Biden Supporter Arrested for Sending Pictures of Mutilated Body to Michigan Officials

Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.

Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.
did you have the same scorecard for all the bullshit the left threw at trump that they could make up as they went?

didn't think so.

fucking hypocrites.

All of his own making. And by my account, he skated on everything..even doing his job. Which you enablers were all for. MAGA.
by my account, there is nothing he could have done you'd have liked. if you gave him a list of things to do and he did them, you'd bitch atr how he did them or simply change your mind about it so you can be an asshole about it.

which is what assholes do.


If he doesn't fire Comey, the Russian investigation dies in the Spring of 2017. If he can just help himself and not ask on a phone call no less that Ukraine dig up dirt on his political rival in exchange for aide, nobody ever finds out about it. Hence, no impeachment. BTW, did you send Nancy a Thank You fruit basket for not hanging his ass after the Mueller report? Point is, he did all of this to himself. Why? Because he's incompetent..and corrupt. It's in his nature. Trump is who he is. I'm more concerned with the "assholes" who enabled his bad behavior. They're the real danger.
Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.


The Communist vermin, the democrats are trying to defraud the election in Georgia just as they did in the presidential election. And the vile, traitor democrats are again working with their allies of China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS.

Derp..Russia..Derp..China..Derp..Iran....Derp. Derp. Derp.
BTW, you forgot Venezuela. :)

Again, I need a line up card here.
Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.

Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.
did you have the same scorecard for all the bullshit the left threw at trump that they could make up as they went?

didn't think so.

fucking hypocrites.

All of his own making. And by my account, he skated on everything..even doing his job. Which you enablers were all for. MAGA.
by my account, there is nothing he could have done you'd have liked. if you gave him a list of things to do and he did them, you'd bitch atr how he did them or simply change your mind about it so you can be an asshole about it.

which is what assholes do.


If he doesn't fire Comey, the Russian investigation dies in the Spring of 2017. If he can just help himself and not ask on a phone call no less that Ukraine dig up dirt on his political rival in exchange for aide, nobody ever finds out about it. Hence, no impeachment. BTW, did you send Nancy a Thank You fruit basket for not hanging his ass after the Mueller report? Point is, he did all of this to himself. Why? Because he's incompetent..and corrupt. It's in his nature. Trump is who he is. I'm more concerned with the "assholes" who enabled his bad behavior. They're the real danger.
you're full of shit.

you just can't help yourself.
This is THE definition of TERRORISM
Leftists will tell you nothing to see here

A New Hampshire woman has been arrested for sending pictures of a mutilated female body and threatening the family of a Michigan election official who refused to certify the results for Joe Biden.

Katelyn Jones, 23, is accused of calling Wayne County chairwoman Monica Palmer a 'racist b****' and a 'terrorist' after she refused to confirm the 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county

Of course there is something to see here. Arrest and prosecute her. That is what the law is for. However, this kind of intimidation isn't new. It's been practiced routinely by the right wing for almost 12 years now.
Hey, speaking of Michigan and the election, here's an example of right wing group intimidation.
OH BS..stop trying to put blame on others. Its the dems like the Brown shirt socialists of the Nazis of Germany, the BLM/Anti-fa of this area are just as evil and terroristic.
If he doesn't fire Comey, the Russian investigation dies in the Spring of 2017. If he can just help himself and not ask on a phone call no less that Ukraine dig up dirt on his political rival in exchange for aide, nobody ever finds out about it. Hence, no impeachment. BTW, did you send Nancy a Thank You fruit basket for not hanging his ass after the Mueller report? Point is, he did all of this to himself. Why? Because he's incompetent..and corrupt. It's in his nature. Trump is who he is. I'm more concerned with the "assholes" who enabled his bad behavior. They're the real danger.

Shit, the traitor fuck Communists would impeach him for investigating in your face corruption by Xi's man Biden.

The traitor fuck democrats were going to go after Trump regardless. They fucking SPIED on the president, they spied on his candidacy. Traitor fuck Obama bought dirt from the Kremlin and used the little Goebbels of BuzzFeed to spread his bullshit.

The traitor fuck democrats were going to attempt coup after coup after coup - what Trump did was irrelevant.
This is THE definition of TERRORISM
Leftists will tell you nothing to see here

A New Hampshire woman has been arrested for sending pictures of a mutilated female body and threatening the family of a Michigan election official who refused to certify the results for Joe Biden.

Katelyn Jones, 23, is accused of calling Wayne County chairwoman Monica Palmer a 'racist b****' and a 'terrorist' after she refused to confirm the 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county

Of course there is something to see here. Arrest and prosecute her. That is what the law is for. However, this kind of intimidation isn't new. It's been practiced routinely by the right wing for almost 12 years now.
Hey, speaking of Michigan and the election, here's an example of right wing group intimidation.
OH BS..stop trying to put blame on others. Its the dems like the Brown shirt socialists of the Nazis of Germany, the BLM/Anti-fa of this area are just as evil and terroristic.

And...right on cue, another Nazi reference. Jeez, do you right wingers have anything new? Stop tossing around terms your alt-right media masters repeat. You have no idea what they mean or even how to use them in context.
If he doesn't fire Comey, the Russian investigation dies in the Spring of 2017. If he can just help himself and not ask on a phone call no less that Ukraine dig up dirt on his political rival in exchange for aide, nobody ever finds out about it. Hence, no impeachment. BTW, did you send Nancy a Thank You fruit basket for not hanging his ass after the Mueller report? Point is, he did all of this to himself. Why? Because he's incompetent..and corrupt. It's in his nature. Trump is who he is. I'm more concerned with the "assholes" who enabled his bad behavior. They're the real danger.

Shit, the traitor fuck Communists would impeach him for investigating in your face corruption by Xi's man Biden.

The traitor fuck democrats were going to go after Trump regardless. They fucking SPIED on the president, they spied on his candidacy. Traitor fuck Obama bought dirt from the Kremlin and used the little Goebbels of BuzzFeed to spread his bullshit.

The traitor fuck democrats were going to attempt coup after coup after coup - what Trump did was irrelevant.

That's a lot of fucks to give. Unfortunately, I don't have that many. Again, this woman was arrested and should be held accountable for what she did if a court convicts her. Then again, I'd say the same for the right wing, Trump supporting pondscum who parade weapons in the open in front of people's houses and hide like little pussies behind the Constitution.

Donald Trump MADE all of his own issues. No one spied on him. No one could care that much. All his corruption is out in the open.
Face it, the guy you supported blew it. And he lost. Move on.
And...right on cue, another Nazi reference. Jeez, do you right wingers have anything new? Stop tossing around terms your alt-right media masters repeat. You have no idea what they mean or even how to use them in context.

Comrade; do you honestly not grasp the parallels of what you're doing and the Nazis of the 1920's? Are you SERIOUSLY that fucking stupid?

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense;

How does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
That's a lot of fucks to give.

You've engaged in a lot of treason.

You are waging civil war against the Republic I support. You seek to end the Constitution I'm sworn to uphold.

Remember, all that is needed for democrats to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

Unfortunately, I don't have that many. Again, this woman was arrested and should be held accountable for what she did if a court convicts her. Then again, I'd say the same for the right wing, Trump supporting pondscum who parade weapons in the open in front of people's houses and hide like little pussies behind the Constitution.

Donald Trump MADE all of his own issues. No one spied on him. No one could care that much. All his corruption is out in the open.
Face it, the guy you supported blew it. And he lost. Move on.

Donald Trump represented the American people against the Oligarchy, so in that way yes, he made his own issue. He took on the evil that you support, went toe to toe with the most vile vermin in human history - the democrats and the globalist cabal running them.
And...right on cue, another Nazi reference. Jeez, do you right wingers have anything new? Stop tossing around terms your alt-right media masters repeat. You have no idea what they mean or even how to use them in context.

Comrade; do you honestly not grasp the parallels of what you're doing and the Nazis of the 1920's? Are you SERIOUSLY that fucking stupid?

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense;

How does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?

Stop throwing commie terms around. The 80's called, they want em back. :)
The Nazi's were associated with can be called the extreme right wing of today. Learn history and strive to achieve some perspective.
You people throw these fucking terms around because your alt-right media masters drill them into your heads.
That's a lot of fucks to give.

You've engaged in a lot of treason.

You are waging civil war against the Republic I support. You seek to end the Constitution I'm sworn to uphold.

Remember, all that is needed for democrats to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

Unfortunately, I don't have that many. Again, this woman was arrested and should be held accountable for what she did if a court convicts her. Then again, I'd say the same for the right wing, Trump supporting pondscum who parade weapons in the open in front of people's houses and hide like little pussies behind the Constitution.

Donald Trump MADE all of his own issues. No one spied on him. No one could care that much. All his corruption is out in the open.
Face it, the guy you supported blew it. And he lost. Move on.

Donald Trump represented the American people against the Oligarchy, so in that way yes, he made his own issue. He took on the evil that you support, went toe to toe with the most vile vermin in human history - the democrats and the globalist cabal running them.

Trump wouldn't know a political argument or a policy position if it ran up to him and stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese. I have no sympathy for any of you Trump supporters. You made this bed, now lie in it. He lost. Good fucking riddance.
I shake my head at you true believers. You make the People's Temple and Branch Davidians look sane by comparison.
OP details that 0.00000123% of Biden's voters are rotten to the core. But then that's 12.3% in Trump's election fraud lawyers' figuring. 123% if it is Sidney Powell doing the math.
They are not following the script of Hitler. They are following the script of Lenin.

If you are tempted to scoff, consider what Lenin wrote in 1902, fifteen years before he and his murderous regime took power:

"Any and every manifestation of police tyranny and autocratic outrage, not only in connection with the economic struggle, is not one whit less “widely applicable” as a means of “drawing in” the masses."1

In light of the massive demonstrations against police brutality recently, and their highly organized aspect, it certainly appears someone is following the Lenin playbook.

Lenin in 1902 again:

"And the revolution itself must not by any means be regarded as a single act..., but as a series of more or less powerful outbreaks rapidly alternating with periods of more or less complete calm. For that reason, the principal content of the activity of our Party organization, the focus of this activity, should be work that is both possible and essential in the period of a most powerful outbreak as well as in the period of complete calm, namely, work of political agitation, connected throughout Russia, illuminating all aspects of life, and conducted among the broadest possible strata of the masses. But this work is unthinkable in present-day Russia without an all-Russia newspaper, issued very frequently. The organization, which will form round this newspaper, the organization of its collaborators (in the broad sense of the word, i.e., all those working for it), will be ready for everything, from upholding the honor, the prestige, and the continuity of the Party in periods of acute revolutionary “depression” to preparing for, appointing the time for, and carrying out the nation-wide armed uprising." V. I. Lenin, What Is To Be Done (1902)

Nope, the democrats are essentially operating right out of Mein Kampf, but using Whites as the scapegoat rather than Jews.

It's a mater of strategy. Lenin and Hitler were the same in all real measures, megalomaniacal scum who sought to create a global dictatorship under a brutal totalitarian system.

Nazi, communists, kissing cousins - and gutter scum, every one of them.
You are tragically wrong.

Here's a free pdf of a book banned on Amazon, written by a righteous Jew, from a long line of rabbis, that will open your eyes if you've the courage to read it: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil

Take your Nazi shit and shove it up your ass.
Here's a free pdf of a book banned on Amazon, written by a righteous Jew, from a long line of rabbis, that will open your eyes if you've the courage to read it: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil
Of course there is something to see here. Arrest and prosecute her. That is what the law is for. However, this kind of intimidation isn't new. It's been practiced routinely by the right wing for almost 12 years now.
Hey, speaking of Michigan and the election, here's an example of right wing group intimidation.

Is it still illegal to kill the Juden, the whites?

Will it still be under Xi's man?

Oh, and I thought you Maoists said that protesting is such a sacred right the even the designer Wuhan virus would ignore protesters and instead target Trump supporters.

If hypocrisy were gold, you'd be richer than Bill Gates.

Little early to be hitting the eggnog isn't it?
Whether you like it or not, the bulk of the intimidation and violence occurs on the right.
It has for years. And I find it amusing when you righties get your panties in a twist as soon
as your tactics are thrown back in your face. All of the sudden, it's wrong.
Deal with it. Grow a spine. Prosecute those guilty regardless of party affiliation.
I don't recall the right taking over Portland and Seattle this summer. I haven't seen the right lighting up federal buildings. I don't recall the right tearing down statues of people that they don't agree with. I do recall the DNC encouraging the BLM and Antifa morons. That's OK though, because I know the next thing out of your mouth will be that democrats don't have white privilege. You hypocritical jerk.
This is THE definition of TERRORISM
Leftists will tell you nothing to see here

A New Hampshire woman has been arrested for sending pictures of a mutilated female body and threatening the family of a Michigan election official who refused to certify the results for Joe Biden.

Katelyn Jones, 23, is accused of calling Wayne County chairwoman Monica Palmer a 'racist b****' and a 'terrorist' after she refused to confirm the 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county

Well that's what you get when an attempted fascist election takeover has defied all the legal attempts to stop it.

Just wanted to try on one of the right wing nut job arguments.
This is THE definition of TERRORISM
Leftists will tell you nothing to see here

A New Hampshire woman has been arrested for sending pictures of a mutilated female body and threatening the family of a Michigan election official who refused to certify the results for Joe Biden.

Katelyn Jones, 23, is accused of calling Wayne County chairwoman Monica Palmer a 'racist b****' and a 'terrorist' after she refused to confirm the 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county

Yet another questionable source:

After Biden takes over the Left will increase their hate and violence

Hate crimes have surged under Donald Trump. BIGLY.

After Biden takes over the Left will increase their hate and violence

Hate crimes have surged under Donald Trump. BIGLY.

Der Juden, the whites. you find that Der Juden are the root of all problems. It's true that you can never back up your claims with facts Herr Himmler, but still it's Der Juden who cause all the problems while your Brown Shirts are peaceful.


Brown Shirts are peaceful as we see above.

Not like these violent scenes of Der Juden


So Seig Heil Herr Himmler, Seig Heil.

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