Biden stayed in his basement because, "Some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf............."

I guess the libs were right...

Biden doesn't seem mentally diminished at all....simply being himself.
LOL Joey is free to watch Superman because the black women are slaving in the supermarket

All of us were free to watch Superman
He returned to the White House last night.

Joe didn't tell the entire story!

He could cower in his basement because a black woman stocked the shelves...another black woman did his shopping and delvered the groceries to his house...yet another black woman put the groceries away & did the cooking & cleaning. And another black woman in a french maid outfit served him his food in bed while joe sniffed the back of her head.
I haven't seen the pictures of Joe sniffing the hair of black women. I think he is more into white little girls and their mothers when it comes to hair sniffing.
I am also thankful for all the brown women that pick our fruit and vegetables. I am thankful for all the brown men that slaughter the animals so that we can have meat. And I am thankful for all the (Asian) Indians that run the 7-11s so that we can buy beer and cigarettes anytime we want. I use a slight Indian accent anytime I go into a 7-11..
Biden was rejoicing at the demise of Trump. he thought the corona would end Trump. the opposite happened, folks!
Did anyone know Joe Biden did a town hall last night? It was going on live but none of the MSM where covering it because OMG TRUMP TOOK OFF HIS MASK!! OH NO!!!!

I tuned in for a bit and Joe sounds terrible. Can't stay on topic, unfocused blathering, just painful and cringeworthy listening to him talk. Maybe this is why they don't cover him. Freakin' town hall for a presidential candidate going on and the media pretending it isn't even happening. Not a single mention on CNN
I am also thankful for all the brown women that pick our fruit and vegetables. I am thankful for all the brown men that slaughter the animals so that we can have meat. And I am thankful for all the (Asian) Indians that run the 7-11s so that we can buy beer and cigarettes anytime we want. I use a slight Indian accent anytime I go into a 7-11..

I use a slight Indian accent anytime I go into a 7-11..

Oh, I think that you have to.

Mr. Biden, in his usual clumsy way, wanted all of us to acknowledge our dependence on essential workers of ALL ethnicities.

I really appreciate the work being done by store clerks, letter carriers, food delivery drivers, UPS & FedEx drivers, gardeners, medical workers, et al.

It's really nice to get away from all the racial talk for a few minutes.
No he didn’t. When has creepy Joe ever mentioned Asians?

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow......and he keeps getting passes by the left wing media and snowflakes for his racist remarks....which come from a racist person.

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


I’ll bet he keeps his son out of that grocery store; you know, that “racial jungle” out there.
I think that we should give a pass to former Vice President Biden.

He no doubt intended to show his appreciation to people of color for being essential workers.

Next time, he should run his compliments past his speech writers before publicly saying them.
No we shouldn't he still lies about Charlotesville, fuck this racist piece of shit.

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


I’ll bet he keeps his son out of that grocery store; you know, that “racial jungle” out there.

Lol hunter only shops for monkey brains at the oriental grocery
I think that we should give a pass to former Vice President Biden.

He no doubt intended to show his appreciation to people of color for being essential workers.

Next time, he should run his compliments past his speech writers before publicly saying them.

Really? Give him a pass on this one because "He no doubt intended to show his appreciation to people of color for being essential workers."

You mean like President Trump got a pass for his comment that " But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides." Not that he should need a pass. Because if you take President Trumps words IN context with the entire statement, it is clear as a bell, what he said, not what he meant. But the left and Lame stream fake news media played JUST that clip, over and over and over again. Why? Because if you tell a lie often enough people start to believe it is true.

No, I'm sorry, Biden DOES NOT GET A PASS, not on this RACIST STATEMENT nor on ALL his RACIST STATEMENTS like" I don't want my children growing up in a RACIAL JUNGLE, like YOU AIN"T BLACK, or like "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Storybook? Merriam-Webster defines a Storybook as " a book of stories usually for children" It goes on to define a story as " a fictional narrative shorter than a novel" " a widely circulated rumor" " lie, falsehood" So the only place you're gonna find a articulate, bright, clean, Black person is in a storybook according to Joe Biden?

A pass? Not a chance for this Racist.
I am thankful for all the black women that stock the grocery shelves.

Me too, I am thankful the Biden is letting people know black women stock grocery shelves. What a deep thinker he is. I think the next time I see a black woman stocking shelves, I'm going to the deli and buy her a fried chicken dinner!
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See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.

I am also thankful for all the brown women that pick our fruit and vegetables. I am thankful for all the brown men that slaughter the animals so that we can have meat. And I am thankful for all the (Asian) Indians that run the 7-11s so that we can buy beer and cigarettes anytime we want. I use a slight Indian accent anytime I go into a 7-11..

I'm thankful to the little Japanese that run around making cars. They are really good at that, they are small and can get into places we Americans can't and they are fast because of their small size.

Also, need to thank the Chinese for the Chinese food, I love asking them for poork fied wice. I think they appreciate it when I say that as they know I understand.

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