Biden Ukraine Corruption Debunked


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I hear liberals and their minions in the MSM say that the issue of Biden corruption in regards to Ukraine has been thoroughly debunked. Can anyone, anyone at all, tell me who investigated and "debunked" the issue? What agency investigated and where can a simple person find the report?
I hear liberals and their minions in the MSM say that the issue of Biden corruption in regards to Ukraine has been thoroughly debunked. Can anyone, anyone at all, tell me who investigated and "debunked" the issue? What agency investigated and where can a simple person find the report?

No report cause no real investigation.

Only the spoutings of the Dem controlled media debunked it.
I hear liberals and their minions in the MSM say that the issue of Biden corruption in regards to Ukraine has been thoroughly debunked. Can anyone, anyone at all, tell me who investigated and "debunked" the issue? What agency investigated and where can a simple person find the report?
No one has. The claims of Biden's corruption have been disputed by some but no one has debunded them. However, the DoJ is currently investigating various aspects of the 2016 election, and Biden/Obama's efforts to bury Hunter Biden's work at Burisma on the eve of the 2016 election season will surely be a part of this investigation.
Here is a French documentary (posted by RT) about the Bidens’s crimes in Ukraine with all documents enclosed. Rudy is welcome to use them against the Bidens.
UkraineGate: MSM believed Biden’s narrative, but documentary reveals ousted prosecutor had 6 cases against Burisma

I keep waiting to hear even ONE reporter that doesn't work for FOXNews question what possible reason Burisma would pay Hunter Biden $83,000 per month and nothing from any of them. Media bias has trumped integrity. :(
I keep waiting to hear even ONE reporter that doesn't work for FOXNews question what possible reason Burisma would pay Hunter Biden $83,000 per month and nothing from any of them. Media bias has trumped integrity. :(
We all know the reason. Hunter's father was Obama's VP and Burisma was buying protection for $83, 000 a month and they got their money's worth.
I keep waiting to hear even ONE reporter that doesn't work for FOXNews question what possible reason Burisma would pay Hunter Biden $83,000 per month and nothing from any of them. Media bias has trumped integrity. :(
We all know the reason. Hunter's father was Obama's VP and Burisma was buying protection for $83, 000 a month and they got their money's worth.

And China got the avionics anti-vibration technology from Hunter's China Bank 1.5 billion dollar loan!
There has been no investigation hence liberal rags repeatedly saying if that's supposed to make it go away.
I hear liberals and their minions in the MSM say that the issue of Biden corruption in regards to Ukraine has been thoroughly debunked. Can anyone, anyone at all, tell me who investigated and "debunked" the issue? What agency investigated and where can a simple person find the report?

Who said there was any Biden Ukraine corruption in the first place? The same mob boss who questioned President Obama's birth?
Why isn't this in the conspiracy theory forum?
Because it is NOT a conspiracy theory to ask who has debunked Biden corruption in Ukraine as Joe Biden alleges. Can you answer the question?
I hear liberals and their minions in the MSM say that the issue of Biden corruption in regards to Ukraine has been thoroughly debunked. Can anyone, anyone at all, tell me who investigated and "debunked" the issue? What agency investigated and where can a simple person find the report?

Who said there was any Biden Ukraine corruption in the first place? The same mob boss who questioned President Obama's birth?


1,000,000 per year to work in an industry you don't know shit about.

That isn't corruption.

Why isn't this in the conspiracy theory forum?

Who said anyone was conspiring ?

We simply said Hunter is getting 1MM a year to work in a job he knows nothing about.

Now, how does that happen ?

All boards want an ex-cokehead on them.
Anybody with at least an average degree of reasoning skills should realize the coke head wasn't hired for his talent. There is only one possible reason he was hired and that is for influence.

There are absolutely no other possibilities.

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