Biden stayed in his basement because, "Some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf............."

I think that we should give a pass to former Vice President Biden.

He no doubt intended to show his appreciation to people of color for being essential workers.

Next time, he should run his compliments past his speech writers before publicly saying them.

He has been given a pass for 47 years, at some point ...........
It is amazing how many Prog politicians can say hateful things and get away with it. In a day they live their lives beyond anything that a group of poor people in a several block area do combined in a day. And they get a free pass for it. Well they should not. They are total frauds using the power and money they gain as their payment for selling out to principals of honesty, character and integrity. Maybe Joe had it when he was young. But he does not now.
I am also thankful for all the brown women that pick our fruit and vegetables. I am thankful for all the brown men that slaughter the animals so that we can have meat. And I am thankful for all the (Asian) Indians that run the 7-11s so that we can buy beer and cigarettes anytime we want. I use a slight Indian accent anytime I go into a 7-11..

I'm thankful to the little Japanese that run around making cars. They are really good at that, they are small and can get into places we Americans can't and they are fast because of their small size.

Also, need to thank the Chinese for the Chinese food, I love asking them for poork fied wice. I think they appreciate it when I say that as they know I understand.
You and I will be ready come Thanksgiving Day.
I think that we should give a pass to former Vice President Biden.

He no doubt intended to show his appreciation to people of color for being essential workers.

Next time, he should run his compliments past his speech writers before publicly saying them.

Really? Give him a pass on this one because "He no doubt intended to show his appreciation to people of color for being essential workers."

You mean like President Trump got a pass for his comment that " But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides." Not that he should need a pass. Because if you take President Trumps words IN context with the entire statement, it is clear as a bell, what he said, not what he meant. But the left and Lame stream fake news media played JUST that clip, over and over and over again. Why? Because if you tell a lie often enough people start to believe it is true.

No, I'm sorry, Biden DOES NOT GET A PASS, not on this RACIST STATEMENT nor on ALL his RACIST STATEMENTS like" I don't want my children growing up in a RACIAL JUNGLE, like YOU AIN"T BLACK, or like "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Storybook? Merriam-Webster defines a Storybook as " a book of stories usually for children" It goes on to define a story as " a fictional narrative shorter than a novel" " a widely circulated rumor" " lie, falsehood" So the only place you're gonna find a articulate, bright, clean, Black person is in a storybook according to Joe Biden?

A pass? Not a chance for this Racist.

I agree with you: Mr. Biden has said many things that are "racist," according to various definitions of the word.

But Dems apparently do NOT care. I have noticed that he is always described by the media as a really nice guy.

The polls indicate that he is really going to be elected next month.

Many Dems -- if truth be told -- will be counting the days until Ms. Harris becomes the President. That will kick off celebrations the likes of which we have not seen since 2008.
I think that we should give a pass to former Vice President Biden.

He no doubt intended to show his appreciation to people of color for being essential workers.

Next time, he should run his compliments past his speech writers before publicly saying them.

Really? Give him a pass on this one because "He no doubt intended to show his appreciation to people of color for being essential workers."

You mean like President Trump got a pass for his comment that " But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides." Not that he should need a pass. Because if you take President Trumps words IN context with the entire statement, it is clear as a bell, what he said, not what he meant. But the left and Lame stream fake news media played JUST that clip, over and over and over again. Why? Because if you tell a lie often enough people start to believe it is true.

No, I'm sorry, Biden DOES NOT GET A PASS, not on this RACIST STATEMENT nor on ALL his RACIST STATEMENTS like" I don't want my children growing up in a RACIAL JUNGLE, like YOU AIN"T BLACK, or like "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Storybook? Merriam-Webster defines a Storybook as " a book of stories usually for children" It goes on to define a story as " a fictional narrative shorter than a novel" " a widely circulated rumor" " lie, falsehood" So the only place you're gonna find a articulate, bright, clean, Black person is in a storybook according to Joe Biden?

A pass? Not a chance for this Racist.

I agree with you: Mr. Biden has said many things that are "racist," according to various definitions of the word.

But Dems apparently do NOT care. I have noticed that he is always described by the media as a really nice guy.

The polls indicate that he is really going to be elected next month.

Many Dems -- if truth be told -- will be counting the days until Ms. Harris becomes the President. That will kick off celebrations the likes of which we have not seen since 2008.

"Many Dems -- if truth be told -- will be counting the days until Ms. Harris becomes the President."

Completely agree with you on this point. I have ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that those in the radical left squad have already drawn up the written declaration consistent with the 25TH Amendment, section 4 to remove Joe Biden should he win in November (God save America) so that the most socialist, left leaning Senator and then Vice President can become President and do their bidding from the White House. They will go from currently saying Joe Biden is of perfectly sound mind and body to saying that he has end stage dementia and Alzheimer.

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.

No I just repeated what joey said. Kimballa Paris will have fun stocking shelves
I am also thankful for all the brown women that pick our fruit and vegetables. I am thankful for all the brown men that slaughter the animals so that we can have meat. And I am thankful for all the (Asian) Indians that run the 7-11s so that we can buy beer and cigarettes anytime we want. I use a slight Indian accent anytime I go into a 7-11..

I'm thankful to the little Japanese that run around making cars. They are really good at that, they are small and can get into places we Americans can't and they are fast because of their small size.

Also, need to thank the Chinese for the Chinese food, I love asking them for poork fied wice. I think they appreciate it when I say that as they know I understand.
Lol they fed you one of the cats they trapped behind the chinkaraunt

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.



See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.

No I just repeated what joey said. Kimballa Paris will have fun stocking shelves

Nope. You repeated what Faux Newz told you to, just like a good little tRumpling. Sadly for you they lied.

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.



Still no.

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.

No I just repeated what joey said. Kimballa Paris will have fun stocking shelves

Nope. You repeated what Faux Newz told you to, just like a good little tRumpling. Sadly for you they lied.

Tell us again that CNN said that hillary is president

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


That's wah he

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Was just about to post this. Disgusting but Trump is the racist .

That's the way he thinks about black people


See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.

Every fuckup by you people is dismissed as a “misrepresentation” or “taken out of context”. It’s like you feel entitled to a pass. “You didn’t build that.”

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.

No I just repeated what joey said. Kimballa Paris will have fun stocking shelves

Nope. You repeated what Faux Newz told you to, just like a good little tRumpling. Sadly for you they lied.

The Prog politicians/media/entertainers do not believe what they spew. Otherwise they would live the socialist lifestyle.

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.

Every fuckup by you people is dismissed as a “misrepresentation” or “taken out of context”. It’s like you feel entitled to a pass. “You didn’t build that.”

Lol, it's not our fault if you kids aren't smart enough to understand English.

See Joey knows that the menial job of stacking shelves can only be accomplished by black women, like Kimballa Paris


Wow, you guys totally misrepresented that.

Every fuckup by you people is dismissed as a “misrepresentation” or “taken out of context”. It’s like you feel entitled to a pass. “You didn’t build that.”

Lol, it's not our fault if you kids aren't smart enough to understand English.

As the Mediterranean head of household married to a Mexican with Latino sons who speak Spanish and Italian, MIS HIJOS comprende/capiscano ingles / inglese.

It is you people that need to learn to comprehend what you are reading.

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