Biden wanders around White House lawn looking dazed and confused during Japanese PM ceremony


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Who is still pretending Joe Biden is in perfect mental health?

When one lies about something so obvious, it does make it easy to simply never trust or listen to them about anything else, because you know they lie.

The Italian SNL made fun of Biden’s senility. Are they MAGA RACISTS?

81 million votes? Will he get 90 million in 2024?

I blame Jill. This is elder abuse. She is evil. She should not be letting them do this to him.

He just reads words, wanders, and falls down.

He doesnt know what is going on.

Guy in earpiece: "No, Joe, Not saluting now. Step over to the right side of the military guy. No, not your right; HIS right. That's it. Right foot, then, left foot. right foot....Sunglasses on..,..there you go."

Who is still pretending Joe Biden is in perfect mental health?

When one lies about something so obvious, it does make it easy to simply never trust or listen to them about anything else, because you know they lie.

The Italian SNL made fun of Biden’s senility. Are they MAGA RACISTS?

81 million votes? Will he get 90 million in 2024?
/----/ Do you think Dementia Joe will still be on the ballot in November?

You are correct. It is almost fitting that the nation gets to watch his mental decline as where most are just hidden away at the end. to help maintain their self respect.

It is fascinating the only people on earth who claim Joe is in perfect mental health are BLUE CULTISTS.

AWFLs for sure.

AFFLUENT WHITE FEMALE LIBERALS are the worst at this lie.

Watch this interview with UNIVISION to try to help Biden with his awful polling numbers among the Hispanics.

THE FULL TRANSCRIPT IS AT THE SECOND LINK. It does not do the interview justice, one must watch him mumble and slur his way though this. OUCH.

Enrique Acevedo: Thank you, Mr. President, for hosting us at the White House
Joe Biden: Delighted you're here.

EA: We really appreciate it. In your state of the Union address, you said freedom and democracy are under assault at home, drawing parallels to crucial points in history like the Civil War and FDR's wartime leadership. What, in your view, constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home?
JB: Donald Trump. Seriously. Donald Trump talk uses phrases like we're going to eviscerate the Constitution. He's going to be a dictator on day one. The idea that he would sit in the office, and I'll show you before you leave, off the Oval Office and watched for hours the attack on the Capitol and the destruction and the mayhem and the people who were killed. The police officers who died and called them political heroes, call them patriots. And saying that if he gets elected, he's going to free them all because they're being held illegally. I mean, it's just and think of the things he says. Look at the way he when he talks about minority populations or Hispanics, you know, we're talking about them being, anyway. It just, I can't think of any other time in my lifetime, in history that's occurred that you've had somebody who's had this kind of attitude. He says he's going to I'm going to be a dictator on day one. No one doesn't believe him.
EA: This is the first rematch election in almost 70 years, but it is the first time in history that one of the candidates is facing federal charges for his alleged efforts to overturn the result of the 2020 election and disrupt the certification of the electoral vote on January 6. How is that shaping the way you are running your campaign?

JB: Well, look, we all know who Donald Trump is. I mean, Donald Trump from even before the election was calling it there were going to be, he talked about they’re going to be cheating and all this. He and all the times they took these cases to the Supreme Court of the United States, Republican Court, a very conservative court, and said, no, no, there isn't any. I mean, but he is. He. You know, how can you love your country only when you win. And his attitude about what he should be able to be doing and what the power of presidency is. He wants to suspend parts of the Constitution. Who in God's name would say that? Who said that before? So he has a very, very, I think, jaded view of the Constitution. He made it clear that he doesn't plan on abiding by parts of it if he thinks it's not appropriate. And it's just… at least he's saying it out loud.
EA: And let me switch gears, because gun violence remains the number one cause of death for children in America.
JB: Absolutely.
EA: Latinos have made it a top priority across the country, especially in places like El Paso and Uvalde in Texas. Your administration called on Congress to pass common sense gun laws, but that's unlikely to happen in the next few months. If you're reelected, would you consider taking further executive action on this issue?
JB: Absolutely. Look, I, along with Dianne Feinstein, passed the first limitation on assault weapons and the number of bullets that could be in a rifle. The idea anybody needs 100 rounds on a rifle and an AR-15. I was out in Uvalde. I met with every one of those families. I spent four hours with them. I looked at the pain in their faces. I saw what they felt. I could feel it. And the idea that. And you know, his phrase on another context where there was a mass shooting, I think it was in El Paso, he said. They said what to do, he said, just get over it, got to get over it. The idea we don't have background checks for anybody purchasing a weapon, the idea that we're going to be in a position where he says that he famously told the NRA that don't worry, no one's going to touch your guns if I… From the very beginning, I used to teach the Second Amendment in law school, from the very beginning, there were limitations. You couldn't own a cannon. You couldn’t… You could own a rifle or a gun.
It is fascinating the only people on earth who claim Joe is in perfect mental health are BLUE CULTISTS.

AWFLs for sure.

AFFLUENT WHITE FEMALE LIBERALS are the worst at this lie.

Watch this interview with UNIVISION to try to help Biden with his awful polling numbers among the Hispanics.

THE FULL TRANSCRIPT IS AT THE SECOND LINK. It does not do the interview justice, one must watch him mumble and slur his way though this. OUCH.

Enrique Acevedo: Thank you, Mr. President, for hosting us at the White House
Joe Biden: Delighted you're here.

EA: We really appreciate it. In your state of the Union address, you said freedom and democracy are under assault at home, drawing parallels to crucial points in history like the Civil War and FDR's wartime leadership. What, in your view, constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home?
JB: Donald Trump. Seriously. Donald Trump talk uses phrases like we're going to eviscerate the Constitution. He's going to be a dictator on day one. The idea that he would sit in the office, and I'll show you before you leave, off the Oval Office and watched for hours the attack on the Capitol and the destruction and the mayhem and the people who were killed. The police officers who died and called them political heroes, call them patriots. And saying that if he gets elected, he's going to free them all because they're being held illegally. I mean, it's just and think of the things he says. Look at the way he when he talks about minority populations or Hispanics, you know, we're talking about them being, anyway. It just, I can't think of any other time in my lifetime, in history that's occurred that you've had somebody who's had this kind of attitude. He says he's going to I'm going to be a dictator on day one. No one doesn't believe him.
EA: This is the first rematch election in almost 70 years, but it is the first time in history that one of the candidates is facing federal charges for his alleged efforts to overturn the result of the 2020 election and disrupt the certification of the electoral vote on January 6. How is that shaping the way you are running your campaign?

JB: Well, look, we all know who Donald Trump is. I mean, Donald Trump from even before the election was calling it there were going to be, he talked about they’re going to be cheating and all this. He and all the times they took these cases to the Supreme Court of the United States, Republican Court, a very conservative court, and said, no, no, there isn't any. I mean, but he is. He. You know, how can you love your country only when you win. And his attitude about what he should be able to be doing and what the power of presidency is. He wants to suspend parts of the Constitution. Who in God's name would say that? Who said that before? So he has a very, very, I think, jaded view of the Constitution. He made it clear that he doesn't plan on abiding by parts of it if he thinks it's not appropriate. And it's just… at least he's saying it out loud.
EA: And let me switch gears, because gun violence remains the number one cause of death for children in America.
JB: Absolutely.
EA: Latinos have made it a top priority across the country, especially in places like El Paso and Uvalde in Texas. Your administration called on Congress to pass common sense gun laws, but that's unlikely to happen in the next few months. If you're reelected, would you consider taking further executive action on this issue?
JB: Absolutely. Look, I, along with Dianne Feinstein, passed the first limitation on assault weapons and the number of bullets that could be in a rifle. The idea anybody needs 100 rounds on a rifle and an AR-15. I was out in Uvalde. I met with every one of those families. I spent four hours with them. I looked at the pain in their faces. I saw what they felt. I could feel it. And the idea that. And you know, his phrase on another context where there was a mass shooting, I think it was in El Paso, he said. They said what to do, he said, just get over it, got to get over it. The idea we don't have background checks for anybody purchasing a weapon, the idea that we're going to be in a position where he says that he famously told the NRA that don't worry, no one's going to touch your guns if I… From the very beginning, I used to teach the Second Amendment in law school, from the very beginning, there were limitations. You couldn't own a cannon. You couldn’t… You could own a rifle or a gun.


I blame Jill. This is elder abuse. She is evil. She should not be letting them do this to him.

He just reads words, wanders, and falls down.

He doesnt know what is going on.

Thanks for the video.

I wish it had been longer.

I love ceremony with music.

We have so little of that in this country.

The British are so lucky to have all that pageantry.

(P.S. I will check YouTube to see if someone has posted more of the ceremony.)

Who is still pretending Joe Biden is in perfect mental health?

When one lies about something so obvious, it does make it easy to simply never trust or listen to them about anything else, because you know they lie.

The Italian SNL made fun of Biden’s senility. Are they MAGA RACISTS?

81 million votes? Will he get 90 million in 2024?

Will we allow them to cheat again in 24? NFW

Biden wearing the sunglasses so no one sees the black Xfiles eyes

Who is still pretending Joe Biden is in perfect mental health?

When one lies about something so obvious, it does make it easy to simply never trust or listen to them about anything else, because you know they lie.

The Italian SNL made fun of Biden’s senility. Are they MAGA RACISTS?

81 million votes? Will he get 90 million in 2024?
How anyone can look at Biden and say "Yeah, that's the guy I want leading the country for the next four years."

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