Biden starts student loan payoffs 6 months ahead of schedule

Of course. He IS antisemitic. You notice how the a-hole races in on a topic on student loans to make a dig against Israel? We send more money to Arab countries, and he doesn’t mention them.
Says our resident Nazi.
Beginning In February, six months ahead of schedule, Biden is buying more votes with other people’s money by canceling “crippling” loans that were originally $12,000 or less. Two questions for discussion:

1) A original loan of $12,000 or less is hardly crippling, especially for college-educated professionals in their 30s. Why is Biden giving this gift to higher earners, when people with high school diplomas have car loans of $30,000?

2) Didn’t the SCOTUS rule this unconstituional? Isn’t this a show that Biden has no respect for our system of government?

Buy them votes!

2) Didn’t the SCOTUS rule this unconstituional?

Yeah, but pfft who cares…right?

All I have to say is there is a lot of precedent setting going on here for the next Republican president to take advantage of..but you know damn well if they tried it, the dems would be out screaming “constitution!!!”
Im sorry, but you seem to have a mental block on how government and the laws work, and just are stuck on your default setting of “Democrat‘s bad”.
Explain your logic to those who struggled with bills for some time, yet paid off their student loans, and moved on.

Mommy this isn't fair.....:aug08_031:
UnConstitutional. He's abusing powers he does not have. That's an impeachable offense.

Violation of Oath of Office.
You mean like engaging in insurrection & ripping off nuclear secrets like the ape from MAL did?
Why should they have any debt? It would seem that not saddling people with debts would allow them to do other things, like start families.
So instead of screwing their spouses, they want to screw the taxpayer.
As far as the debt, they should have taken that into consideration before signing on the dotted line.
You have zero clues and should not comment on anything political in America.

My Fucktard assessment was on point.
Me telling you to GFY also stands.

Your tears over Trump are really heart wrenching.
So instead of screwing their spouses, they want to screw the taxpayer.
As far as the debt, they should have taken that into consideration before signing on the dotted line.
If we’re moving forward as a society, how is that getting screwed? People pay for other’s education all the time. The childless still have their taxes go to the schools.
If we’re moving forward as a society, how is that getting screwed? People pay for other’s education all the time. The childless still have their taxes go to the schools.
Its not my responsibility to pay for your kids college. Early school for the basics yes. After that its on you. Get a job.
Having a President like Biden is like having a kid like Dennis the Menace. You have to spend so much time watching him that there's no time for anything else. Trump is going to have an enormous mess to clean up. MAGA

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