Biden to Netanyahu: The US won’t support Israel.

No, it's called being practical and living in reality. You continue to make enemies by taking and killing. You'll never wipe them all out. It ain't working. And all you're doing in the meantime is being accused of genocide. So you build bridges and curry good will with people. Treat them as human beings. Give them a reason to trust you and not turn to the worst elements among them. Eventually, if they see you're genuine, they'll start giving up those worst elements. And then those worst elements eventually will run out of recruits.
Practice what you preach asshole.
Iran attacked a US military base and Trumo didn’t retaliate.

You warhawks need to take a chill pill.
Don’t blame me your boy is a coward.

And Trump DID retaliate…He dropped a MOAB for Christ sake…
And yet they did…

This what should boil Israeli citizens blood. Their vaunted and feared intelligence agency apparently was completely asleep at the wheel and didn't see what was taking place on the other side of a fence that is one of the most electronically surveilled places in the world. Doesn't pass the smell test.
So, we'll mark you in the column of "free pass" for Iran...Why do you hate the Jews?

This has nothing to do with hating Israel. Remember when Bibi Netanyahu brought his cartoon bomb presentation to the UN? That was in 2012.
This what should boil Israeli citizens blood. Their vaunted and feared intelligence agency apparently was completely asleep at the wheel and didn't see what was taking place on the other side of a fence that is one of the most electronically surveilled places in the world. Doesn't pass the smell test.

That's peculiar and suspect.
Once again he is siding with the terrorists. What a feckless President he is. Worst ever.

President Biden told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a call on Saturday that the U.S. won't support any Israeli counterattack against Iran, a senior White House official told Axios.
Why it matters: Biden and his senior advisers are highly concerned an Israeli response to Iran's attack on Israel would lead to a regional war with catastrophic consequences, U.S. officials said.

  • Iran launched attack drones and missiles against Israel on Saturday night local time in retaliation for an airstrike in Syria that killed a top Iranian general.
  • "More than 200 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were fired from Iran," IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said. Most of the threats were intercepted outside of Israeli airspace, he said.
  • A U.S. defense official earlier said U.S. forces in the region shot down Iranian-launched drones targeting Israel.
Behind the scenes: Biden told Netanyahu the joint defensive efforts by Israel, the U.S. and other countries in the region led to the failure of the Iranian attack, according to the White House official.

  • "You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.
  • The official said that when Biden told Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran and will not support such operations, Netanyahu said he understood.
  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke on Saturday with his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant and asked that Israel notify the U.S. ahead of any response against Iran, a senior Israeli official said
We helped them shoot down drones attacking them. That is supporting Israel.

We won't support an attack on Iran. That is completely different than not supporting Israel.

Why the dishonest thread title?
Lol, Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy, like Hamas

Just stop, you're in over your head

Not in the 1980s. In the 80s Hamas was funded and encouraged by Israel.

Hezbollah had nothing to do with Iran. Iran was busy fighting a war with Iraq. Israel supplied weapons and intelligence to Iran.

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