Biden starts student loan payoffs 6 months ahead of schedule

Why should they have any debt? It would seem that not saddling people with debts would allow them to do other things, like start families.

Oh good grief!

It's astounding to read some of the comments here.
This is the danger of Dimocrats. They train people (as demonstrated in this thread) to expect government to make decisions for them, to take away their own motivations, to pay for their well-being in life.
This is how Marxism creeps in. It destroys individualism, and creates a population of people with no incentive to improve their own lives through their own pursuits.
Beginning In February, six months ahead of schedule, Biden is buying more votes with other people’s money by canceling “crippling” loans that were originally $12,000 or less. Two questions for discussion:

1) A original loan of $12,000 or less is hardly crippling, especially for college-educated professionals in their 30s. Why is Biden giving this gift to higher earners, when people with high school diplomas have car loans of $30,000?

2) Didn’t the SCOTUS rule this unconstituional? Isn’t this a show that Biden has no respect for our system of government?

How can we have a President that does this? We don't have a King, or a dictator after all...

Article I, Section 7, Clause 1:

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
How can we have a President that does this? We don't have a King, or a dictator after all...

Article I, Section 7, Clause 1:

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
you have it when you have a bunch of gutless politicians in Congress who refuse to do THEIR JOB. No one wants to hold anyone else accountable because everyone is afraid they will be the next target of retarded politicians.

One of the reasons I love Trump is because they went after him and hes still standing. Telling them to GFY and bring it on!!!!!
If we’re moving forward as a society, how is that getting screwed? People pay for other’s education all the time. The childless still have their taxes go to the schools.
Paying as an incentive for people is one thing, giving everyone a free ride is begging for you ass wipes to take advantage even more.
'The other times' is what got us to a trillion dollars in interest payment.
The water fall is just around the bend.
Heard that over and over again.
That the same 1% that already pays the majority of tax revenue?
What does that have to do with anything? We also hear this every time the 1% gets another tax cut. I know I paid my taxes and at what rate. Warren Buffet claims he pays less. Who should I believe?
Heard that over and over again.
What do you think is going to happen at these spending rates?
What does that have to do with anything?
They're printing money we don't have.......
We also hear this every time the 1% gets another tax cut.
If the 1% gets another tax cut, it took repo's and dem's to pass it.....
Warren Buffet claims he pays less.
Probably does using tax rates created and passed by both parties.
What do you think is going to happen at these spending rates?

They're printing money we don't have.......

If the 1% gets another tax cut, it took repo's and dem's to pass it.....

Probably does using tax rates created and passed by both parties.
Nothing we haven’t heard before. Remember, the right won’t accept the real science associated with AGW. but want us to accept as dogma the social science of economics!
you have it when you have a bunch of gutless politicians in Congress who refuse to do THEIR JOB. No one wants to hold anyone else accountable because everyone is afraid they will be the next target of retarded politicians.

One of the reasons I love Trump is because they went after him and hes still standing. Telling them to GFY and bring it on!!!!!
All Prog politicians are most likely for this, and a fair percentage of Republican elected politicians are. College and medicine are expensive. and should not be. Government agendas caused it.
Let's talk about the Billions of dollars, $$$$$, corrupt individuals receive from Foreign Countries for Brand/Influence/Votes/etc.

Both fucking Parties.
I don't pick sides.
Nope. Only Dim scumbags.
Let's talk about the Billions of dollars, $$$$$, corrupt individuals receive from Foreign Countries for Brand/Influence/Votes/etc.
Not picking sides, but does what the Biden's have done make it acceptable?
Why do right wingers go batshit crazy when poor people get a financial break? They fine with tax breaks for billionaires, interest free forgiveable loans to mega corporations,, but give a person making less than $120,000 per year a tax break, and the nation is going to hell in a handbasket.

How selfish and greedy are you Lisa???
How about each person paying his own bills and not picking my pockets?
Let's talk about the Billions of dollars, $$$$$, corrupt individuals receive from Foreign Countries for Brand/Influence/Votes/etc.

Both fucking Parties.
I don't pick sides.
Try to stick with it one topic at a time.

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