Biden with some more good advice, as if we need more.

Oddly enough I knew two men that were widowed and turned around and married the younger sisters of their deceased wives.

Maybe it's good for a wife to have sisters that are on deck for the unexpected.

Hell, why get married a second time at all.....Just make a correction on the original marriage licence.....Stroke through the maiden name, add the new one, initial, and you are GTG....Sounds legit. ;)
Always marry a woman with 4 sisters. That ought to get us back up on top. Of course with on demand abortions and the new gender minefield, there may be a shortage of that right now. He certainly is in tune with the people. Watch: Biden Tells Audience to Marry Into a Family with 5 Daughters in Bizarre Moment During Speech
How about a women with 4 brothers who want gender affirming sex changes.


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Best advice is that before you get married, you should have sex with her mother.

That way you find out what your sex life will be like in 25 years
Oddly enough I knew two men that were widowed and turned around and married the younger sisters of their deceased wives.

Maybe it's good for a wife to have sisters that are on deck for the unexpected.

Hell, why get married a second time at all.....Just make a correction on the original marriage licence.....Stroke through the maiden name, add the new one, initial, and you are GTG....Sounds legit. ;)
Yes, the marriage certificate could list alternates or runners up.

Another attempt by conservatives trying to defend Trumps ignorance in science and medicine.

He was just……kidding
Kindly show us the video of President Trump saying to drink bleach. You can't because he never said it, but you believe he did because some far-left loonie told you he did. Why you always lying?
You think he was serious?


Biden married into a family with 5 sisters and was making a joke
How can you tell if he's joking or not? The poor man can't even read a speech.

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