Biden starts student loan payoffs 6 months ahead of schedule


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Beginning In February, six months ahead of schedule, Biden is buying more votes with other people’s money by canceling “crippling” loans that were originally $12,000 or less. Two questions for discussion:

1) A original loan of $12,000 or less is hardly crippling, especially for college-educated professionals in their 30s. Why is Biden giving this gift to higher earners, when people with high school diplomas have car loans of $30,000?

2) Didn’t the SCOTUS rule this unconstituional? Isn’t this a show that Biden has no respect for our system of government?

Let's talk about the Billions of dollars, $$$$$, corrupt individuals receive from Foreign Countries for Brand/Influence/Votes/etc.

Both fucking Parties.
I don't pick sides.
Beginning In February, six months ahead of schedule, Biden is buying more votes with other people’s money by canceling “crippling” loans that were originally $12,000 or less. Two questions for discussion:

1) A original loan of $12,000 or less is hardly crippling, especially for college-educated professionals in their 30s. Why is Biden giving this gift to higher earners, when people with high school diplomas have car loans of $30,000?

2) Didn’t the SCOTUS rule this unconstituional? Isn’t this a show that Biden has no respect for our system of government?

Why should they have any debt? It would seem that not saddling people with debts would allow them to do other things, like start families.
Why should they have any debt? It would seem that not saddling people with debts would allow them to do other things, like start families.
Plenty of people have debts. Why should young high school grads be “saddled“ with the car loans they took out? Why is Biden making the high school grads with car loans pay off the loans of the college-educated with so much more earning potential?
Nope. This forgiveness program is based on the Higher Education Act or 1965 and income dependent loan repayment plans.

It’s totally different.
So you’re saying this was always within the law? So why is Biden trying to rush it ahead by six months?

Oh, I know. He’s after their votes. These adults in their 30s can we’ll make another six payments and meet the terms of their agreement.
Plenty of people have debts. Why should young high school grads be “saddled“ with the car loans they took out? Why is Biden making the high school grads with car loans pay off the loans of the college-educated with so much more earning potential?
Here it is.

Car Loans individually are small potatoes.
You have crooks in the car dealership business, and we all know it.
You being held to a car loan of $30,000 versus $33,000 (because the dealership screwed you) isn't going to make that much of an overall difference.
Deal with it, and pay off your car loan.

College, College costs have gotten way out of control, for whatever reason.
Granted, I went to College in 1980, and I played sports, studied, worked, dated, and enjoyed College Entertainment. I never had a Student Loan. Money I saved for HS work, and money I made while in College, paid for ALL my College.

College costs today, not the same......who's to blame?
Beginning In February, six months ahead of schedule, Biden is buying more votes with other people’s money by canceling “crippling” loans that were originally $12,000 or less. Two questions for discussion:

1) A original loan of $12,000 or less is hardly crippling, especially for college-educated professionals in their 30s. Why is Biden giving this gift to higher earners, when people with high school diplomas have car loans of $30,000?

2) Didn’t the SCOTUS rule this unconstituional? Isn’t this a show that Biden has no respect for our system of government?

UnConstitutional. He's abusing powers he does not have. That's an impeachable offense.

Violation of Oath of Office.
So you’re saying this was always within the law? So why is Biden trying to rush it ahead by six months?

Oh, I know. He’s after their votes. These adults in their 30s can we’ll make another six payments and meet the terms of their agreement.
Because the Biden administration is competent and was able to finalize the rules and the program quicker than they thought they could.

Im sorry, but you seem to have a mental block on how government and the laws work, and just are stuck on your default setting of “Democrat‘s bad”.
Because the Biden administration is competent and was able to finalize the rules and the program quicker than they thought they could.

Im sorry, but you seem to have a mental block on how government and the laws work, and just are stuck on your default setting of “Democrat‘s bad”.
What? They found a loophole to allow students with modest loans a gift of six months pay-off of loans? Did this go through Congress?

And where Is the extra money to pay off the loans coming from? This was money that was due to the government, and now they’re not going to get it. The loss has to be made up somehow.
Beginning In February, six months ahead of schedule, Biden is buying more votes with other people’s money by canceling “crippling” loans that were originally $12,000 or less. Two questions for discussion:

1) A original loan of $12,000 or less is hardly crippling, especially for college-educated professionals in their 30s. Why is Biden giving this gift to higher earners, when people with high school diplomas have car loans of $30,000?

2) Didn’t the SCOTUS rule this unconstituional? Isn’t this a show that Biden has no respect for our system of government?

Why do right wingers go batshit crazy when poor people get a financial break? They fine with tax breaks for billionaires, interest free forgiveable loans to mega corporations,, but give a person making less than $120,000 per year a tax break, and the nation is going to hell in a handbasket.

How selfish and greedy are you Lisa???

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