporters noting the abrupt removal of Obama-era sanctions came as a surprise.

Ever wondered why the US's list of real big enemies just happened to include FOUR OPEC MEMBERS in 2001.

Venezuela, Iran, Iraq and Libya.

It's not a coincidence.

If you think someone's more of a terrorist than the US just because they sit on a lot of oil.....
Traitor Joe©™, making the world safe for terrorism. And Biden voters be like, we okay with it.

Actually, I'm perfectly fine with it. Iran isn't our enemy. They might be the enemy of the Zionist Entity, but that's their problem, not mine.

We've been trying the hard tack with Iran for 40 years now, what has it gotten us, exactly? If anything, the Iranian people are more loyal to the Ayatollahs, because they can always blame the US for their woes.

If we want to really get rid of the Ayatollahs, here's how you do it. Drop the sanctions, drop the hostility, don't get involved in their arguments with the Zionists, actually admit we fucked up by putting the Shah in power.

Then when the Ayatollahs fail to fix Iran's problems, their people will hold them to account
Agreed. The problem with that approach is it doesn’t make money for the MIC.
Rest of the world is supporting it
WHich means what exactly?
And what is the "rest of the world"?
Russia? China?... you want to please them?
Or European countries? Our European allies are like a bunch of spoiled children. They love us only if we keep giving them treats at the checkout lines. And then once they get their treats... they bash us anyway.
Every single one of them only care about what American tax dollars they can get directly into their greedy pockets - as well as how much surcharges/taxes/tariffs to add to our products and scream if we even think of adding like charges on their products.
Every single one of our allies are two-faced, cheats, and only look at how they can take advantage of us.
Part of the LONG process of undoing the damage done by Trump
WHich means what exactly?
And what is the "rest of the world"?
Russia? China?... you want to please them?
Or European countries? Our European allies are like a bunch of spoiled children. They love us only if we keep giving them treats at the checkout lines. And then once they get their treats... they bash us anyway.
Every single one of them only care about what American tax dollars they can get directly into their greedy pockets - as well as how much surcharges/taxes/tariffs to add to our products and scream if we even think of adding like charges on their products.
Every single one of our allies are two-faced, cheats, and only look at how they can take advantage of us.

I'm sure that every one of those countries can list a litany of complaints about the US and it's conduct, particularly in the last four years.

Here's the practical reality. The rest of the world is unwilling to support our Zionist-instigated vendetta against Iran. Particularly since we are the ones who've been mostly in the wrong in that relationship. Iran is the diplomatic equivalent to Loraine Bobbitt. The rest of the world might think they are crazy, but John totally had it coming.
WHich means what exactly?
And what is the "rest of the world"?
Russia? China?... you want to please them?
Or European countries? Our European allies are like a bunch of spoiled children. They love us only if we keep giving them treats at the checkout lines. And then once they get their treats... they bash us anyway.
Every single one of them only care about what American tax dollars they can get directly into their greedy pockets - as well as how much surcharges/taxes/tariffs to add to our products and scream if we even think of adding like charges on their products.
Every single one of our allies are two-faced, cheats, and only look at how they can take advantage of us.

I'm sure that every one of those countries can list a litany of complaints about the US and it's conduct, particularly in the last four years.

Here's the practical reality. The rest of the world is unwilling to support our Zionist-instigated vendetta against Iran. Particularly since we are the ones who've been mostly in the wrong in that relationship. Iran is the diplomatic equivalent to Loraine Bobbitt. The rest of the world might think they are crazy, but John totally had it coming.
READ: I hate America, I think America is the real evil of the world, and Iran is awesome. In fact, I wish America would collapse... except... that would hurt me, so I will stick with just bitching about it!
Long live the Ayatollah!!
READ: I hate America, I think America is the real evil of the world, and Iran is awesome. In fact, I wish America would collapse... except... that would hurt me, so I will stick with just bitching about it!
Long live the Ayatollah!!

Um, I'm willing to bet only one of us has a DD214... and it isn't you.

America has much bigger problems than who is running Iran.

But to the point... we propped up the Shah when a democratically elected government tried to get rid of him. The Shah spent the next 25 years building opulent palaces for himself while oppressing his people.

We aren't the good guys in that story. We need to change that.

First, admit what we did was wrong.
Second, come up with a better policy that re-engages Iran with the rest of the world. Reality- if Iran is invested in the world order, it's going to be less likely to make trouble.
READ: I hate America, I think America is the real evil of the world, and Iran is awesome. In fact, I wish America would collapse... except... that would hurt me, so I will stick with just bitching about it!
Long live the Ayatollah!!

Um, I'm willing to bet only one of us has a DD214... and it isn't you.

America has much bigger problems than who is running Iran.

But to the point... we propped up the Shah when a democratically elected government tried to get rid of him. The Shah spent the next 25 years building opulent palaces for himself while oppressing his people.

We aren't the good guys in that story. We need to change that.

First, admit what we did was wrong.
Second, come up with a better policy that re-engages Iran with the rest of the world. Reality- if Iran is invested in the world order, it's going to be less likely to make trouble.
READ: I hate America, and I think everything is Americas fault. Other nations that are bad, are bad only because of America.
What we really need to do, is continue to cow tail to everyone, continue to sacrifice ourselves to pay homage to their greatness and finally openly admit just how terrible we are while groveling and offering them our money.
Because - THAT - is all the rest of the world wants or expects from America.
READ: I hate America, and I think everything is Americas fault. Other nations that are bad, are bad only because of America.
What we really need to do, is continue to cow tail to everyone, continue to sacrifice ourselves to pay homage to their greatness and finally openly admit just how terrible we are while groveling and offering them our money.
Because - THAT - is all the rest of the world wants or expects from America.

Wow, if that is what you 'read", it's pretty clear that you have some kind of severe learning disability. You know, the one where you clearly don't understand history.

We made Iran what it is today. This is established historical fact.
Feckless Joe carrying out more of Obama's policies. Obama said he would. No one is surprised.
We have a Potemkin government, to a great extent.

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