Biden Tells Tulsa Crowd Today The Biggest Threat Is White Supremacists....I Thought Global Warming Was

Another white guilt patronizing statement which will further the myth that black socioeconomic woes are caused by white racists. Pathetic.
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
Democrats do the most harm to black folks. Sadly, black folks don't seem to notice.
The thing that’s encouraging Rogue AI,the blacks and minorty groups are waking up to the corruption of the democrat party,for example a large portion of people in Texas who always voted democrat for over 40 years,they see how Obama betrayed them,thst he lied about eveything he said he would do about reversing his policys but instead expanded them,they see how trump brought back jobs for many blacks,how the economy was churning and how the democrats went out of their way to steal the election so they have now switched to the gop party. :yes_text12:
Let me guess, your other fantasy is that Rump is going to become president in August, yes? Keep drinking that kool-aid, kiddo. Would hate for you to wake up to reality. :itsok:

Hypothetically, let's say that after the audits, several states are found to have serious discrepancies. Enough to change the outcome of that jurisdiction.

What should happen?
It is what it is. Al Gore established the precedent when he was robbed. There’s no remedy after inauguration except impeachment.

Democrats Should Remember Al Gore Won Florida in 2000 — but Lost the Presidency With a Pre-emptive Surrender

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Good Gaea. Al Gore lost. Get over it.
EXACTLY. So did Trump. Thanks for playing.
Another white guilt patronizing statement which will further the myth that black socioeconomic woes are caused by white racists. Pathetic.
The main cause of many a specific black socio-economic woes in life, is first and foremost mostly being caused by themselves.
Secondly, it is the rejection of some black culture by mainstream American culture's, and this is all because of the ways in which these specific people (if the shoe fits wear it of course) act, and also in the ways in which they live...

It's really that simple.

Everyone can fall into the traps of life, and this is regardless of color.
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
The statement bothers people because it's a lie.

An outright lie and a dangerous one ffs.

Why should it bother you if you are not a white supremacist, moron? Judging by the reactions looks like a few of you are.
czx workiBiden is wrong. The biggest threat to America is the right wing of America has become unable to distinguish fantasy from fact.

White Nationalist Racists are far and away killing more Americans than any other extremist group. However the misinformed right is more dangerous long term.

Unless you're intentionally lying, which we all know you would NEVER DO, you forgot to include your reliable sites and working links. I'm sure you are eager to support your allegations.

Thank you, thank you so much.


Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
Because the meaning of "white supremacist" will be changed to mean "anyone who doesn't vote Democrat".

Funny, since traitor Joe was a big big supporter of Ku klux klansman, "enchanted cyclops," dem senate majority leader Robert Byrd.

White supremacism was not a problem for traitor Joe when KKKing of Pork Byrd was doling out earmarks to Delaware....
The trump haters keep exposing themselves America hating shills from Langley. :rofl: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
White supremacy is the biggest danger we face today?
Has anyone seen any white supremacist attacking anyone? I sure havent.
Joe is gaslighting like a mother fucker!!!!
I believe in equal treatment for everyone and I try to live by that. That being said, I am losing patience with every newscast and leftist politician telling me that white people are the problem. I see what is going on and it is NOT white people instigating the dissent. I am beginning to believe the communist democrats are intent on inciting a race war in this country to make it easy pickins for the ChiComs, Russians and Iranians to take the country. I don't like what I am seeing and the end result will not be pretty. Democrats/BLM/Antifa and anti American forces better learn how to de-escalate--the ball is rolling downhill and it is picking up speed.
The Russians and Iranians are not our enemy.our government and its institutions as the CIA,FBI and others are America’s enemies.Putin does not hate America,that’s all propaganda by the CIA media,he hates Biden and our corrupt government institutions.Trump and Putin worked together closely.they were working with other world leaders around the country for world peace.
Makes you wonder if Obama is writing his script. Maybe Maxine Waters is writing it ?

I don't think Obama is behind any of this. I'm not an Obama fan, btw.
Well....if you research it a bit you discover that most of it is because of Obama or Hillary.
Obama made sure that the right, or the wrong people got into the FBI, CIA, and the intel community.
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
Because the meaning of "white supremacist" will be changed to mean "anyone who doesn't vote Democrat".

Funny, since traitor Joe was a big big supporter of Ku klux klansman, "enchanted cyclops," dem senate majority leader Robert Byrd.

White supremacism was not a problem for traitor Joe when KKKing of Pork Byrd was doling out earmarks to Delaware....
The trump haters keep exposing themselves America hating shills from Langley. :rofl: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Looks like someone forgot their meds, today... :itsok:
Well....if you research it a bit you discover that most of it is because of Obama or Hillary.
Obama made sure that the right, or the wrong people got into the FBI, CIA, and the intel community.

"Wrong" is an opinion. There was a push for police reform in the justice system before Obama even took office. Obama nor Hitlery allowed this to go as far as Trump did. Trump needed to grow a pair and do something about antifa, BLM and include actual white supremist. He could've done it, and went to court afterwards. Because you know there would've been lawsuits. BUT, had he went full force into this and squelched these groups (like a man), we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
Trump was a pussy who let the democrats run him. All Trump did was cry about how bad the democrats were.
Well....if you research it a bit you discover that most of it is because of Obama or Hillary.
Obama made sure that the right, or the wrong people got into the FBI, CIA, and the intel community.

"Wrong" is an opinion. There was a push for police reform in the justice system before Obama even took office. Obama nor Hitlery allowed this to go as far as Trump did. Trump needed to grow a pair and do something about antifa, BLM and include actual white supremist. He could've done it, and went to court afterwards. Because you know there would've been lawsuits. BUT, had he went full force into this and squelched these groups (like a man), we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
Trump was a pussy who let the democrats run him. All Trump did was cry about how bad the democrats were.
I didn't say Obama was the start of this....because communists have been trying to subvert this country since they established communism after WWI. They're attempting to repeat 1917-1924 here in the US.

Well....if you research it a bit you discover that most of it is because of Obama or Hillary.
Obama made sure that the right, or the wrong people got into the FBI, CIA, and the intel community.

"Wrong" is an opinion. There was a push for police reform in the justice system before Obama even took office. Obama nor Hitlery allowed this to go as far as Trump did. Trump needed to grow a pair and do something about antifa, BLM and include actual white supremist. He could've done it, and went to court afterwards. Because you know there would've been lawsuits. BUT, had he went full force into this and squelched these groups (like a man), we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
Trump was a pussy who let the democrats run him. All Trump did was cry about how bad the democrats were.

Not surprising is your ignorance of the powers of the President of the United States.
Well....if you research it a bit you discover that most of it is because of Obama or Hillary.
Obama made sure that the right, or the wrong people got into the FBI, CIA, and the intel community.

"Wrong" is an opinion. There was a push for police reform in the justice system before Obama even took office. Obama nor Hitlery allowed this to go as far as Trump did. Trump needed to grow a pair and do something about antifa, BLM and include actual white supremist. He could've done it, and went to court afterwards. Because you know there would've been lawsuits. BUT, had he went full force into this and squelched these groups (like a man), we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
Trump was a pussy who let the democrats run him. All Trump did was cry about how bad the democrats were.
Uh......the MSM and that drunk Pelosi accused him of using Stormtroopers to kidnap peaceful do everyone a favor and cram it.
Racial Equity = Payouts To Blacks = Reparations For Being Dark Skinned = Systemic Racism.

They won't show this yet (as an excerpt) on Youtube where he told people in Tulsa today about how white people are a huge threat to black folks....but we can look back at his SOTU address where he says it:

The only reason this guy is doing this today is because they're trying to kick every white person they don't like (Trump Supporters) out of every part of American life.

The fact is.....the primary threat of systemic-racism in America today is CRT and Democrats calling for attacks against White Supremacists.
So-called White Supremacists aren't a threat at all. As a matter of fact the only proof they think they can point to is Jan 6th. No other threat exists.

And what happened in Tulsa 100 years ago? White people didn't do that? Whites have taken many actions which have cauesed disproportionate black poverty.

White crybabies---take responsibility! As it is, you're behaving like embarrassing amoral sludge.
Well....if you research it a bit you discover that most of it is because of Obama or Hillary.
Obama made sure that the right, or the wrong people got into the FBI, CIA, and the intel community.

"Wrong" is an opinion. There was a push for police reform in the justice system before Obama even took office. Obama nor Hitlery allowed this to go as far as Trump did. Trump needed to grow a pair and do something about antifa, BLM and include actual white supremist. He could've done it, and went to court afterwards. Because you know there would've been lawsuits. BUT, had he went full force into this and squelched these groups (like a man), we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
Trump was a pussy who let the democrats run him. All Trump did was cry about how bad the democrats were.
Uh......the MSM and that drunk Pelosi accused him of using Stormtroopers to kidnap peaceful do everyone a favor and cram it.
Those of you in support of fascism and treason are dugging for yourselves a huge pit, boy.
EXACTLY. So did Trump. Thanks for playing.
Yet, you can't seem to get over Gore's loss. And Hillary's loss.
Gore's loss was dubious. Hillary's was due to Russian interference. The GOP can't win a national election any more without cheating.

Voter suppression, gerrymandering, obstructionism. The GOP is the Party of Treason.
Biden is wrong. The biggest threat to America is the right wing of America has become unable to distinguish fantasy from fact.

White Nationalist Racists are far and away killing more Americans than any other extremist group. However the misinformed right is more dangerous long term.
You are half the problem but you can't see it.....
The entire problem with USA politics today is you white-right fascist traitors who hate democracy and want an all-white KKK nation. Well, you aren't going to get it. You are losers, and you will continue to lose.

You are marginal misfits, terrorists and sociopaths and will be treated accordingly. Escape by moving to Russia now.

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