Biden To Maintain Army Surrounding Him


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
$500 Million just thru March.

Perfectly legitimate governments always surround themselves with 30,000 troops they don’t trust and piles of razor wire

Wonder who gets the dirty Depends detail???
$500 Million just thru March.

Perfectly legitimate governments always surround themselves with 30,000 troops they don’t trust and piles of razor wire

Why ? Biden has the perfect life insurance policy with Harris as his VP
$500 Million just thru March.

Perfectly legitimate governments always surround themselves with 30,000 troops they don’t trust and piles of razor wire

Why ? Biden has the perfect life insurance policy with Harris as his VP

Harris is who Bite Me is worried about. They are already plots to 25th Amendment him right out of office.
$500 Million just thru March.

Perfectly legitimate governments always surround themselves with 30,000 troops they don’t trust and piles of razor wire

Most Popular President Ever* (tm)! needs a private army. :dunno:
$500 Million just thru March.

Perfectly legitimate governments always surround themselves with 30,000 troops they don’t trust and piles of razor wire

Dictatorships always ring themselves with the most firepower when they fear their end is near. My detachment went into Baghdad ahead of the main allied thrust in 2003. Our mission was twofold: disable key anti-aircraft batteries to create safe flight paths for incoming allied sorties and gather intelligence on Saddam's possible whereabouts. We put eyes on both the Republican Palace and Al-Faw Palace, which were surrounded in "boxes" of concertina wire and fence and protected by thousands of Republican Guard troops. Of course, Saddam wasn't in either palace at the time but the comparison is still valid. Saddam knew the US and our allies were coming for him, but I think the thing he feared most was his own people and what they might do to him after allied bombs started to drop and destroy their homes, markets, hospitals and schools.

All across America as we speak everyday American Citizens are sharpening up their pitchforks and crafting torches . . . chomping at the bit for someone to tell them to march on Washington D.C. and take down the monsters occupying their "castle". One can almost taste democrat fear in the air even hundreds of miles from the Capitol. And that taste is dead sweet.
who cares if trump spent half a billion to protect himself i wouldn't bat an eye

relative to our military budget seems a bit small to be honest....

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