Biden to Allow Enemy Nation a Nuke

The "dumbest President ever" is now in Mar-a-lago. The guy who completely fucked up the country and then refused to leave when the people voted him out. The guy who tore up that treaty, and attacked Iran to score political points at home.

Every time you discuss politics, you talk about it in terms of war against your fellow Americans. Time to shut the fuck up, sit down, and recognize that you lost, and the grownups are in charge now.

The "dumbest President ever" is now in Mar-a-lago. The guy who completely fucked up the country and then refused to leave when the people voted him out. The guy who tore up that treaty, and attacked Iran to score political points at home.

Every time you discuss politics, you talk about it in terms of war against your fellow Americans. Time to shut the fuck up, sit down, and recognize that you lost, and the grownups are in charge now.
Iran a known terrorist state, gets the nuclear material that it needs, then shows up in your neck of the woods and explodes a suitcase. I will laugh my ass off that day..


The "dumbest President ever" is now in Mar-a-lago. The guy who completely fucked up the country and then refused to leave when the people voted him out. The guy who tore up that treaty, and attacked Iran to score political points at home.

Every time you discuss politics, you talk about it in terms of war against your fellow Americans. Time to shut the fuck up, sit down, and recognize that you lost, and the grownups are in charge now.

No. The dumbest President ever is now in the WH.

Well for a Country you say Trump fucked up it was doing great before the very convenient Chinese Virus showed up.

Iran supports every terrorist outfit out there and you can bet they used some of the billions Barry unfroze for them to continue to fund them.

Oh and if you think they stopped working for a nuke then you are as stupid as I think you are.

You should sit down and shut up and be glad you won't be living through 4 years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.

The "dumbest President ever" is now in Mar-a-lago. The guy who completely fucked up the country and then refused to leave when the people voted him out. The guy who tore up that treaty, and attacked Iran to score political points at home.

Every time you discuss politics, you talk about it in terms of war against your fellow Americans. Time to shut the fuck up, sit down, and recognize that you lost, and the grownups are in charge now.
This is the result of our public education system.

The "dumbest President ever" is now in Mar-a-lago. The guy who completely fucked up the country and then refused to leave when the people voted him out. The guy who tore up that treaty, and attacked Iran to score political points at home.

Every time you discuss politics, you talk about it in terms of war against your fellow Americans. Time to shut the fuck up, sit down, and recognize that you lost, and the grownups are in charge now.

No. The dumbest President ever is now in the WH.

Well for a Country you say Trump fucked up it was doing great before the very convenient Chinese Virus showed up.

Iran supports every terrorist outfit out there and you can bet they used some of the billions Barry unfroze for them to continue to fund them.

Oh and if you think they stopped working for a nuke then you are as stupid as I think you are.

You should sit down and shut up and be glad you won't be living through 4 years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.
Yeah, and Canada was going to have oodles of money when the Keystone pipeline would of been finished, but all that cash now goes to Warren Buffet and his railroads moving the fuel a lot slower and more dangerously. But then it is always cronie capitalism with progs, as they pay out for getting their man in the White House. Must really suck to be Canadian.

The "dumbest President ever" is now in Mar-a-lago. The guy who completely fucked up the country and then refused to leave when the people voted him out. The guy who tore up that treaty, and attacked Iran to score political points at home.

Every time you discuss politics, you talk about it in terms of war against your fellow Americans. Time to shut the fuck up, sit down, and recognize that you lost, and the grownups are in charge now.
Iran a known terrorist state, gets the nuclear material that it needs, then shows up in your neck of the woods and explodes a suitcase. I will laugh my ass off that day..

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Right wing nuts have been telling us that Iran will do that for like 20 years now.
Who DIDN'T see this coming?
Who didn't see the fact that you didn't read the article coming?
You really need to speak for yourself because you completelyt suck a tspeaking for me...

You keep forgetting....Democrats ARE the enemy.
So of course they are going to support America's enemies.....Iran....China
Anything that destroys America and the American people is the agenda.
They loathe the American people, the Constitution and will do anything and everything to crush it. It's pure evil imo.

They must be laughing their asses off at how easy it is (or was)
Supposed "Patriots" are not willing to defend their country or their freedom.
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The last time a US President sat down at the negotiating table with Iran, Iran's top general mocked the President as Iranian war planes practiced bombing a mock US carrier, an Iranian Embassador declared Barry wanted a deal so badly to cement his 'Legacy' he would agree to anything, and the Shah lead thousands of Iranians in chants of 'Death to America'.

The last time a US President sat down at the negotiating table with Iran, he negotiated from a position of massive WEAKNESS, refusing to demand Iran release US hosyages as part of the agreement because the US President was AFRAID Iran would reject a deal and woud walkaway from negotiations.
- Instead, the US President agreed to pay a massive ransom for the Americans' release AFTER the deal was done.

The last time a US President negotiated his own personal Treaty with Iran, a violation of the US Constitution, as soon as the deal was done the President raced to the UN to have 'the world' ratify it before allowing members of the US' Congress to even read the illegal treaty.

Biden is a dementia-ravaged puppet of the enemies of the US....he can't even meet with or yake phone calls from world leaders - he has given up these duties to VP Harris. So....what? Biden is going to let Harris negotiate with Iran?

Sorry, none of this or what is in the article elicits any confidence in the outcome of this.
Democrats want Iran to nuke Israel. Democrats have said as much on there boards. When Trump killed that general democrats were hoping Iran nuked Israel and said it would bring about 2000 years of peace.
Iran won't nuke Israel. Oh, it will happen - Israel being nuked...but it won't be by Iran. Some 'rogue group' who somehow steals / gets their hands on a nuke or dirty bomb from Iran or 'elsewhere'will do it.

For Iran....'plausible deniability', Iran does not engage in pays and supplies others to do so.

What a dumbass. The only winner in that agreement is Iran. Leave it to another idiot to reaffirm that agreement.

What a jack ass Biden is.

Everyone is wrong, except Trump. Six other nations signed onto that Agreement besides the USA, but the failed President Trump, who has been WRONG about everything else he's done, is the ONLY one who is right about this one.

The ENTIRE WORLD benefitted from that Agreement. Trump tore it up because the Obama Administration negotiated it and for no other reason. And once again, you parrott the Trump talking point verbatim and without question, even though it's a lie.

What a jack ass YOU are to believe Trump's lies.

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