Biden Supporter Arrested for Sending Pictures of Mutilated Body to Michigan Officials

Of course there is something to see here. Arrest and prosecute her. That is what the law is for. However, this kind of intimidation isn't new. It's been practiced routinely by the right wing for almost 12 years now.
Hey, speaking of Michigan and the election, here's an example of right wing group intimidation.

Is it still illegal to kill the Juden, the whites?

Will it still be under Xi's man?

Oh, and I thought you Maoists said that protesting is such a sacred right the even the designer Wuhan virus would ignore protesters and instead target Trump supporters.

If hypocrisy were gold, you'd be richer than Bill Gates.

Little early to be hitting the eggnog isn't it?
Whether you like it or not, the bulk of the intimidation and violence occurs on the right.
It has for years. And I find it amusing when you righties get your panties in a twist as soon
as your tactics are thrown back in your face. All of the sudden, it's wrong.
Deal with it. Grow a spine. Prosecute those guilty regardless of party affiliation.
LIAR. Nothing more needs to be said, other than...
a stay on topic. Start another thread if you want to debate the straws you're grasping for
This is THE definition of TERRORISM
Leftists will tell you nothing to see here

A New Hampshire woman has been arrested for sending pictures of a mutilated female body and threatening the family of a Michigan election official who refused to certify the results for Joe Biden.

Katelyn Jones, 23, is accused of calling Wayne County chairwoman Monica Palmer a 'racist b****' and a 'terrorist' after she refused to confirm the 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county

Of course there is something to see here. Arrest and prosecute her. That is what the law is for. However, this kind of intimidation isn't new. It's been practiced routinely by the right wing for almost 12 years now.
Hey, speaking of Michigan and the election, here's an example of right wing group intimidation.
This was one of your peaceful protests Read the damn article.

Are you now calling for no right to PROTEST by the right?

Let me know when they make threats not covered by the Constitution. Until then, STFU with your stupidity

Oh close it. Honestly, I don't give a damn if the righties were outside her home singing Christmas carols. This was straight up INTIMIDATION of an elected official..because you idiots didn't like the outcome.
I did the same. The name sounds "white," but the fact that they're hiding her, and her endless "racist" charges tells me shes not
It could go either way

black women are often spontaneous and tend to get involved in more physical confrontations in public

But the white ANTIFA women are really, REALLY freaky pieces of work
Of course there is something to see here. Arrest and prosecute her. That is what the law is for. However, this kind of intimidation isn't new. It's been practiced routinely by the right wing for almost 12 years now.
Hey, speaking of Michigan and the election, here's an example of right wing group intimidation.

Is it still illegal to kill the Juden, the whites?

Will it still be under Xi's man?

Oh, and I thought you Maoists said that protesting is such a sacred right the even the designer Wuhan virus would ignore protesters and instead target Trump supporters.

If hypocrisy were gold, you'd be richer than Bill Gates.

Little early to be hitting the eggnog isn't it?
Whether you like it or not, the bulk of the intimidation and violence occurs on the right.
It has for years. And I find it amusing when you righties get your panties in a twist as soon
as your tactics are thrown back in your face. All of the sudden, it's wrong.
Deal with it. Grow a spine. Prosecute those guilty regardless of party affiliation.
LIAR. Nothing more needs to be said, other than...
a stay on topic. Start another thread if you want to debate the straws you're grasping for

Again. Selective outrage. You can't just see a crime that needs to be prosecuted, you need to make it political.
All the while, forgiving anything that happens on your side of the fence.

Hypocrisy, thy name is the right wing. :)
Little early to be hitting the eggnog isn't it?
Whether you like it or not, the bulk of the intimidation and violence occurs on the right.

Bull fucking shit.

Let's see it commie?

You want to silence protests by Americans, you fucking hate Americans after all - but there was no violence, no looting, no rapes - entirely different than when your Brown Shirts go out every night.

It has for years. And I find it amusing when you righties get your panties in a twist as soon
as your tactics are thrown back in your face. All of the sudden, it's wrong.
Deal with it. Grow a spine. Prosecute those guilty regardless of party affiliation.

You commies can never back the big lie up. You lie and expect all to just ignore reality because the little Goebbels say "Der Juden"

But violence isn't from Der Juden that you scapegoat, violence is from you.



Oh close it. Honestly, I don't give a damn if the righties were outside her home singing Christmas carols. This was straight up INTIMIDATION of an elected official..because you idiots didn't like the outcome.

If hypocrisy were gold, commie.

If she did this, prosecute her. But let's not cherry-pick which incidents of threats that we pay attention to and which we ignore. There have been lots of threats flying about since the election that have been sent to officials of both parties.
Little early to be hitting the eggnog isn't it?
Whether you like it or not, the bulk of the intimidation and violence occurs on the right.

Bull fucking shit.

Let's see it commie?

You want to silence protests by Americans, you fucking hate Americans after all - but there was no violence, no looting, no rapes - entirely different than when your Brown Shirts go out every night.

It has for years. And I find it amusing when you righties get your panties in a twist as soon
as your tactics are thrown back in your face. All of the sudden, it's wrong.
Deal with it. Grow a spine. Prosecute those guilty regardless of party affiliation.

You commies can never back the big lie up. You lie and expect all to just ignore reality because the little Goebbels say "Der Juden"

But violence isn't from Der Juden that you scapegoat, violence is from you.

And you return to the same tired old scapegoats and tropes...oh look, even a Nazi reference. Hmmm..I don't see any of them in riot gear, or flak jackets, or carrying AR-15's.

Bottom line is that this NH woman is going to get prosecuted as she should. But sorry, you don't get to designate gun toting, MAGA shouting sheeples as "peaceful" protestors.
The intent is the same. Intimidation. Displaying the weapons openly is just being above board. If you don't do what we tell you to do, we have weapons, and we'll use them.
It's kinda implied. :)
Again. Selective outrage. You can't just see a crime that needs to be prosecuted, you need to make it political.
All the while, forgiving anything that happens on your side of the fence
You posted about a PROTEST outside of the SOS home. You're the only one trying to equate this CONSTITIONAL PROTEST with sending DEATH THREATS to an election official. Nobody takes you seriously when you do this. There is no "selective outrage" with me.
Here is the stupid thing about the left and the right going....SEE WHAT THIS PERSON DID?! YOUR SIDE IS INSANE!

Its disingenuous bullshit because every type of group has its good and bad people. We all know this.
Here is the stupid thing about the left and the right going....SEE WHAT THIS PERSON DID?! YOUR SIDE IS INSANE!

Its disingenuous bullshit because every type of group has its good and bad people. We all know this.
Yes. The left has their THOUSAND, and the right has their 1. Prove me wrong
Again. Selective outrage. You can't just see a crime that needs to be prosecuted, you need to make it political.
All the while, forgiving anything that happens on your side of the fence
You posted about a PROTEST outside of the SOS home. You're the only one trying to equate this CONSTITIONAL PROTEST with sending DEATH THREATS to an election official. Nobody takes you seriously when you do this. There is no "selective outrage" with me.

Weapons displayed, shouting....yep, still intimidation.
And go and hide behind that Constitution while calling out the people protesting shooting unarmed black men.

Again, you righties are hypocrites.
Again. Selective outrage. You can't just see a crime that needs to be prosecuted, you need to make it political.
All the while, forgiving anything that happens on your side of the fence
You posted about a PROTEST outside of the SOS home. You're the only one trying to equate this CONSTITIONAL PROTEST with sending DEATH THREATS to an election official. Nobody takes you seriously when you do this. There is no "selective outrage" with me.

Weapons displayed, shouting....yep, still intimidation.
And go and hide behind that Constitution while calling out the people protesting shooting unarmed black men.

Again, you righties are hypocrites.
How were the weapons "displayed," by carrying them in a holster?

If shouting is a crime, then about 100,000 people in Portland need to be arrested.
Here is the stupid thing about the left and the right going....SEE WHAT THIS PERSON DID?! YOUR SIDE IS INSANE!

Its disingenuous bullshit because every type of group has its good and bad people. We all know this.
Yes. The left has their THOUSAND, and the right has their 1. Prove me wrong

I agree with you. The left invented thisstupid shit.

David Duke likes Trump therefore Trump is a racist. Thats lefty bullshit.

If the left didnt invent this, I dont think the right would counter.
Again. Selective outrage. You can't just see a crime that needs to be prosecuted, you need to make it political.
All the while, forgiving anything that happens on your side of the fence
You posted about a PROTEST outside of the SOS home. You're the only one trying to equate this CONSTITIONAL PROTEST with sending DEATH THREATS to an election official. Nobody takes you seriously when you do this. There is no "selective outrage" with me.

Weapons displayed, shouting....yep, still intimidation.
And go and hide behind that Constitution while calling out the people protesting shooting unarmed black men.

Again, you righties are hypocrites.
And not one of them AREESTED.
Can you explain for the class why a far left governor and her lesbian, anti-man AG didnt arrest anyone?
And you return to the same tired old scapegoats and tropes...oh look, even a Nazi reference. Hmmm..I don't see any of them in riot gear, or flak jackets, or carrying AR-15's.

You mean fact commie.

You spew the same lies - the big lie - with an expectation that because your lie is so outrageous it won't be challenged.

We see day in and day out your terrorist Brown Shirts raping, pillaging, and burning.

Every fucking day - but you shriek "No, it is DER JUDEN" who are the danger.

But you can NEVER support your lie - you can just become more hysterical.

DER JUDEN protested. That is the right of all Americans - until you can overthrown the nation and end the constitution, that remains our right - even for the whites you so bitterly hate.

Bottom line is that this NH woman is going to get prosecuted as she should. But sorry, you don't get to designate gun toting, MAGA shouting sheeples as "peaceful" protestors.
The intent is the same. Intimidation. Displaying the weapons openly is just being above board. If you don't do what we tell you to do, we have weapons, and we'll use them.
It's kinda implied. :)

Bottom line is you're a liar, a hypocrite, and a demogogue.

You accuse your scapegoat of doing what YOU do. You follow the script of Hitler - but we are dedicated to Never Again.
This is THE definition of TERRORISM
Leftists will tell you nothing to see here

Drop in the bucket Trumpling. Drop in the bucket!
I agree with you. The left invented thisstupid shit.

David Duke likes Trump therefore Trump is a racist. Thats lefty bullshit.

If the left didnt invent this, I dont think the right would counter.

Didn't david duck support Xi's man Biden?

Oh, maybe that was Richard Spencer.

I get those frauds mixed up.


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