Biden Supporter Arrested for Sending Pictures of Mutilated Body to Michigan Officials

They are not following the script of Hitler. They are following the script of Lenin.

If you are tempted to scoff, consider what Lenin wrote in 1902, fifteen years before he and his murderous regime took power:

"Any and every manifestation of police tyranny and autocratic outrage, not only in connection with the economic struggle, is not one whit less “widely applicable” as a means of “drawing in” the masses."1

In light of the massive demonstrations against police brutality recently, and their highly organized aspect, it certainly appears someone is following the Lenin playbook.

Lenin in 1902 again:

"And the revolution itself must not by any means be regarded as a single act..., but as a series of more or less powerful outbreaks rapidly alternating with periods of more or less complete calm. For that reason, the principal content of the activity of our Party organization, the focus of this activity, should be work that is both possible and essential in the period of a most powerful outbreak as well as in the period of complete calm, namely, work of political agitation, connected throughout Russia, illuminating all aspects of life, and conducted among the broadest possible strata of the masses. But this work is unthinkable in present-day Russia without an all-Russia newspaper, issued very frequently. The organization, which will form round this newspaper, the organization of its collaborators (in the broad sense of the word, i.e., all those working for it), will be ready for everything, from upholding the honor, the prestige, and the continuity of the Party in periods of acute revolutionary “depression” to preparing for, appointing the time for, and carrying out the nation-wide armed uprising." V. I. Lenin, What Is To Be Done (1902)

Nope, the democrats are essentially operating right out of Mein Kampf, but using Whites as the scapegoat rather than Jews.

It's a mater of strategy. Lenin and Hitler were the same in all real measures, megalomaniacal scum who sought to create a global dictatorship under a brutal totalitarian system.

Nazi, communists, kissing cousins - and gutter scum, every one of them.
Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.
Prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law.
then back her up and do it again.

all this left vs right is bullshit. if ANYONE breaks out laws, time for compassion as to why is over. but to get any form of order back, you have to get just as extreme and it won't be pretty when things flip for those who think punishments will be light.
Here is the stupid thing about the left and the right going....SEE WHAT THIS PERSON DID?! YOUR SIDE IS INSANE!

Its disingenuous bullshit because every type of group has its good and bad people. We all know this.
but we forgive the bad on our side because we understand why it's there. we amplify bad on the other side because that is todays social trend.

we really need to grow the fuck up and stop acting like children.
Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.

Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.
This is THE definition of TERRORISM
Leftists will tell you nothing to see here

Drop in the bucket Trumpling. Drop in the bucket!

No violence? No looting? Nothing burned?

I guess it doesn't fit the model of "peaceful" that the little Goebbels use when reciting party propaganda.

I mean when the democrat Brown Shirts have "peaceful protests" it always involves violence, rape, arson, and looting.
They are Bolsheviks, not Brown Shirts. Hitler's Brown Shirts fought the Bolsheviks' Antifa during 1930s Germany. Much of what we've been taught about history is false. Just as we weren't the good guys in Iraq in 2003, we were not the good guys in Europe in 1945. Unless Americans can honestly face facts, own up to the truth, call out the lies, and identify the liars--the Jews--by name, we will continue to be Israel's murderous poodle.

There is no difference between the Bolsheviks and the Nazis.

Socialist scum, all of them. Vile pigs who use violence to impose their will.
The Nazis came two decades after the Bolsheviks and as a direct response to Bolshevik agitation in Germany--including an attempted coup for which two Bolshevik German Jews were hung. The Bolsheviks had already murdered 20 million Russian Christians by the time the Nazis came to power. We're always told that Krystallnacht was the beginning of the Nazi persecution of the Jews when gangs of thugs attacked Jewish-owned businesses and broke their windows. Did you know that those "businesses" were actually Jewish-owned newspapers?

Most of what you think you know about this period in history is a lie. But it's not so hard to fathom. In your own lifetime you have seen an entire nation accept the outrageous lie that a guy in a cave in Afghanistan used two planes to drop three skyscrapers at free fall speed into their own footprints.
You know what? Nevermind, go back to your eggnog. :)
It's gonna be tough decade for you righties. Your time is coming to an end....and the rest of us...don't care that you're angry.

Comrade, you better succeed in your steal in Georgia. If the Americans retain the Senate, you'll have little chance of ending elections. Should we have an election in 2022 - you Communists will lose your what -9 seat majority - in the house and the Americans will impeach Harris. Doesn't matter what for - she'll be impeached day one.

You follow the script of Hitler, but what you fail to grasp is that your victims have read the script too, and we know what you are up to.

Never Again means stopping you now.

Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.
You'll excuse us if we don't take advice from sleazy lying leftwing douchebags.
Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.

Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.
did you have the same scorecard for all the bullshit the left threw at trump that they could make up as they went?

didn't think so.

fucking hypocrites.
Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.

Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.
It isn't, turd. Can you point to a single building that any rightwinger burned down?
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Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.

Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.
did you have the same scorecard for all the bullshit the left threw at trump that they could make up as they went?

didn't think so.

fucking hypocrites.

All of his own making. And by my account, he skated on everything..even doing his job. Which you enablers were all for. MAGA.
And you return to the same tired old scapegoats and tropes...oh look, even a Nazi reference. Hmmm..I don't see any of them in riot gear, or flak jackets, or carrying AR-15's.

You mean fact commie.

You spew the same lies - the big lie - with an expectation that because your lie is so outrageous it won't be challenged.

We see day in and day out your terrorist Brown Shirts raping, pillaging, and burning.

Every fucking day - but you shriek "No, it is DER JUDEN" who are the danger.

But you can NEVER support your lie - you can just become more hysterical.

DER JUDEN protested. That is the right of all Americans - until you can overthrown the nation and end the constitution, that remains our right - even for the whites you so bitterly hate.

Bottom line is that this NH woman is going to get prosecuted as she should. But sorry, you don't get to designate gun toting, MAGA shouting sheeples as "peaceful" protestors.
The intent is the same. Intimidation. Displaying the weapons openly is just being above board. If you don't do what we tell you to do, we have weapons, and we'll use them.
It's kinda implied. :)

Bottom line is you're a liar, a hypocrite, and a demogogue.

You accuse your scapegoat of doing what YOU do. You follow the script of Hitler - but we are dedicated to Never Again.

You know what? Nevermind, go back to your eggnog. :)
It's gonna be tough decade for you righties. Your time is coming to an end....and the rest of us...don't care that you're angry.

They don't deserve any pity for supporting an amoral clown. Maybe a pat on the head. :itsok:

So Biden, the senile pedophile who sold his office to the highest bidder, is your idea of "moral?" Kamala, who climbed her way into office on her knees is your idea of "moral?"
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Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.

Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.
did you have the same scorecard for all the bullshit the left threw at trump that they could make up as they went?

didn't think so.

fucking hypocrites.

All of his own making. And by my account, he skated on everything..even doing his job. Which you enablers were all for. MAGA.
The Trump haters invented all of it, numskull. No one is fooled.
They are not following the script of Hitler. They are following the script of Lenin.

If you are tempted to scoff, consider what Lenin wrote in 1902, fifteen years before he and his murderous regime took power:

"Any and every manifestation of police tyranny and autocratic outrage, not only in connection with the economic struggle, is not one whit less “widely applicable” as a means of “drawing in” the masses."1

In light of the massive demonstrations against police brutality recently, and their highly organized aspect, it certainly appears someone is following the Lenin playbook.

Lenin in 1902 again:

"And the revolution itself must not by any means be regarded as a single act..., but as a series of more or less powerful outbreaks rapidly alternating with periods of more or less complete calm. For that reason, the principal content of the activity of our Party organization, the focus of this activity, should be work that is both possible and essential in the period of a most powerful outbreak as well as in the period of complete calm, namely, work of political agitation, connected throughout Russia, illuminating all aspects of life, and conducted among the broadest possible strata of the masses. But this work is unthinkable in present-day Russia without an all-Russia newspaper, issued very frequently. The organization, which will form round this newspaper, the organization of its collaborators (in the broad sense of the word, i.e., all those working for it), will be ready for everything, from upholding the honor, the prestige, and the continuity of the Party in periods of acute revolutionary “depression” to preparing for, appointing the time for, and carrying out the nation-wide armed uprising." V. I. Lenin, What Is To Be Done (1902)

Nope, the democrats are essentially operating right out of Mein Kampf, but using Whites as the scapegoat rather than Jews.

It's a mater of strategy. Lenin and Hitler were the same in all real measures, megalomaniacal scum who sought to create a global dictatorship under a brutal totalitarian system.

Nazi, communists, kissing cousins - and gutter scum, every one of them.
You are tragically wrong.

Here's a free pdf of a book banned on Amazon, written by a righteous Jew, from a long line of rabbis, that will open your eyes if you've the courage to read it: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil
The Jews were/are the Communists, you moron. You are a good example of why Americans are so easily duped. Two planes, three buildings? uh, ok, let's invade Israel's neighbor for them.

Some Communists are Jews, some Communists are from protestant backgrounds, some Communists are from Muslim backgrounds, most Communists in America are from Catholic backgrounds. Most Communists in the world are from Buddhist backgrounds.

All Communists are fucking scum, including the Nazi variant.
Don't be the farm on that. Republicans are busy pissing away any advantage that they received as a gift on November 3rd. All in fealty to a fraud and a whiny little bitch in the WH. Those two runoff races should have been slam dunks for Republicans. But they're dead heats right now. And 2022? Way too far off to be that cocky about it now. Again, Republicans have pissed away what little advantages they had. They are completely ruined as a political party. The only ray of light for them right now is that the Democratic party leadership is old, out of touch, and unable to fight a modern information ground war. The political landscape has passed them by. You better hope that holds for two more years. Otherwise, 2022 won't be pretty from Republicans.

You Maoists are marshaling global support to defraud the Georgia elections. China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS are all backing your play - along with the domestic Oligarchy. International Communism is conducting a D-Day level operation in Georgia. Can Americans defend against you? I sure hope so.

Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.
did you have the same scorecard for all the bullshit the left threw at trump that they could make up as they went?

didn't think so.

fucking hypocrites.

All of his own making. And by my account, he skated on everything..even doing his job. Which you enablers were all for. MAGA.
by my account, there is nothing he could have done you'd have liked. if you gave him a list of things to do and he did them, you'd bitch atr how he did them or simply change your mind about it so you can be an asshole about it.

which is what assholes do.

They are not following the script of Hitler. They are following the script of Lenin.

If you are tempted to scoff, consider what Lenin wrote in 1902, fifteen years before he and his murderous regime took power:

"Any and every manifestation of police tyranny and autocratic outrage, not only in connection with the economic struggle, is not one whit less “widely applicable” as a means of “drawing in” the masses."1

In light of the massive demonstrations against police brutality recently, and their highly organized aspect, it certainly appears someone is following the Lenin playbook.

Lenin in 1902 again:

"And the revolution itself must not by any means be regarded as a single act..., but as a series of more or less powerful outbreaks rapidly alternating with periods of more or less complete calm. For that reason, the principal content of the activity of our Party organization, the focus of this activity, should be work that is both possible and essential in the period of a most powerful outbreak as well as in the period of complete calm, namely, work of political agitation, connected throughout Russia, illuminating all aspects of life, and conducted among the broadest possible strata of the masses. But this work is unthinkable in present-day Russia without an all-Russia newspaper, issued very frequently. The organization, which will form round this newspaper, the organization of its collaborators (in the broad sense of the word, i.e., all those working for it), will be ready for everything, from upholding the honor, the prestige, and the continuity of the Party in periods of acute revolutionary “depression” to preparing for, appointing the time for, and carrying out the nation-wide armed uprising." V. I. Lenin, What Is To Be Done (1902)

Nope, the democrats are essentially operating right out of Mein Kampf, but using Whites as the scapegoat rather than Jews.

It's a mater of strategy. Lenin and Hitler were the same in all real measures, megalomaniacal scum who sought to create a global dictatorship under a brutal totalitarian system.

Nazi, communists, kissing cousins - and gutter scum, every one of them.
You are tragically wrong.

Here's a free pdf of a book banned on Amazon, written by a righteous Jew, from a long line of rabbis, that will open your eyes if you've the courage to read it: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil

Take your Nazi shit and shove it up your ass.
Make up your mind about who's doing the steal here. I'm needing a scorecard to keep everyone who's supposedly involved in your whack-a-doodle, right wing conspiracy laden wet dream straight. :)

Again, this woman will be prosecuted and then, hopefully punished. But don't make like this isn't rampant on the right hand side of the aisle too.


The Communist vermin, the democrats are trying to defraud the election in Georgia just as they did in the presidential election. And the vile, traitor democrats are again working with their allies of China, Iran, Russia, and ISIS.

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