Biden tries to change the subject but steps in it again

All that shit is a smoke screen. Afghanistan is rife with rare earth minerals. The Chinese are sitting on the border waiting for their opportunity and a feckless Biden admin is going to hand the country to them. Afghanistan will be another Tibet.
Afghanistan's resources are certainly a big factor. I covered that too when I said that America wasn't there for the women or the little girls. (smokescreen) It was there to take over control with a valuable strategic piece of real estate.

The ending of the war with America's defeat to the Taliban has absoultely handed the country to the Taliban. Biden can't escape that, even considering that he would want to escape it!

I think that Biden had to be resigned to that fact when he ended the war.
I'm less convinced that he's be roundly blamed for doing it?

Yes, China is waiting, but in truth it can be said that Biden or America has already handed them Afghanistan.

Or more correctly, the Taliban is handing their country to all who have an interest in future trade relations, in spite of Sharia law.

I see America's future cooperation with the Taliban in the sense of it being in the interest of fighting against the common terrorist enemy. That's of course be on Biden until there's a new president.
Common terrorist enemies? LOL The Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS are just different shades of the same snake. This illusion that the Taliban who just a few months ago car bombed a girls' school has suddenly become our friend is tragically hilarious.
I'm only saying that issues such as bombing a girls school will be put on the back burner by America and Americans.
Much the same way as Saudi's 'chop-chop square was put on the back burner. Women's heads rolled in Saudi but America's fight with terrorism trumped all that.
We could find some other instances with the Iraq war too, but I think the point has been made now.
The US and the Taliban are already making up and becoming friends.
It's in America's best interests to form an unofficial alliance with the Taliban, to fight the common terrorist enemies.
This will guarantee America's unofficial CIA presence in Afghanistan unhampered by the Taliban as long as the fight against the common enemy needs to continue.

But, but, but, what about the women and the little girls you say?

Phhhhtttttt!! America has much bigger priorities fighting terrorism to be bothered with the small things.
All that shit is a smoke screen. Afghanistan is rife with rare earth minerals. The Chinese are sitting on the border waiting for their opportunity and a feckless Biden admin is going to hand the country to them. Afghanistan will be another Tibet.
Or more correctly, the Taliban is handing their country to all who have an interest in future trade relations, in spite of Sharia law.
For over thirty-five years the major powers of the world have been eyeing Afghanistan. The Afghanis have bankrupted two super powers during that period and it remains to be seen if they bankrupt another. I believe that they may have met their match with a China/Russia/Iranian alliance knocking on their door with an iron fist.
All that shit is a smoke screen. Afghanistan is rife with rare earth minerals. The Chinese are sitting on the border waiting for their opportunity and a feckless Biden admin is going to hand the country to them. Afghanistan will be another Tibet.

For over thirty-five years the major powers of the world have been eyeing Afghanistan. The Afghanis have bankrupted two super powers during that period and it remains to be seen if they bankrupt another. I believe that they may have met their match with a China/Russia/Iranian alliance knocking on their door with an iron fist.
I agree on most of that but I wouldn't say, with an iron fist. China/Russia/Iran are knocking on the door but in a gentle manner that includes being invited in, so to speak.

There isn't going to be another war that involves China/Russia/Iran in Afghanistan.

In fact I see it as the end of America's war that awarded that country to the Taliban as a huge step away from warmaking and toward peaceful trade relations.

It only needs the acceptance of those three countries of Sharia law. That shouldn't cause them any real problems.

(it's not 35 years, much longer)
gentle manner that includes being invited in, so to speak.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, your naivete speaks volumes. The Chinese were gentle when they took over Tibet? Afghanistan will be subject to the same treatment. Between the three in the alliance I spoke of, they can effectively cut off Afghanistan from any supply and will. As for living with the Sharia law---that is laughable, ask the Uighurs.
(it's not 35 years, much longer)
I said OVER 35 years--Russia invaded Afghanistan on Dec. 24, 1979--that was the beginning of the super power race for control in that area--I didn't think it was necessary to go back to every armed conflict that has ever been in that country--irrelevant.
I said OVER 35 years--Russia invaded Afghanistan on Dec. 24, 1979--that was the beginning of the super power race for control in that area--I didn't think it was necessary to go back to every armed conflict that has ever been in that country--irrelevant.
GB was the world's super power and they weren't irrelevant. Don't start acting like an arrogant pissant with me or we're finished. If you have something relevant to add, do so while showing some respect.
Afghanistan's resources are certainly a big factor. I covered that too when I said that America wasn't there for the women or the little girls. (smokescreen) It was there to take over control with a valuable strategic piece of real estate.

The ending of the war with America's defeat to the Taliban has absoultely handed the country to the Taliban. Biden can't escape that, even considering that he would want to escape it!

I think that Biden had to be resigned to that fact when he ended the war.
I'm less convinced that he's be roundly blamed for doing it?

Yes, China is waiting, but in truth it can be said that Biden or America has already handed them Afghanistan.

Or more correctly, the Taliban is handing their country to all who have an interest in future trade relations, in spite of Sharia law.

I see America's future cooperation with the Taliban in the sense of it being in the interest of fighting against the common terrorist enemy. That's of course be on Biden until there's a new president.
Honestly, it’s hard to see a country with less strategic and economic value than Afghanistan.
All that shit is a smoke screen. Afghanistan is rife with rare earth minerals. The Chinese are sitting on the border waiting for their opportunity and a feckless Biden admin is going to hand the country to them. Afghanistan will be another Tibet.

For over thirty-five years the major powers of the world have been eyeing Afghanistan. The Afghanis have bankrupted two super powers during that period and it remains to be seen if they bankrupt another. I believe that they may have met their match with a China/Russia/Iranian alliance knocking on their door with an iron fist.

The alliance that you mention are the roots of the next World War.
All that shit is a smoke screen. Afghanistan is rife with rare earth minerals. The Chinese are sitting on the border waiting for their opportunity and a feckless Biden admin is going to hand the country to them. Afghanistan will be another Tibet.

For over thirty-five years the major powers of the world have been eyeing Afghanistan. The Afghanis have bankrupted two super powers during that period and it remains to be seen if they bankrupt another. I believe that they may have met their match with a China/Russia/Iranian alliance knocking on their door with an iron fist.
Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and left US citizens allies and military equipment behind at the behest of China to send a message to Taiwan ! and that message is to lay down to Chicom rule without a fight because America will not help you .
Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and left US citizens allies and military equipment behind at the behest of China to send a message to Taiwan ! and that message is to lay down to Chicom rule without a fight because America will not help you .

China is drooling and they'll be moving on Taiwan soon.
They are already invading Taiwan's airspace with impunity!
American muppets get less than 1/5th of international news, so they remain ignorant and uninformed!!
GB was the world's super power and they weren't irrelevant. Don't start acting like an arrogant pissant with me or we're finished. If you have something relevant to add, do so while showing some respect.
GB was. But in the 19th century they had their version of social programs which was primitive compared to the 20th century social programs. GB had the first generation industry going also. They averaged about 2% growth a year. The forming United States averaged several per cent a year. GB needed to take us down. The big ocean helped us. The United States had second generation industry. China is now averaging several per cent a year while we linger near 2 per cent or so since the social programs ramped up into the stratosphere. They along with a few other nations have third generation industry. We have that to now out of necessity but we gave it up due to trade deals and becoming globalist rather then nationalists. That is what China is.
GB was. But in the 19th century they had their version of social programs which was primitive compared to the 20th century social programs. GB had the first generation industry going also. They averaged about 2% growth a year. The forming United States averaged several per cent a year. GB needed to take us down. The big ocean helped us. The United States had second generation industry. China is now averaging several per cent a year while we linger near 2 per cent or so since the social programs ramped up into the stratosphere. They along with a few other nations have third generation industry. We have that to now out of necessity but we gave it up due to trade deals and becoming globalist rather then nationalists. That is what China is.
I don't get the point(s) you're trying to make?

Which is it you think China is? Your grammar left that unclear.

And fwiw, whose social programs are you suggesting ramped up?

Wouldn't it be easier to just say that America allowed capitalism and capitalists to run wildly unrestrained?
Biden has created a new refugee crisis with over 100,000 Afghans most of whom will wind up here with all the benefits of US citizens. That is added to the hundreds of thousands of illegals from 50 different countries pouring in through the Southern border. If that isn't enough, he has handed the Taliban billions of dollars worth of our latest weaponry and is undoubtedly shipping them pallets of cash. Afghanistan will now be the center of the largest terrorist army the world has ever seen. Xi Jinping could not be happier with the job China Joe is doing.
This was all planned. Biden took America back to where the Left thinks it belongs, on its knees.
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The US and the Taliban are already making up and becoming friends.
It's in America's best interests to form an unofficial alliance with the Taliban, to fight the common terrorist enemies.
This will guarantee America's unofficial CIA presence in Afghanistan unhampered by the Taliban as long as the fight against the common enemy needs to continue.

But, but, but, what about the women and the little girls you say?

Phhhhtttttt!! America has much bigger priorities fighting terrorism to be bothered with the small things.
The Left must be ecstatic now that the Taliban has decided put women, gays and religious and ethnic minorities "back in chains" as Sleepy Joe would say. Always remember, the louder the Left screams about something, the less they actually care about it.

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