Biden Will Rely On ‘International Bodies’ To Investigate COVID’s Origins

Doesnt matter to me. I trust the biden admin as much as i trust "international bodies" and i dont trust said bodies at all.
Logical and reasonable people know where covid came from. Thats all that matters.
We're never going to know the true origins of COVID because at the end of the day it's the almighty dollar, or almighty euro, or almighty pound sterling that matters. China makes billions for world economies and as long as that is the case the west is going to kiss their ass and let them get away with shit just as we've been doing for years. Even causing a global pandemic isn't pushing the envelope far enough to call them out on it and risk being isolated from their economy.
We're never going to know the true origins of COVID because at the end of the day it's the almighty dollar, or almighty euro, or almighty pound sterling that matters. China makes billions for world economies and as long as that is the case the west is going to kiss their ass and let them get away with shit just as we've been doing for years. Even causing a global pandemic isn't pushing the envelope far enough to call them out on it and risk being isolated from their economy.
If the US funded China's research into covid-19 via "gain of function" research, that is treason. China's reports gave credit to US funding, QED. Dr. Fauci is toast.
If the US funded China's research into covid-19 via "gain of function" research, that is treason. China's reports gave credit to US funding, QED. Dr. Fauci is toast.
Yeah, sure, what ever you need to believe to sleep at night.
If the US funded China's research into covid-19 via "gain of function" research, that is treason. China's reports gave credit to US funding, QED. Dr. Fauci is toast.
Yeah, sure, what ever you need to believe to sleep at night.
There is a difference between "fake news" and real news. The problem is that too many people believe the democrat talking points before seeing the truth.
If the GOP push this hard against Biden and the Dems, Biden will lose millions of votes. The Dems would lose millions from those family members and businesses alone, on top of the average American who may not have been impacted directly.

The demleftists have millions of votes at their fingertips and an MSM that will legitimize all of them.
Biden using Obama's playbook to duck responsibility. Remember the red line Obama drew, then he cut and run saying "it wasn't my red line it was the worlds red line".
If the US funded China's research into covid-19 via "gain of function" research, that is treason. China's reports gave credit to US funding, QED. Dr. Fauci is toast.
Yeah, sure, what ever you need to believe to sleep at night.
There is a difference between "fake news" and real news. The problem is that too many people believe the democrat talking points before seeing the truth.
Not what I'm referring to.
A million dead Americans and it’s not Joe’s concern.
Can’t have his ChiCom masters exposed.

Really did not think china's puppet Joe would allow the US to investigate the chinese inventing and then releasing this deadly virus for the elections.
Doesnt matter to me. I trust the biden admin as much as i trust "international bodies" and i dont trust said bodies at all.
Logical and reasonable people know where covid came from. Thats all that matters.

If there are no consequences it won't matter. In fact, it's worse, "I spit on your wife and smiled, you will still buy the junk from my store, weakling!"
If the US funded China's research into covid-19 via "gain of function" research, that is treason. China's reports gave credit to US funding, QED. Dr. Fauci is toast.
Yeah, sure, what ever you need to believe to sleep at night.
There is a difference between "fake news" and real news. The problem is that too many people believe the democrat talking points before seeing the truth.
These bastards FUNDED a bioweapon that was used against America.

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